Pilot's Post - Online Aviation in South Africa

MISASA Africa Cup - Hotel Numbi 2023

The 12th Annual Kroon Fly-In

Klipriver Airfield Annual Fly-in, 27 May 2023

Africa Cup 2022 - Hotel Numbi, Hazyview

42 Crews gather at the 17th FAI World Microlight Championships

MISASA Africa Cup - Hotel Numbi 2023

The 12th Annual Kroon Fly-In

Klipriver Airfield Annual Fly-in, 27 May 2023

Africa Cup 2022 - Hotel Numbi, Hazyview

42 Crews gather at the 17th FAI World Microlight Championships

Rainbow Air School Klipriver Airfield annual fly away 2022

Aquilla Rotax 582 Solo Microlight adventure around SA

MISASA Africa Cup - Numbi Hotel - 23 & 24 September 2021

Three Savanahs and flying adventure to the Augrabies Falls

The Trike Globetrotter on Tour Around the World

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