IAOPA World Assembly Kicks off In Stellenbosch

By Ettienne Fouché

The evening of 10 April 2012 marked the start of the 2012 IAOPA World Assembly hosted at the Spier Hotel in Stellenbosch South Africa. AOPA South Africa was given the honour of hosting this prestigious bi-annual event, drawing most of the world leaders in general aviation to our humble country.

The delegation of guests were greeted and entertained by a tasteful cocktail function on the first evening. The event was attended by all the international delegates as well as special mention guests such as Mr. Zhakele Thwala from the South African Civil Aviation Authority, Mr JP Truter from CAASA and Mr Hendrik Pistorius (Who was one of the founding members of IAOPA).

Dr Koos Marais delivered an honourable opening address to all the delegates, officially opening the Wold Assembly 2012. In the process a special jacket was presented to Mr Hendrik Pistorius by IAOPA President Mr Craig Fuller.

Tuesday 11 April 2012 saw the first session of the official business meeting take place. Topics that formed the key for discussion were largely matters revolving about Airspace and Aviation safety. The delegates found it extremely informative, especially since all the relevant information regarding airspace issues was delivered by Mr Mitch Fox from ICAO.

A great deal of focus was also given to flight safety. Mr & Mrs King from the King's Flying Schools in the United States deliver an eye opening presentation on flight safety that affects all pilots. The proceeding drew to a close at Moyo's Restaurant on the premises of the Spier Hotel. All the guest enjoyed the traditional feel and entertainment of a kraal like dinner and all the festivities that go with it.

Events 2012

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