1 Plan your weekend
2 Forthcoming events
3 Civil Aviation Authority concerned about recent spate of aircraft accidents
4 EAA Convention moved from Margate on the 25- 28 April 2014 to Bethlehem, 2-5 May
5 Industry Aviation CDM Conference - a knowledge sharing platform
6 Gee Bee Q.E.D. to appear at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
7 Unique Mv-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor aircraft confirmed for EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2014
8 Cirrus Aircraft Deliveries in 2013 drive strongest performance in five years
9 Advertising Rate Card



1 March: SAAF Museum flight training and open day. Contact: Capt. Kobus Kapp 012 351 2342 webmaster@saafmuseum.org

1 March: Swellendam fly-in. Contact Pieter Venter 083 250 9504 pventer@vgv.co.za

1 March: Parys Pylon Time Trials - VANS RV REVOLUTION, Parys, Free State, South Africa. Contact Scully Levin 083 500 8387 email:flyboys@global.co.za



8 March: Bultfontein Fly in. Contact Piet Vermaak 082 571 3422

13-15 March: SA Navy Festival. Contact Navy PRO 021 787 5684

21-23 March: Durban Sky Grand Prix, Durban. Contact Gerna Fraser 031 563 9165

22 March: PASASA TMG fly-in, Kittyhawk. Contact Marietjie van Niekerk 082 765 6670

28-29 March: Wings and Wheels festival, Uitenhage. Contact Lourens Kruger 082 320 2615

29-30 March: SAC North-West regionals. Contact Annie Boon

4-5 April: Namibian International Airshow. Contact: Maria Diekmann

5 April: Parys Pylon Time Trials, Parys. Contact: Scully Levin

11-13 April: SAA Pilot's Association Zebula Airshow and fly-in. Contact: Paul Weich

28 April-1 May: PASA SA National Skydiving Championships, Wonderboom Airport. Contact: Peter Lawson 012 566 6535



The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) is concerned about the recent spate of aircraft accidents, which have claimed the lives of eleven (11) individuals since the beginning of the year. All these accidents, which were reported between 1 January 2014 and 18 February 2014, occurred in the general aviation, and not the scheduled commercial airlines sector. The general aviation sector consists mainly of privately-owned small aircraft as well as recreational aircraft.

Six (6) of the fatal accidents, with an equal number of fatalities, happened in January. The three (3) fatal accidents reported since the beginning of February, have claimed (five) 5 lives. An additional twenty-two (22) non-fatal serious aircraft incidents and accidents were reported with twelve (12) occurring in January, and ten (10) in February.

"We express our condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. The SACAA is seriously concerned about the high number of accidents and fatalities that have taken place since the start of the year. The numbers are significantly higher compared to, for instance, the same period in the last two years. Whilst we await the outcome of the investigations into the causes of the accidents, we would like to remind each and every member of the aviation community that safety is paramount and is an obligation that cannot be delegated. Every aviator, in his or her respective role, is in one way or another responsible for flight safety," said Ms Poppy Khoza, SACAA's newly appointed Director of Civil Aviation.

In January 2012, there was one (1) fatal accident that claimed the lives of two (2) people. In February of the same year, three (3) fatal accidents were reported, resulting in the loss of three (3) lives. In 2013, the numbers were slightly higher, but nowhere near what has been witnessed thus far this year. Six (6) people lost their lives from the four (4) fatal accidents reported in February 2013.

"On average there are about 20 fatal aircraft accidents per year, resulting in an average of 40 fatalities per annum. A further scrutiny of the statistics illustrates that despite a spike totalling 92 in 2008, there has been a steady decrease from 176 in 2006 to 22 in 2013, culminating in a 7% average annual decline in accidents. Whilst the number of accidents has been declining over the years, we as the SACAA and the aviation community cannot take solace in statistics, as one life lost is just one too many," said Khoza.

Data indicates that almost all fatal accidents in South Africa occur in the general aviation sector. "Therefore it would be inaccurate to conclude that South African skies are generally unsafe, as the reality is that our country's commercial activities, i.e. large scheduled commercial operations, are among the safest in the world," Khoza emphasised. According to Khoza, accidents are caused by various systematic weaknesses and/or deficiencies. "This means that embarking on a single panacea in an attempt to reduce aircraft accidents would be futile. It is for this reason that the SACAA developed the Cross-Functional Accident Reduction Plan (CFARP) that aims to reduce accidents in the general aviation sector, in a coordinated manner," explained Khoza.

The solutions mapped out in CFARP are based on quantitative and qualitative inputs from within and outside the SACAA. The plan, which will be implemented within two years and is subject to on-going review, deals with systematic inherent weaknesses in addressing the causes of aircraft accidents.

"This multi-disciplinary approach is crucial in addressing safety, as the 'Swiss Cheese Model' illustrates how various weaknesses, when aligned, will eventually cause an accident. Further, when compiling this plan, we had to ask a simple but pertinent question, i.e. whether accidents are caused by man or machine. In this instance, statistics illustrate that factors related to piloting present the single most common cause of accidents. It is thus logical to ensure that a significant part of our efforts to reduce accidents are directed at 'human error' challenges faced by pilots," Khoza explained.

Having determined that human factors pose a major aviation safety hazard, the CFARP also looked into which categories of pilots are responsible in terms of experience. "Data from serious incident and accident investigation reports between 2006 and 2012 indicate that pilots with fewer than 500 flying hours are responsible for most accidents. Although data within the first 500 hours could not be broken down further at this stage; for example, according to licence holders, it stands to reason that the lower the hours, the more likely an accident would be; although that is not always the case," Khoza said.

According to Khoza, the CFARP will, among other things, endeavour to maximise the development of pilot airmanship. "This initiative will focus on pilots' knowledge, skills and attitude. The International Civil Aviation Organisation's document on personnel licensing (July 2011 edition) identifies airmanship as 'the consistent use of good judgement and well developed-knowledge, skills and attitudes to accomplish flight objectives'."

Khoza revealed that regarding knowledge, more could be done in terms of coordination and continued education for pilots, particularly for those with low flying hours and/or operating under hazardous conditions. In relation to skills factors, the Plan seeks to improve pilot competency development within the training environment. "The SACAA will be intensifying its oversight role over pilot training schools, as the schools are ultimately directly responsible for pilot training and development. It has become apparent that the entry requirements for the approval of training schools are wide open; and this appears to have contributed to the establishment of training schools approximately ten times the number of those in other developed countries. Further interrogation is required, as it is not the intention of the SACAA to discourage growth, but to ensure that in as much as we have a large number of training schools; all systems must be effective in order to facilitate healthy aviation safety practices," explained Khoza.

Another concern that the recently finalised Cross-Functional Accident Reduction Plan has revealed is the complete reliance on instructors with low flying experience to develop aspiring pilots. "Historically, commercial pilot's licence-holders with low hours often opt to teach prospective pilots in order to obtain enough flying hours as required for their airline transport licence. Our view is that it is indeed crucial to ensure adequate pilot feed into the system; however, this need must be balanced with expert training by adequately experienced pilot instructors. We believe that this will positively enhance all the requisite airmanship factors among student pilots. The criterion in this regard is still to be determined. However, there are valuable lessons that can be learnt from military pilot training methods," Khoza elaborated.

In relation to factors affecting the underdevelopment of pilot attitudes, the SACAA is contemplating, amongst others, the introduction of a standardised induction programme for all student pilots. "The aim is to ensure appropriate induction of prospective pilots, leading to the adoption of positive attitudes and discipline. At the moment it is up to the aviation training organisations to instil appropriate and adequate airmanship. It can thus be deduced that the airmanship attitudes of prospective students are moulded by the respective instructors," said Khoza.

She further said that the Regulator has also noted the overreliance on aviation training organisations during pilot development, particularly at the private pilot's licence entry point. "Whilst this is not uncommon, further process enhancement is necessary. At this point, the SACAA does not directly verify the claimed proficiency of any of the pilot candidates, as these are examined through designated flight examiners that do not form part of the regulatory authority. Direct testing of pilots, at least on a sample basis, is being contemplated in order to determine trends concerning aviation training organisations.

"In the meantime, the SACAA will continue to be vigilant to ensure proper conduct by all training organisations and aviators. The Authority will continue to collaborate with the industry in order to consistently provide solutions that would ensure that South Africa's general aviation sector ultimately ranks among the safest in the world. This would require pragmatic pursuing of the SACAA's vision and execution of our mandate without fear or favour, however being receptive to industry inputs is critical in order to achieve a common goal. Continuous and honest introspection will also form the hallmark of our pursuit for a safer airspace.

"With all that having been said, our standing with organisations such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation as well as the current facts and figures indicates that South African incident and accident trends are far better than those of other developing and developed countries. It is our commitment that the Regulator, in partnership with the industry, will work tirelessly to ensure that the situation does not become worse but that it improves for the better," Khoza concluded.



This has been a tough one to call and following on from issues beyond our control; we have to move our EAA Convention this year from our intended venue at Margate on the 25th to 28th April 2014 to Bethlehem the following week end.

We have decided on Plan B this year to host the Convention on the week end of the 1st to 4th May 2014 at Bethlehem Airfield. The Aero Club is hosting a section air show this weekend at Bethlehem along with and in discussion with Jeff Earle and Kev Storie they welcome the EAA to use this opportunity for the EAA to host our annual convention at Bethlehem in the light of Margate not panning out.

Margate in terms of overall infrastructure has always been ideally suited however after extensive discussions with Margate airport, who advised that fuel supply during this time is a problem, and a no fuel scenario would scupper our plans and it has become necessary to move the convention to plan B.

Graham Berriman (Margate Airport Management) raised a red flag initially with Gerald Maddams Chapter 1502 KZN Chairman and myself, where he strongly advised we consider a plan B in light of the above and could consider Margate again in the future once the fuel issues has been sorted.

I communicated with our chapter chairmen and with the EAA National committee to ensure we don't knee jerk here and find a workable way to circumvent the fuel issue by having it trucked in. However it was difficult to commit to volumes and also the decanting of the fuel requires definitive responsibilities and puts risks on the operators etc if there is a problem.

This is way out of what we want to deal with as a specialist group of aviators coming together at an annual convention.

As I understand it, the Fuel installation at Margate has been on tender and was won by a consortium linked to the municipality some 12 months ago already, and clearly it still does not have the fuel management and infrastructure requirement processes in place. According to Graham they received their last drop in January and are not sure as to what the future holds. Shell may look at the installation as they have made extensive inroads into Avgas supply for general aviation; however existing infrastructure negotiations will still have to take place which probably will take a while.

Regrettably it appears this fate is becoming a reality for numerous airfields in this country as they continue to struggle with poor council support and management.

Equally a safety concern that may arise out of this, whereby folk flying in or out of Margate for our convention might have to divert for fuel and worst case scenario, could make fuel planning somewhat challenging for some visiting aviators. This will also have an adverse effect on overall participation at the convention.

Whilst it could be argued that the fuel required is the pilot's responsibility, I believe we should not be in a position to have a known problem, and by default perpetuate any further problems that could arise regarding fuel, so fuel at the other end is crucial. We all know that in some instances, accidents happen long before the aerie takes off, and here could be one of them in the making and in light of the current spate of incidents to err on the safe side is probably not a bad idea.

The Aviation calendar in South Africa at the moment boasts a host of events so slotting in again and ideally taking into consideration time off work and holidays etc is challenging, as we want max participation.

We did consider dove - tailing with the Tail draggers Fly In, in July at Naboomspruit or with Wings and Wheels at Springs on the 2nd August, however those events have established a strong brand and are well supported. I feel that we should not dilute their efforts by barging in as we have a problem, I thought long and hard about it, and also feel that it smacks at a bit of arrogance on our part which is not conducive to what we need to achieve. Also the 2nd of August is Oshkosh time and I am sure this year quite a contingent of EAA guys are going.

I did discuss with Richard Nicolson and Paul Sabatier respectively and whilst they would accommodate the convention, my view is that we should support and encourage their events, independently as we have done so in the past.

So Bethlehem is centrally suited we have fuel and the weather is good at this time of the year. Time is short however most of the event requirement is in place already and we just have to concentrate on our EAA planning now to completion.

I hereby also give notice of an EAA National Meeting to be held on the Sat 15th March at Rand Airport ( Either Auditorium of Aero Club Boardroom) at 10h00 .

I will forward the agenda over the week end of which the convention will be top of mind. In the meantime the planning we have done so far can be carried over.

Trixie can you liaise with Archie to set up a logo etc and get the paraphernalia in place for Bethlehem. A further request for Chapter Chairmen is to make our EAA members aware of this change and we will also publish this far and wide in the next few days.

Paul G Lastrucci

EAA of South Africa National President



Johannesburg, South Africa. The Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC, held the first-ever day-long South African Aviation Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Conference in Kempton Park, Ekurhuleni. The event took place at the end of January 2014.

According to the operational and economic context for the Global Air Navigation Plan, Air transport today plays a major role in driving sustainable economic and social development. It directly and indirectly supports the employment of 56.6 million people, contributes over $2.2 trillion to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and carries over 2.9 billion passengers and $5.3 trillion worth of cargo annually. Air traffic growth has so consistently defied recessionary cycles since the mid-1970s, expanding two-fold once every 15 years.

Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is not a new concept. It is being practiced to a certain degree by the FAA, CFMU, the NOC in Australia and South Africa for the last four years, focus being on en-route and airports or both. CDM starts with the sharing of information and then the making of decisions based on the shared information.

In his opening remarks, Peter Marais, ATNS Executive Operations said "ATNS convenes - on an annual basis - OPSCOM, where we engage the aviation community on matters of efficiency, service delivery and infrastructure amongst other things. The platform allows ATNS the opportunity to engage regularly with the airspace users to establish their needs and determine areas of performance improvement. This is CDM in applied in practice."

The ATNS Central Airspace Management Unit's responsibility includes, apart from managing the functions of the slot allocation program, the management of the flexible use of airspace (FUA), facilitating military exercises and operations, special and unusual events and any other activity which might require the use of airspace for a particular time period. The unit is also responsible for the re-routing of traffic, affected by adverse weather and temporary restricted or special use airspace in consultation with the aviation community in a collaborative decision making (CDM) process. In addition they will balance demand against capacity using the ATFM system after CDM with the appropriate aviation community members.

This CDM process is a key enabler of the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) process allowing the sharing of all relevant information between aviation community members so that the best gate to gate trajectory of flights can be achieved. The principles of CDM have already been implemented in the CAMU day-to-day operations, planning and developments with active involvement of appropriate members of the aviation community.

Lt-Col Augustine from SAAF, provided the Air Force's perspective on the complexities of decision making in providing airspace security during high visibility events, touching on the SAAF'S Decision Criteria and its Planning Detection Capabilities.

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) is the concept which aims at improving Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) at airports by reducing delays, improving the predictability of Operations and optimizing utilization of resources. A-CDM is about partnership - airport operators, aircraft operators/ground handlers, ATC and the Central Airspace Management Unit - working together more efficiently and transparently in the way they work and share data.

Airport CDM brings substantial benefits to all partners by improving the quality of information on which decisions are made. This will lead to enhanced operationally efficiency and facilitate optimum use of available capacity.

The Benefits of ACDM are vast. So say Hennie Marais, ATNS Executive responsible for Air Traffic Management. "The benefits to Airlines, Air Traffic Control, and Airport Operators for instance, include fuel savings, higher service quality, improved punctuality and customer satisfaction"

Critical Industry role-players such as SAAF; APO; SAWS; AASA; ACSA; SAA and AeroClub SA attended.



When we last spoke with Rich Alldredge following the flawless first flight of the late Jim Moss' outstanding reproduction 1934 Gee Bee Q.E.D. last fall, he said, "We definitely have Oshkosh in our sights." Well, this week he confirmed plans to fly the burly two-place Golden Age racer to Oshkosh this summer to participate in EAA AirVenture 2014. Alldredge, EAA 699652/Vintage 722854, of Moses Lake, Washington, headed the project team to complete the Q.E.D. after Moss passed away after a lengthy illness at the age of 82 last September.

"We've still got a few steps to make - we're halfway through the flight test program," Aldredge said Monday. "We'll start again when the weather improves. We're over the peak and heading down the backside." The airplane was built at Cawley's Prairie Airport (02WA) in Buckley, then transported 50 miles to Olympia Regional Airport for initial test flights. The airplane was brought back to 02WA where it's spent the winter months being tinkered on in a heated hangar. Hopes are to return to Olympia in April to finish the test program.

Mount Rainier provides the perfect backdrop for Jim Moss' reproduction 1934 Gee Bee Q.E.D. in flight.
Photo credit: Lyle Jansma - AeroCapture Images

Alldredge says the team is targeting the flight to Oshkosh about a week prior to the convention. It will likely take three flight legs to get there, figuring on a range of 600 miles, and not more than three hours at a time. The airplane will assume a prominent place on the main showcase ramp and perform several flight demonstrations during the week. More details will be announced as they are finalized.

The 6,200-pound (gross weight) Q.E.D. is powered by a Wright R-1820 Cyclone engine, not the Pratt and Whitney R-1690 Hornet from the original Granville brothers design. The Cyclone, as Moss stated in Sport Aviation, was the same diameter as the Pratt with twice the horsepower (1,425 vs. 675). To account for the Cyclone's 200-pounds of extra weight, Moss reduced the fuel tank from 480 gallons to 240 gallons.

Moss's masterpiece is also 10 feet longer with an additional 10 feet of wingspan over the original. The rudder and fin were also enlarged to match the area of the R-1820-powered T-28.

Q.E.D. stands for the Latin term quod erat demonstrandum, which means "what had to be demonstrated." Where better to obey that order than EAA AirVenture 2014 Oshkosh?

For more information on the Oshkosh camping tour see below:



The U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey, one of the world's most unique military aircraft, will return to the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in in 2014. The MV-22 will be on display at the event and also give demonstrations of its unique flying capabilities.

EAA AirVenture 2014, the 62nd annual convention of the Experimental Aircraft Association, will take place July 28-August 3 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh.

The Osprey is making its first appearance at Oshkosh since 2010. This appearance, however, is the first time the aircraft will perform its full Level III flight demonstration at the event. It is making only nine such air show appearances in the U.S. this year.

According to the U.S. Marine Corps website, the Osprey has the speed and range of a turboprop aircraft, the manoeuvrability of a helicopter and the ability to carry 24 Marine combat troops twice as fast and five times farther than previous helicopters. Commenting on its advanced expeditionary capabilities and staggering operational reach, a top Marine commander went as far as to say it turned his battle space "from the size of Texas into the size of Rhode Island."

The MV-22, which first flew in 1989, is designed for a variety of uses that include expeditionary assault and raids, cargo lift, and special warfare operations. Its tilt-rotor design allows both vertical take-off and landing operations as well as short-field take-off and landing capabilities. The Osprey can also be refuelled in flight.

Exact arrival, demonstration and departure dates for the aircraft at Oshkosh will be announced as they are finalized. The Osprey's appearance continues EAA AirVenture's long tradition of bringing aircraft from across the aviation spectrum, from the smallest ultralight to the largest transport, to "The World's Greatest Aviation Celebration."



Cirrus Aircraft announced that in 2013 it delivered 276 new aircraft, nearly a 10 percent increase over 2012, marking its best aircraft shipment performance since 2008. With these results, Cirrus Aircraft's annual market share has grown to an all-time high of 37 percent and the SR22/22T model remains the best-selling four- or five-seat airplane for the 11th year in a row.

"The key driver to this past year's outstanding performance was Cirrus owners' and pilots' strong response to Generation 5 - which was introduced in early 2013 with the new capability to carry 200 lbs more than any previous Cirrus airplane," said Todd Simmons, Executive Vice President Sales, Marketing and Customer Support at Cirrus Aircraft.

Simmons continued, "But what makes 2013 results more important than any other year in our history is the real expansion of the Cirrus customer base in the last 12 months. The most significant examples include current Cirrus owners upgrading to new 'G5' airplanes, first-time Cirrus owners moving up to the performance and capability of G5 from other airplane brands, corporate aircraft operators adding a Cirrus to a previously all turbine fleet, and both domestic and international training partners upgrading to new Cirrus aircraft. This broader and more diversified customer portfolio continues to drive the enterprise in 2014."

Performance in New Markets

A highlight for Cirrus Aircraft in 2013 was final delivery in Saudi Arabia of more than 20 new Cirrus aircraft to the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) for its pilot training needs. "Cirrus is proud to have been selected by the RSAF," stated Jon Dauplaise, Vice President of Fleet and Special Mission Aircraft at Cirrus. "This new fleet of Cirrus aircraft by partners in the Middle East is the most recent example of impressive global institutions choosing to train its new pilots with technically advanced aircraft." The Royal Saudi Air Force is the third national Air Force that has recently selected Cirrus Aircraft for its training needs, following the United States and France.

Recognition for Safety

Pilot and passenger safety is the cornerstone of aircraft design at Cirrus. Every Cirrus aircraft ever built comes standard with CAPS™, the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System, and now many other 'Cirrus first' safety features such as the 'blue' level button, airbag seatbelts, enhanced stability and protection and information rich avionics. Recognizing the importance of Cirrus Aircraft's innovative efforts in the area of safety, the Cirrus Aircraft Safety Design Team was recognized with the prestigious Joseph T. Nall Safety Award in late 2013 for pioneering many of these important safety innovations and improvements. While receiving the award on behalf of the design team at Cirrus, Co-Founder and CEO Dale Klapmeier noted, "We have the deepest regard for the aviation leaders who have received this award in past years, and Cirrus Aircraft is honoured to join them. However, our work is far from done as we continue to challenge ourselves to make flying safer for new and seasoned pilots alike."

2014 Generation 5 Aircraft

The redesigned Carbon and Platinum aircraft paint schemes, 2014 Cirrus Aircraft are again set apart for new owners

2014 models of Generation 5 Cirrus aircraft are improved with striking new features that will be noticed immediately on the ramp. With Cirrus Integrated LED Technology™, luxury automobile LED lighting is integrated for the first time into a high performance, single-engine airplane, increasing functional capability while enhancing aesthetic appeal. Combined with a new palette of exterior paint colours and the redesigned Carbon and Platinum aircraft paint schemes, 2014 Cirrus Aircraft are again set apart for new owners.

Less visible and equally important are other new upgrades for 2014. Single caliper Beringer Performance brakes reduce weight while enhancing braking performance and safety. This new brake system provides the same stopping power but with less mass, achieved with a smaller rotor that performs at cooler overall operating temperatures. The new Beringer brake system also features tubeless tires, providing higher reliability when compared to traditional tube tires while reducing the risk of leaks and failures.

Momentum into 2014

"Our trajectory turned upward in 2013 at Cirrus," concluded Simmons. "That momentum can be felt in our employees, our owners, and our partners and it is accelerating our work on new Cirrus aircraft like the SF50 Vision Jet. We plan to take key learning from last year's success and continue those strong results as part of the official Cirrus Aircraft story over the next several years."


Midweek Update

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