Oshkosh Day Zero

By The Pilot's Post Team

Our flight to AirVenture, Oshkosh took us from OR Tambo to Abu Dhabi and then to Chicago from where we caught a bus to Milwaukee and then onwards to Oshkosh. Having left Johannesburg on Thursday 16 July at 10.15 we reached at destination at 17.00 on Friday. The worst was over and it was time to experience what is the world's biggest aviation event.

Its summer and hot and the humidity beat Durban's notoriously high humidity factory hands down. Saturday morning we were woken by a typical Oshkosh storm that damaged some tents and caused general havoc but that is all part of the adventure.

Photo with the kind permission of Ian Wylde

Both runways were in used the past couple of days and all one have to do is find a shady spot under the wing of aircraft and enjoy the spectacle of a steady stream of civilian and military aircraft arriving.

Excitement was high under the South Africans when the Sling 2 Landed after its flight all the way form Tedderfield in Gauteng.

Sling photos with the kind permission of Ian Wylde

Amongst the arrivals were a group of South African who had flown from Kenosha in the Flabob Express DC3

All the staff at Oshkosh is volunteers that and the hardest workers during the days leading up to the actual event are the Marshalls.

Oshkosh 2015
Events 2015

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