Midweek Updates 27 June 2024

Compiled by Willie Bodenstein

This week in Midweek Updates

Aero Club Communique May 2024 #1.
Embraer confident the C-390 Millennium is the best airlift solution for South Africa.
AirVenture 2024 celebrates four homebuilt aircraft anniversaries.
EAA Airventure 2024 update.
Typhoon display pilot 'Turbo' proud to be participating in Royal International Air Tattoo.
Lockheed Martin Delivers 2,700th C-130 Hercules Tactical Airlifter.
Airbus NH90 comprehensive upgrade programme launched.
Diamond Aircraft and airBaltic sign LOI: Electric aircraft to join Pilot Academy.
French Army's NH90 for Special Forces has started flight testing.
This week in history - Henry Berliner demonstrates a primitive helicopter to the US Navy.
Worldwide Incidents and Accidents
Bonus video - SAAF Museum Pretoria open day 02.03.2024 part 2 statics and displays.


The Annual AGM has been concluded, with the draft minutes posted on the website, the Executive Committee for the next year are:
Chairman - Rob Jonkers
Vice Chairman - Goitse Diale
Hon Treasurer - Iaan Myburgh
Chief Advocacy Officer - Walter Doubell
Exco Member - Louis Stanford.

Congrats to Goitse stepping up to the plate as VC, and the appointment after being co-opted in January Louis Stanford, we now have a fully appointed Exco, also given that this will be the Chair's final year to serve on the Exco, the baton to be handed over within this next term. The Aero Club constitution allows a maximum of 6 years of Exco service, which allows growth and change given the dynamics of our industry. Continuity in particular on Advocacy matters which is the mainstay of the Aero Club will continue with Walter as an appointed postholder, supported by the rest of the Exco and Section discipline experts.

On the Advocacy front there are many activities being engaged with on regulations, most recent being the start of the deliberations on Part 149 governing the Aviation Recreation Organisations (AROs), this particular regulation having remained stifled for some years post RAASA and needing a comprehensive overhaul in the management and operations of our disciplines and integration into the CAA's processes. Part 96 (commercial use of NTCA) is also making good progress, where we are working to limit overreach requirements on operators, especially those that are in small operations, Part 62 on training operations & NPL requirements being reviewed to be more tailored to NTCA.

As the Autumn and Winter season approaches, we are having a bumper year in terms of events and air shows, virtually every weekend since mid April has been booked out and spoilt for choice, fly-ins being most active as airfield and club owners send out invites to attend, which is being well supported given the good weather conditions, it does demonstrate there is good support and recovery in our sector.

If you are not a member and wish to join the Aero Club and any of its Sections feel free to do so member-renewals-and-new-memberships

Our Centenary Yearbook is now still available to purchase (see advert below) from our webshop

Partner Content written by www.defenceweb.co.za

Embraer demonstrated its C-390 Millenium airlifter to the South African Air Force (SAAF) in November last year, and continues to market the aircraft to South Africa, not just for the military but for disaster relief and other humanitarian missions.

In April, Embraer officials concluded a successful meeting with the South African National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), to which it promoted the C-390 as a national strategic asset that can be used by different government departments for tasks such as fire-fighting and humanitarian airlift.

Paballo Motoboli, Director Sales and Business Development at Embraer Defence and Security, was amongst the Embraer representatives to engage with the NDMC, including its Head, Dr Bongani Elias Sithole.

The SA National Defence Force, by way of a standing operation Chariot managed by its Joint Operations Division, is committed to disaster support and humanitarian assistance. This has seen defence force elements, ranging from SA Army engineers through to SAAF helicopter flight crews and ground support as well as SA Military Health Service operations medics and others assist with disaster relief such as the KwaZulu-Natal floods of 2022.

Today, it is not just South Africa that is dealing with unpredictable issues such as natural disasters, conflicts, and humanitarian emergencies, among others. Many of these issues require immediate and very agile solutions, especially regarding logistics or the transportation of materials such as relief supplies, medical equipment or even personnel.

Embraer points out the C-390 was designed to meet the challenges of flexible, efficient airlift, and the aircraft has aroused the interest of several nations around the world that are looking for a capable, efficient, multi-mission new-generation military transport that requires little ground support. Countries such as Portugal, Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic, and South Korea have already chosen the C-390 Millennium to meet their military transport requirements.

Multi-mission capability and interoperability are built in by design, allowing the aircraft to be ready for all mission profiles required by an air force. However, Embraer sees the C-390 as a broader national strategic asset, serving and assisting other government departments due to its multi-mission capability. In South Africa, the C-390 could be used for maritime surveillance, firefighting, flood relief, medical evacuation and other non-military tasks as well as military airlift of troops and equipment.

The C-390 can, for example, help the forestry and fisheries department with its firefighting, search and rescue capabilities. The aircraft proved its versatility at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil by assisting the Ministry of Health in transporting ambulances and medical equipment in different parts of the country, as well as assisting the Brazilian Air Force respond to the floods that hit Rio Grande do Sul state by taking relief donations from all over the country to victims of the natural disaster.

For many African nations, including South Africa, Embraer believes that a capable multi-mission aircraft like the C-390 is the best option as it performs a wide range of tasks. The C-390 can transport and drop cargo and troops and perform a wide range of missions, including medical evacuation, search and rescue, humanitarian search and rescue, aerial refuelling (fighters and helicopters), aerial firefighting, and humanitarian assistance. This multi-mission capability provides air forces with optimal fleet performance, driven by a cost-effective combination of high availability and productivity.

Across Africa, runways and airstrips are often in poor condition, especially in more remote areas - often where disaster relief is most needed - but the C-390 is capable of operating on temporary or unpaved runways such as dirt, soil and gravel - the high mounting of its engines ensures that no debris is ingested. Embraer highlighted that since delivery to the Brazilian Air Force in 2019, the C-390 has been successfully operating in extreme weather conditions, ranging from hot and high natural surface operations in central South America to missions to a research station in Antarctica. These demanding and diverse conditions are similar to those that can be expected across Africa.

Embraer points to a solid track record for the C-390 since it entered service with the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in 2019 (Full Operational Capability was reached in March 2023). The current fleet of six aircraft, all in the KC-390 aerial refuelling version, has accumulated more than 12 000 flight hours, with operational availability around 80%, and a mission completion rate above 99%, demonstrating exceptional productivity in the category.

The C-390 can carry more payload (26 tons) compared to other medium-lift military cargo aircraft and flies faster (470 knots/870 km/h) and farther, allowing it to operate as a strategic asset as well as a tactical airlift, with agility, low-speed handling and airdrop accuracy, firefighting, aerial refuelling, and other missions.

Embraer said that the latest digital design and manufacturing techniques coupled with an aerodynamic design, fly-by-wire technology, and proven efficient turbofan propulsion contribute to high efficiency and performance, meaning more efficient manufacturing and maintenance, leading to reduced life cycle costs and greater availability. Having two readily available jet means less maintenance - using the latest avionics (Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion) and systems also results in lower maintenance requirements.

These are important factors for African nations that cannot afford to have any downtime in their fleets - natural disasters and conflict are keeping African air forces busy transporting troops and cargo around the continent, so much so that many nations, including economic powerhouse South Africa, are being forced to turn to charters to meet demand. The United Nations peacekeeping missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic, the Southern African Development Community Missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique, African Union mission in Somalia as well as a growing number of natural disasters are leading to increased demand for multi-role transport aircraft.

During the C-390's visit to South Africa last year in November, Chief of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF), General Rudzani Maphwanya, said “We have always been struggling with an aircraft fleet that is old,” pointing out the C-130 first flew in 1954. “We have this problem and are looking for a solution to address our challenges. We need to plan now - failure to plan is planning to fail.” Maphwanya explained the SANDF is “doing thorough research” on acquiring better, future-oriented heavy and medium transport aircraft.

“This is the first time we are considering South-South cooperation and casting the net wider.” He said that as Embraer is a Brazilian company, “we started with BRICS”, referring to the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa grouping.

Embraer is optimistic about C-390 sales globally, especially as military transport fleets are ageing, with the average age of aircraft in the C-390 class being over 31 years (most transport aircraft in Africa are outdated and obsolete, which also makes them difficult to maintain).

The C-390's ability to function as an air-to-air refuelling (AAR) tanker (as the KC-390) adds to the type's appeal. With a probe and drogue system, the KC-390 can transfer fuel to receiver aircraft using wing pods. The KC-390 is capable of refuelling both fixed and rotary wing aircraft, operating at speeds from 120 to 300 knots and at altitudes from 2 000 to 32 000 feet. An on-ground refuelling capability can be used to refuel vehicles or forward operating bases. This aerial refuelling capability would be useful to South Africa, as it lost such a capability when its Boeing 707 tankers were retired - this capability would have been useful when Gripens were deployed to the Central African Republic in 2013 but had to make multiple ground refuelling stops.


EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2024 will be recognizing four homebuilt aircraft anniversaries at this year's show, including the RLU-1 Breezy, Zenith 600/601, Swearingen SX-300, and Kitfox.

RLU-1 Breezy: First flight in 1964. A completely open cockpit pusher aircraft. Designed and built by Charles Roloff, Robert Liposky, and Carl Unger. For decades at AirVenture, Carl Unger could be seen hopping rides in his Breezy wearing his trademark red vest. The prototype Breezy is on display in the EAA Aviation Museum.

Zenith 600/601: First flight in 1984. All metal two-seat aircraft designed by Chris Heintz.

Swearingen SX-300: First flight in 1984. Designed by Ed Swearingen and features a two-seat cockpit and a 300 hp six-cylinder engine.

Kitfox: First flight in 1984. Designed by Dan Denny, featuring a small side-by-side two-seat, high-wing configuration. More than 4,500 kits have been delivered worldwide.

Pilots who plan to fly these anniversary homebuilts into AirVenture can pre-register their aircraft online. They will be parked in the same areas.

In addition to these aircraft, EAA's Flight Advisors program is celebrating its 30th birthday this year. This volunteer program helps pilots preparing for a first flight in a homebuilt aircraft to conduct it safely. Flight advisors are EAA volunteers dedicated to improving homebuilt aircraft safety.

EAA's Homebuilts in Review program will also return in 2024, bringing notable homebuilts and their owners to Homebuilders Headquarters for informal discussions on these aircraft. Look for the full schedule in the coming days.


EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is a highlight for aviation enthusiasts. It attracts top airshow performers from around the globe, and this year promises to be no exception. This year's show is July 22-28, and the theme is Inspiring the Future of Aviation. This week, we have a couple of AirVenture 2024 announcements.

CAF Aircraft Attending List
The current list of CAF Aircraft attending EAA AirVenture, or the surrounding area include: B-29 Superfortress FIFI (only until Wednesday), B-25 Mitchell Miss Mitchell, B-25/PBJ Devil Dog, C-47 That's All, Brother, P-40 Warhawk, PT-26, SNJ, T-34 of Wisconsin Wing, BT-13, PT-26, C-45 of Indiana Wing, P-51 Mustang Gunfighter, C-45 Bucket of Bolts, P-51 Mustang Red Nose, P-51 Mustang Tuskegee Airmen, FG-1D Corsair, and PT-26 of Buckeye Wing. This list is subject to change.

2024 Warbirds in Review Schedule Announced

Hosted by the EAA Warbirds of America, Warbirds in Review are informal sessions that delve into an aircraft's restoration, operation, and other aspects of owning a valued piece of history. The sessions also spotlight veterans sharing stories about what it was like to fly the aircraft in combat or support the operation as a ground crew member.

* July 22 at 10 a.m. - Stinson L-5 Sentinel - Capt. (Ret.) Steve Seal and Chad Hill, Artist and Historian, Djanjo Studios
* July 22 at 1 p.m. - Cessna L-19 Bird Dog - Gerry Asher, Fort Worth Aviation Museum and Col. (Ret.) Charlie Finch, Catkiller 19
* July 23 at 10 a.m. - Cessna A-37 Dragonflys - Col. (Ret.) Hank Hoffman, Mark Peterson, Col. (Ret.) Jon “Huggy” Huggins, and Charlie Largay
* July 23 at 1 p.m.- North American P-51B and P-51D Mustangs - Jack Roush and Capt. (Ret.) Jim Hagedorn. This program will be a celebration of life for Brig. Gen. (Ret) Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson who passed away on May 17, 2024.
* July 24 at 10 a.m. - de Havilland Mosquito, Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire - Flight Lt. (Ret.) Colin S. Bell, Rod Lewis, Stew Dawson, Dave Hadfield, and Joe Cosmano
* July 24 at 1 p.m. - Beechcraft T-34 Mentor and North American T-28 Trojan Trainers 75th Anniversary - Paul Walters, Mick “Thor” Thorstenson, Dan Kirkland, Tom Donovan, and Jim Rohlf
* July 25 at 10 a.m. - Douglas C-47 Skytrain - Eric Zipkin, Leader of the D-Day Squadron
* July 25 at 1 p.m. - Curtiss-Wright Helldiver and the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt - Fagen Fighters WWII Museum
* July 26 at 10 a.m. - Beechcraft T-34 Mentor - CWO2 (Ret.) Walt Fricke, Founder, CEO, and AirBoss Veterans Airlift Command
* July 26 at 1 p.m. - Parade - Veterans Tribute
* July 27 at 10 a.m. - Little Friend P-51 - Maj. (Ret.) Lucky Luckadoo “Masters of the Air” (Pending)
* July 27 at 1 p.m. - Fairchild PT-26 - Kevin Korterud, Danielle Reese, and Dave Holden, members of the CAF Buckeye Wing

Note that the schedule is subject to change without notice.


In just over four weeks, RAF pilot Flight Lieutenant David 'Turbo' Turnbull will be preparing to display at this year's Royal International Air Tattoo. With almost 200 aircraft already confirmed, the event has experienced unprecedented demand ahead of next month's show, with it only having tickets remaining for Friday 19th and Sunday 21st July after announcing it had sold out of tickets for Saturday earlier this month.

In what is his debut season as the RAF Typhoon display pilot, the 32-year-old will be putting his iconic aircraft through its paces in front of 150,000 people at the aviation showcase, which is held at RAF Fairford.

“RIAT is the big one. So many pilots travel from all over the world to take part in RIAT and for me it's the home match,” he said. “I feel incredibly proud to represent the RAF and UK military at this amazing airshow.”

This year the show is celebrating 100-years of the Royal Canadian Air Force, 75-years of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, 50-years of the F-16 Fighting Falcon, plus their operational theme of 'Pushing the Boundaries in Air and Space'.

Ahead of this year's airshow season, the RAF display Typhoon's new livery was unveiled with it being inspired by a Hawker Typhoon from World War II.

Capable of reaching speeds of 1,550mph, the fast jet makes for exciting viewing and the RAF pilot is looking forward to demonstrating the aircraft's capabilities in the Cotswold skies.

“The display is going to be fast, aggressive and varied. It is definitely going to wow the crowds as it still wows me,” he added. “The Typhoon is a beast. I have realised that to a much greater extent during the last couple of months working up to perform the typhoon display. It can go from -3G to +9G and it makes it feel so simple.

“I still remember my first take off in Typhoon, dry power only (without afterburners), and I had never felt acceleration like it. It was on a different level. Performing this outstanding aircraft to its limits is very rewarding. It is hard work, but incredibly easy to get motivated for, as you can imagine. The step down of heights has made the display physically more challenging at every level, it is a real work out.”

Every week, the event announces more participating aircraft and tickets are selling fast, but to secure your spot visit AirTattoo.com.


Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) recently delivered the 2,700th Hercules multi-mission tactical airlifter, increasing the size, reach and strength of the worldwide C-130 fleet.

This landmark aircraft is a KC-130J Super Hercules tanker operated by the U.S. Marine Corps Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 252 at Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point, North Carolina.

Defined by its proven performance and unmatched versatility, operators in 70 nations around the world fly C-130 airlifters to support any mission - anywhere, any time. The current C-130 production model is the C-130J Super Hercules, which includes the KC-130J tactical tanker. To date, the C-130J is certified to support 18 different mission requirements.

"The Lockheed Martin team is honoured to deliver this milestone Super Hercules to the U.S. Marine Corps, where it will be part of the largest KC-130J fleet in the world and provide true force amplification across the globe," said Rod McLean, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin's Air Mobility & Maritime Missions line of business. "Not only does this Hercules represent the 2,700th C-130 delivered, but it also reflects the inherent mission and performance adaptability that fuels the C-130's ongoing relevance."

The KC-130J is the global standard for tactical tankers, refuelling a majority of rotary wing aircraft in operation today and multiple fixed-wing aircraft including the Lockheed Martin F-35B/C Lightning II fighter aircraft. With its truly tactical design, the KC-130J has the ability to fly at the slow speeds and low altitudes that are ideal when refuelling helicopters.

Always evolving, continually innovating and ready for what's next, the Super Hercules leads the charge by setting standards and shaping the future of tactical airlift missions - including humanitarian operations around the world. The global C-130J fleet spans 26 operators in 22 nations with 20+ air worthiness certifications. With nearly 3 million flight hours logged across the global fleet of 540+ C-130Js, invaluable insights gained from missions in every scenario equip the C-130J for what's next.

Kitplanes for Africa


NH Industries (NHI) and the NATO Helicopter Management Agency (NAHEMA) have signed a contract to launch the development and qualification of the NH90 Block 1 upgrade (also known as Software Release 3). NAHEMA acted on behalf of Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy. This programme is part of the NH90 evolution roadmap and constitutes a major upgrade in terms of capabilities for both the TTH and NFH variants of the NH90 combat helicopter.

“The signature of the SWR3 contract, which marks the launch of the NH90 Block 1 upgrade, is an important milestone for the NH90 programme and is a clear sign that our NATO customers trust the NH90 and plan on operating it for many more decades to come,” said Axel Aloccio, President of NHI and Head of NH90 Programme at Airbus Helicopters. “We have a clear plan to extend the life span of the NH90 up to 50 years and we will need to upgrade the aircraft to make sure it stays relevant on the battlefield of tomorrow. The Block 1 programme will cover the next ten to fifteen years. Beyond that horizon, we are also planning the Block 2 upgrade that will define the future evolutions of the platform and ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the battlefield of tomorrow," he added.

The first phase of this 600 million Euro programme includes an upgrade of the NH90 communication suite and the integration of Data Link 22 allowing beyond line-of-sight interoperability without going through satellite communications. IFF Mod 5 Level 2 (the latest version of the device used to identify and track military aircraft) will also be integrated. Other upgrades will be available to the operators and include the integration of a latest generation electro optical system, a new dipping sonar and the integration of the MK 54 torpedo and the Marte ER anti-ship missile. The NH90 Block 1 will be able to navigate with a civil grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and flight management system.

The second phase of the programme, which is currently under finalisation, will consist of the deployment of the Block 1 configuration improvements on approximately 200 NH90s, both NFH and TTH, in total.

NHIndustries is the largest rotorcraft joint venture and it is responsible for the design, manufacturing and support of the NH90 helicopter, one of the leaders in the latest generation of military helicopters. The Company takes the best from the European rotorcraft and defence industry, being owned by Airbus Helicopters (62.5%), Leonardo (32%) and GKN Fokker (5.5%). Each company has a long aerospace pedigree and brings the top of its skills and expertise to the end product.


Diamond Aircraft is honoured to announce the signing of a letter of intent (LOI) with airBaltic Training, a subsidiary of the Latvian airline airBaltic, for the acquisition of three all-electric eDA40 and two DA42-VI aircraft. Thus, the airBaltic Pilot Academy's fleet will grow to 15 aircraft in total. The signing took place at the Baltic International Airshow in Liepaja (Latvia). This strategic move underscores airBaltic's commitment to sustainable aviation and the expansion of its Pilot Academy.

The eDA40, which will be the first EASA/FAA certified electric airplane in its category, marks a major step towards zero-emission flight training. It uses advanced electric motors with over 94% efficiency and a dual winding/controller for better reliability and safety. Its all-electric design ensures zero emissions and lower noise levels, making it perfect for eco-friendly pilot training. Moreover, the eDA40 features dual string battery system and a fast-charging system that can recharge the aircraft in 20-30 minutes, reducing downtime and increasing training efficiency.

Pauls Calitis, Chief Operations Officer of airBaltic: “The upcoming arrival of these innovative aircraft is a significant milestone in our mission to provide top-tier, sustainable training for future pilots. We are dedicated to expanding our fleet with cutting-edge technology to meet the growing demand for highly skilled aviation professionals. Therefore, we have decided to continue our successful cooperation with our long-term partner Diamond Aircraft, by jointly agreeing on the delivery of an additional five aircraft, gradually until 2030. The airBaltic Pilot Academy, which recently celebrated the addition of its 10th Diamond DA40 NG aircraft, continues to invest in advanced training technologies.”

„We are excited to announce that our long-term customer airBaltic Training will acquire our all-electric eDA40 and additional DA42-VI aircraft. This investment underscores their commitment to embracing cutting-edge technology and sustainability in flight training,” says Jane Wang, Sales Director Diamond Aircraft Austria. “We look forward to continuing our strong partnership and supporting their growth in the years to come.”


Airbus Helicopters has launched the flight test campaign for the prototype of the NH90 Standard 2. This standard is one of the latest NH90 configurations and is being developed specifically for the French Army Aviation, to support special forces operations. The French Ministry for Armed Forces has ordered a total of 18 NH90s in the Standard 2 configuration. Flight testing will continue until the end of the year in accordance with the schedule agreed with the French Armament General Directorate (Direction Générale de l'Armement).

The Standard 2 configuration includes the integration of the Safran Euroflir 410 electro-optical system, a new digital map generator, installation for a third crew member and new enlarged rear sliding windows able to accommodate self-protection guns.

The tests will validate the design of the new configuration. The prototype of the NH90 Standard 2 has also been equipped with mechanical and electrical provisions dedicated to the Distributed Aperture System (DAS) and a new generation Helmet Mounted Sight Digital Display (HMSD-DD) in the view of a future integration at a later stage. These systems will improve the special forces capabilities to operate in highly demanding conditions.

These flight tests are part of the programme launched in 2020 by the NATO Helicopter Management Agency (NAHEMA) and NHIndustries (NHI) and its partner companies (Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo and Fokker) for the development and the upgrade of 10 NH90 TTHs in the Standard 2 configuration.

Following the programme launch, in December 2023, NAHEMA on behalf of the French Ministry for Armed Forces, awarded a contract to NHIndustries for the production of eight additional NH90 TTHs in the Standard 2 configuration, thus renewing their confidence in the NH90 programme.

By the end of the decade, the French Army Aviation will operate 81 NH90 TTHs. The NH90 was first delivered to the French Army in 2011. Sixty-three NH90 TTHs have been delivered so far. It was deployed in operation for the first time in Mali in 2014 and has since reached 50,000 flight hours in total.

The French armed forces' NH90s are supported by NHI under the NH90 Operational Support (NOS) contract common with Germany, a performance-based agreement delegating a major part of the nation's logistics and maintenance activity to NHI and enabling the customers to focus on their critical operations.

16 JUNE 1922

Henry Berliner demonstrates a primitive helicopter to the US Navy.

Born on 13 December 1895 Henry Adler Berliner, the sixth son of inventor Emile Berliner, was a United States aircraft and helicopter pioneer.

Berliner studied mechanical engineering at Cornell University for two years before attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After a short time as aerial photographer with the Army Air Service, in 1919 Henry moved back to Washington to help his father with the helicopter research that had been underway for many years.

Berliner studied mechanical engineering at Cornell University for two years before attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[1] After a short time as aerial photographer with the Army Air Service, in 1919 Henry moved back to Washington to help his father with the helicopter research that had been underway for many years.

Using a Le Rhône engine of 80 hp mounted on a test stand, Henry was able to hover and move forward, but only with assistants holding on to stabilize the contraption. In 1922, he bought a surplus Nieuport 23 fighter's fuselage, added a Bentley 220 hp engine on the front, and connected it by geared shafts to two horizontal rotors mounted on a truss extending sideways from the fuselage. A third horizontal rotor at the rear provided pitch control. This was demonstrated at College Park, Maryland to the U.S. Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics on 14 June 1922,

Although disputed, this date is often given as the debut of the helicopter.

His triplane helicopter is the oldest surviving helicopter in the world, and was donated to the Smithsonian Institution. A part of the collection at the National Air and Space Museum, it presently is on loan to the College Park Aviation Museum.

Berliner passed away on 1 May 1970

Tunisia, Gafsa/Ksar Air Base (DTTF): A Tunisian Army helicopter crashed under unknown circumstances while landing in Gafsa district. One crew member died in the crash; another was seriously injured.

USA, near Albany International Airport (ALB/KALB), Loudonville, NY: Preliminary information indicates that the airplane departed from runway 19 at KALB. ADS-B data shows that it then climbed to an altitude of about 800 feet before it began a descending left turn back to the airport. The airplane entered a brief climb towards the conclusion of the turn before it began a second descent. Videographic evidence suggests the aircraft was in a right bank before it impacted the ground in a right wing first, nose down altitude. A post-crash fire ensued. The sole pilot on board perished.

USA, Pine Island Drive, Hernando County, FL: The aircraft, a Cessna 172N Skyhawk, Registration N734XT, sustained substantial damage subsequent to impact with trees during the forced landing to roadway terrain in Hernando County, Florida. The two pilots onboard the single-engine airplane received minor injuries.

UK, Northrepps Aerodrome, 3 miles SSW of Cromer, Norfolk: A light plane crashed under unknown circumstances at Northrepps Aerodrome, 3 miles South South-West of Cromer, Norfolk. Both occupants survived the crash. The incident occurred earlier in the day, and both the pilot and passenger sustained minor injuries. They sought treatment at a medical centre. No one was present at the scene when police arrived. The Air Accident Investigation Branch has been informed of the incident by the pilot".

USA, near City of Arco/Butte County Airport (AOC/KAOC), Acro, ID: Two Air Tractor AT-802 collided mid-air during an agricultural operation. The pilot of one aircraft survived with serious injuries, the other one did not.

Latvia, kilometres from Riga Airport: The pilot of a Skydive Latvia Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 Turbo Porter made the emergency landing due to bad weather conditions and the airfield was not visible the pilot landed in a field in the Imanta district. According to the conversation between Riga Airport air traffic controllers and the pilot, the aircraft ran out of fuel and the pilot informed the dispatchers about the need to make an emergency landing. Plane took off from Limbaži airport to fly over city Limbaži together with paratroopers. Most of the skydivers had already jumped when the weather began to change rapidly, but one skydiver made the decision not to jump and return to the airport.

SAAF Museum Pretoria Open Day 02.03.2024 Part 2 Statics and Displays

Aviation Economy
Midweek Update

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