By Willie Bodenstein

What draws crowds to airshows are glorious weather, a large variety of aircraft, action packed battle enactments and explosions and smoke and the 2014 South African Air Force Museum had it all.

From the Parade of Vehicles it was plain that this as was expected was not going to be an ordinary airshow.

Paramount Group vehicles

There was classic airliners…………………..


Modern airliners………………..


An anti-Rhino poaching demonstration and Alouette Gunship

Classic prop aircraft…………………..


The Silver Falcons……………..

Classic Jets…………………

The cream of the crop of aerobatic pilots and formation teams……………….

Current SAAF assets………………

And Powered Paragliders and Gyrocopters…………………..

Did the show live up to expectations? Without a doubt. It was well organised with everything needed to make it an excellent outing for the whole family whilst the number and variety of aircraft that took part would have satisfied the aviation fanatic.

There were food stalls that catered to most tastes; refreshments outlets dotted the flight line, a play park kept the young ones busy, the beer tent as always was well supported and the venue was clean. Best of all Capital Sound was on duty to keep the crowd informed and entertained and except when requested by the participants very little music was played. The Windsock Restaurant did good business and still serves the best burgers whilst the Aviation Shop now has a permanent branch at the Museum that will be open every weekend.

Colonel Mike O'Conner and his team again pulled a rabbit from the hat and have done the Museum proud. One can only imagine the amount of work that must have been put in to not only to organise the event but also to ensure the smooth and safe running. However none of that would have been possible without the sponsorship of the Paramount Group.

My thanks to Springbok Classic Air for the flight from Rand Airport in their superbly restored DC3.


Events 2014

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