Oshkosh 2015 Day Three

By the Pilot's Post Team

What makes Oshkosh unique is the variety of aircraft that are on show, this year one could stare in wonder at the Wright Flyer III or be amazed by the F-22 Raptor.

Static exhibits chart the development of aviation through the years and the good news is that most of them are in airworthy condition.

As is customary each afternoon show is opened by a team of skydivers with a rather unique display the flag of the USA.

Traditionally Wednesday is Tora Tora day when the USA's entry into the Second World War is remembered with a fairly realistic re-enactment of the attack on Hawaii and the eventual dropping of the H-bomb.

Aerobatics acts are varied from afternoon to afternoon although some acts perform more than once. On Wednesday the role of woman in aviation was celebrated with the majority of aerobatics acts performed by ladies.

Oshkosh 2015
Events 2015

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