Oshkosh 2015 Day Six

By The Pilot's Post Team

And so another Oshkosh comes to an end. For me 2015 was the best of all that I have attended. The variety of acts and the large number of warbirds, especially jets, was a sight to be seen.

Now is also the time to book for 2016 and the only way to attend Oshkosh is with Neil Bowden's AirAdventure Tours.

South African Campsite

Saturday's afternoon show, besides the aerobatic performers, were a continuation of Wednesday's celebration of the War in the pacific.

The nightshow and fireworks display was absolutely outstanding.

It was hot at Oshkosh but fortunately except for one thunderstorm the weather behaved. All in all it was the perfect week.

Oshkosh 2015
Events 2015

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