By Steve Alison

Nigel Hopkins is a well know figure on the South African airshow circuit with several achievements to his name. Nigel is a training captain with South African Airways and a South African Aerobatic champion. Over and above that he has flown at International airshows in Al Ain in the UAE, Hungary and China to name a few.

Who better than Nigel to be the subject of our first airborne air display video on Pilot's Post.

These 2 video clips were filmed at the Zebula Airshow last weekend. Thanks of course to Nigel for flying such an excellent display and taking our cameras along for the ride.

Thanks also to Sony for providing us with the magnificent Sony Action Cam cameras. The cameras were a combination of 3 HDR-AS30V units and 1 HDR-AS15.

Nigel Hopkins Display his MX2 at the Zebula 2014 fly-in

Car & Plane Race follow by a MX2 & Cirrus Formation

Events 2014

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