By Willie Bodenstein

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It is not only at Camp Scholer that one finds South Africans at Oshkosh. There is quite a few businesses that exhibit and all are extremely pleased with the positive response from prospective customers. During our morning walk about we met up Rainbow Skyreach, one of the sponsors of our daily updates. Not only do they exhibit almost in show centre but they also have an aircraft at the Ultra-Light Field.

The Ultra-Light field is to the south of the main centre and if one is after nonstop action it is the place to visit. Its short grass runway and the closeness to main runways makes for some interesting landings in some rather unconventional aircraft.

The afternoon show celebrated the life of Paul Poberezny, the founder of the EAA with a flypast of the Baby Ace, the first aircraft designed by Paul. The Ace was followed by a number of other home builds. Paul past away last year.

It was also the 50th anniversary of the Breezy.

And the Gee Bee that made its first public appearance.

Wednesday is also when the first of the Warbird re-enactments take place followed by some awesome aerobatic display and the first of the night shows that we will cover in our video update.

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Oshkosh 2014
Events 2014

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