Captains Log - A Summary of February 2012

By Juri Keyter

Although February was intended to be the Pilot's Post trial month, the response from our readers and advertisers have been unbelievable. I thank everyone for visiting our publication and the advertisers for making it possible. I kindly request that you register if you have not already done so. By registering you will receive an e-mail notification when new content is published on Pilot's Post and your registered e-mail address will not be used for anything else.

Surprisingly, the most popular article posted during the month of February was “Storm Causes Significant Damage at Grand Central” with “MISASA Sets New Event Standard In South Africa” not far behind. The photograph of the Cessna 150 (ZS-CAT) published in “Old Birds At Baragwanath - 19 February 2012” drew the most comments and humorous remarks. We appreciate these comments as it provides an indication to what our readers like or prefer.

We also received confirmation that the storm on the 22nd of February affected other airfields and that it was not only Grand Central being battered by the wind. Karl Jensen sent us this photograph of a tree at Fly Inn Estate that was blown over by the same storm. Karl always parked his car under this tree to protect it against the sun and this is another indication of the storm's strength.

During the month of March you can expect to read contributions by Johan Lottering on aviation safety, Chalkie Stobbart on aircraft technical, Building an RV with Jan Hanekom, aviation training by Chris Kyle, an article on aviation photography tips & tricks and of course more news and event reviews. A profile on one of the most prominent safety officers will also feature in March and we will look back into history of some of the most respected aviators in South Africa.

Pilot's Post is currently busy investigating the possibility of including weather information to our publication and hope to add it soon.

Aviation events scheduled for March 2012:
2 - 4 March 2012 Swellendam Fly-in
10 March 2012 Bultfontein 10th Anniversary Air show
17 March 2012 SAPFA Fun Rally at Virginia Airport
17 March 2012 World Paragliding championships at De Aar
17 - 18 March 2012 Sports Aerobatics - Judges Trophy at Klerksdorp
24 March 2012 EAA 322 Monthly Breakfast Fly-in to Welgelegen
31 March 2012 SAPFA Fun Rally at Tempe

Please visit the Pilot's Post Events section on a regular basis for the most current updates. If we do not have your event details on our schedule, please let us know so that we may assist you in promoting the event.

Safe flying!!

Captains Log

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