By Willie Bodenstein

Like the rest of the world South Africa is besotted with RV's. Dick VanGrunsven design of arguably the most popular and successful kit planes in the history of aviation has found a ready market on the tip of Africa with hundreds flying and probably almost the same number being under construction. In fact, RV's has opened a complete new aviation industry with a large number of professional builders offering their service to those who simply do not have the time to build their own.

On Saturday 13 September a mixed bag of forty three RV's flew to Kitty Hawk Airfield on the Eastern Side of Pretoria. The grass apron was packed with 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s and 10 and 12s. Kittyhawk that boasts probably the best clubhouse and restaurant in the country is the ideal venue for a morning breakfast fly in.

Visitors came from far and wide. Peter Lea flew his superb RV10 all the way from Pyramid Airfield in Mapumalanga whilst Neil Terblance flew his stunning RV4 from Kroonstad in the Free State.

A formation of seven arrived from Tedderfield Airfield at South of Johannesburg.

Trevor Davids in his RV12 pop in for quick refreshment before departing for The Fly In Estate just down the road from Kittyhawk. Trevor's has a RV7 kit on order and it is currently on its way to SA.

The Krugersdorp Flying Club was well represented as were most of the other fields in Gauteng.

Visitors were not restricted to RV's only and two welcome visitors were the Antonov AN 2 of Heystek Pretorius and the Pitts Special of Ivan van der Schaar.

Kittyhawk resident and Aerobatics Ace Neville Ferreira in his locally designed and manufactured Slick 360 got in some aerobatic practise.

Last year 17 RVs flew in, this year 43. Maybe next year we will see 60 plus. The breakfast and hospitality alone at Kittyhawk makes it worth the while.

Events 2014

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