1 Plan your weekend
2 Forthcoming events
3 EAA Aviation Legends Talk Show Thursday 13th February 2014
4 Letters from our readers
5 Sonex Africa family
6 The Durban Land, Sea and Air Festival
7 EAB Option Announced for SubSonex Jet; Introductory Price Extended
8 Boeing Delivers 1,000th 737 Boeing Sky Interior
9 Advertising Rate Card



There are no events that we are aware off planned for this weekend



1 March: SAAF Museum flight training and open day. Contact: Capt. Kobus Kapp 012 351 2342 webmaster@saafmuseum.org

1 March: Swellendam fly-in. Contact Pieter Venter 083 250 9504

1 March: Parys Pylon Time Trials - VANS RV REVOLUTION, Parys, Free State, South Africa. Contact Scully Levin 083 500 8387 email:flyboys@global.co.za

8 March: Bultfontein Wings and Wheels. Contact Piet Vermaak 082 571 3422

13-15 March: SA Navy Festival. Contact Navy PRO 021 787 5684

21-23 March: Durban Sky Grand Prix, Durban. Contact Gerna Fraser 031 563 9165

22 March: PASASA TMG fly-in, Kittyhawk. Contact Marietjie van Niekerk 082 765 6670

22 March: SAPFA Rally -Virginia Airport. Contact Mary de Klerk

28-29 March: Wings and Wheels festival, Uitenhage. Contact Lourens Kruger 082 320 2615

29-30 March: SAC North-West regionals. Contact Annie Boon

4-5 April: Namibian International Airshow. Contact: Maria Diekmann

5 April: Parys Pylon Time Trials, Parys. Contact: Scully Levin

11-13 April: SAA Pilot's Association Zebula Airshow and fly-in. Contact: Paul Weich

28 April-1 May: PASA SA National Skydiving Championships, Wonderboom Airport. Contact: Peter Lawson 012 566 6535



Guest JOHN BASSI is not only a pilot; he is (amongst other things) a journalist, an author, an instructor and conservationist. He is a well-known Game Capture pilot and many of us look forward to reading his monthly "column", published in one of the local aviation magazines. John grew up in Rhodesia, was trained as a tracker, in demolitions and intelligence, spending 2 years with the Selous Scouts before having to flee the country in 1980 ahead of the "Mugabe locusts". Most of his work is done with Helicopters in which he has nearly 14000 hours specializing in wildlife research, anti-poaching, survey, filming, veterinary work and game capture. He also has a few thousand hours in fixed wing and microlights which were used initially and during the time he was giving instruction. His new Book, "Pilot in the Wild" is quickly becoming a best seller and should not be missed.

Host Dr. MIKE BROWN does a wonderful job of extracting every thrilling, funny or interesting story out of our guests, managing never to steal the limelight; the mark of a true professional.

Regulars are advised to book their seats now or miss the show. A quarter of the seats are already taken. Look forward to a thrilling evening. Booking is open and there are still some seats available. Booking is Essential!

Date: 13 th February 2014 - Thursday
Time: 18h30 for 19h30 (time to order your drinks & Boerewors/ Steak roll)
Venue: EAA Auditorium adjacent to TAC and Holding point of Runway 29, Rand Airport, Hurricane Road. Germiston. Take the entrance at Hurricane Road (NOT thru the main gate)
Cost: R50.00 each (R30 for card carrying EAA, members)
Booking: Send an e-mail to book at eaa.talkshow@icon.co.za
Refreshments: Our famous Boerewors and Steak Rolls - fresh off the flames will be available, Pub, Coffee on sale in the Canteen.



Inaccuracy in SAAF 94 Birthday article: "The SAAF was established in 1920, making it the second oldest Air Force in the world second only to the Royal Air Force of Great Britain." Isn't it about time that this was put straight? The SAAF is NOT the second oldest Air Force in the world. It is the Second oldest COMMONWEALTH air force. Bulgaria apparently had an Air force in 1912, Italy in 1884. Even the French Air Force is now listed as having been established in 1909 and Turkish Air Force in 1911. This oldest air force thing sprang from a rumour and surfaced in print form in the 1995 AAD brochure written by someone who had done no research but thought it might sound impressive. Dave Becker then did an extensive exercise, published by SA Flyer at the time that set out the facts.

Greg Pullin

Editor's Response:

Dear Greg

Thank you for your message and observation. After discussing your concern with Garth Calitz, author of the article, Garth confirmed the following from his research:

"The RAF (Royal Air Force) was the first independent Air Force and the SAAF the second. By "independent" we refer to an entity separate from the normal military units and not just an air wing falling under the command of the Army. The French, although established in 1909, operated under the command of the Army until 1933 when it officially became the French Air Force or Armée de l'Air. The Italian Air Force or Aeronautica Militare was founded as an independent service arm on March 28, 1923 although the Army air corps had been active for quite some time. Many countries had Military Air Wings under the command of the Army (including SA) but until the 1st of April 1918, the establishment of the RAF, no one had an independent "Air Force" with its own command structure. The South African Aviation Corps was established on 29 January 1915 but at this stage was not yet the fully-fledged Air Force" as it became in 1920."

So Greg, I suppose it is all academic and it all depends on the interpretation. We at Pilot's Post value your interaction and we would like to send you a copy of the book "Avoiding Fatal Flying Traps" signed by the author "Johan Lottering". Please send us your postal address and we will send it to you soonest.





The current statistics with regards to Sonex products completed or under construction in South Africa are as follows:

Eastern Cape: 4
Kwazulu-Natal: 2
Cape Town: 1
Free State: 1
Gauteng: 4
North-West: 3
Zimbabwe: 3

This is what some "Sonex family members" have to say about their aircraft:

Jack Onderstal, Bloemfontein (Sonex Tricycle gear and AeroVee engine)

"It's like assembling a Mechano set…" According to Jack, there was nothing that a first time builder cannot overcome during the build process. He also added that the plans are comprehensive and technical assistance from the Sonex guys is speedy and precise.
Jack is the backbone of the EAA in Bloemfontein and the Sonex experience truly supports what the EAA stand for. Proving flights for his Sonex will commence soon.

Jonathan Low, Kwazulu-Natal (OneX standard gear with AeroVee engine)

Jonathan has made history by bringing the first OneX kit into Africa. Being a total new design and the latest product Sonex Aircraft,LLC has to offer, this single seater has basically the same flying characteristics as the Sonex, just "sportier". It however boast new features like a folding wing and simplified aluminium landing gear, making the already easy to build kits even simpler.
According to Jonathan, he is thoroughly enjoying his building experience Jonathan stated that he expects completion by March 2013.

Larry McGillewie, Eastern Cape (Waiex, Standard gear with Jabiru 2200 engine)

Larry is another pioneer who has imported and built the first Waiex on the African continent. We have met Larry at the recent EAA event in Bloemfontein where he passionately shared his experiences in his Waiex with us. He described the handling characteristics as responsive and solid. According to Larry, his example has also been put through aerobatic sequences, which had more than proved this little Y-tail's capabilities.
Larry is an instructor and owns a flying school in Grahamstown.

Phillip Darne, Eastern Cape (Sonex, Standard gear with AeroVee engine)

Philip has built his Sonex to give his daughter, who is an avid aviator, the opportunity to do aerobatics. Well suited for this purpose in mind, it also brings a level of affordability not generally experienced in this sport. While Philip is still "fine tuning" his Sonex, he is also finishing off a Whisper motor-glider. His Sonex is finished in the old SAAF Harvard's day glow colour scheme, which brings some nostalgia to the African Sonex family.

Gary Whitecross, Gauteng (Sonex builder)

Another exciting build is being done by Gary Whitecross from Springs Airfield, Gauteng. Gary has completed the tail section and is planning to have the fuselage done by end of January to mid-February.

For more information contact:
Neil Cooper: 083 294 3537 | Dirk Coetzee: 071 405 8314 | Fax: 086 603 2790 | Email: sonex.africa@gmail.com





The Durban Land, Sea and Air Festival is well underway and will take place over the long weekend of 20-23rd March. The Sky Grand Prix of aerobatics is the major component of the festival, bringing 5 international and 10 local pilots together to compete against each other in the Sky Grand Prix format.

The festival will be complimented with a range of alternative activities, including contributions by the SA Navy, SA Air Force (to be confirmed), NSRI and many more.

The goal is to attract at least 100,000 visitors to visit the event over the weekend.

Venue: Durban North Beach, KZN
Date: 20-23 March 2014
Times: approx. 9am - 4pm daily
Notes: Sunday is set aside as a weather day in case of bad weather
Entrance Fee: Free to public
Development Day: 20th March / Venue Virginia Airport TBC



Sonex Aircraft, LLC is excited to announce a new purchase option for the SubSonex Personal Jet! Originally offered only as an Ultra-Quick Build Kit for Experimental Exhibition certifications, customers will now have the option to choose between the original Exhibition kit, or a new Quick Build Kit option that is in compliance with Experimental/Amateur-Built standards.

Also announced today, as part of a large progress update to Sonex customers, introductory pricing announced at EAA AirVenture 2013 will be extended through March 31, 2014. "Immediately after our announcement of SubSonex Kit Reservation Deposit availability at AirVenture 2013, customers voiced their desire for an EAB-compliant kit," comments Sonex President and Founder John Monnett.

"Our extension of the introductory pricing offered at AirVenture will allow those customers to place their EAB kit orders within the same guaranteed special pricing structure. This new kit option is primarily being offered to help those outside of the United States import and gain approval for the SubSonex in their home countries, with most countries offering a clear path for certification of homebuilt aircraft."

SubSonex JSX-2 Quick Build Kits for EAB construction will come at a slightly lower price, USD $120,000 vs. $125,000 for the Experimental Exhibition Ultra-Quick Build Kit, and all deposit holders will have an opportunity to select the kit of their choice upon placing firm orders later this year. Orders placed after March 31st will receive the full-retail kit price:
$135,000 ($130,000 for EAB), which is the current estimate of retail price based-upon the aircraft's estimated final bill of materials.

The EAB version of the SubSonex Quick Build Kit will still ship very complete, with all the same supplied equipment as the Experimental Exhibition kit, however, EAB customers will have to build a few more parts of the aircraft themselves. This will include construction and installation of items such as the tail surfaces, control surfaces (ruddervators, ailerons, flaps) and windshield, much like the current Sonex, Waiex and Onex Quick Build Kits. A pending FAA National Kit Evaluation Team (NKET) audit will confirm the final list of tasks required for completion by the builder.

For customers outside the US, the certification requirements of amateur-built aircraft as opposed to experimental exhibition aircraft may be a deciding factor. All other differences between the two certification paths are relatively minor. To aid customers in their decision-making process, Sonex Aircraft has prepared a downloadable Experimental Exhibition vs. EAB.

Today's SubSonex progress update includes many details regarding the JSX-2 design's development since AirVenture 2013, reporting that the project remains on-schedule. "With design and prototyping activities closing-in on the final detail phases of systems installations," commented John Monnett, "we anticipate coming very close to original targets for first flight of JSX-2, anticipated for the March/April, 2014 timeframe (weather permitting). The SubSonex design team is working very hard to achieve this goal, with tasks such as avionics installation, fuel system plumbing and canopy installation remaining."

Most of the critical flight testing activities for the SubSonex design have already been completed using the proof-of-concept JSX-1 prototype aircraft, therefore, successful completion of the first few hours of flight test with JSX-2 will represent a major benchmark in the program.



Milestone marked with special livery on Norwegian Air Shuttle 737-800

Boeing's passenger-inspired 737 Boeing Sky Interior marked its 1,000th milestone delivery with Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA. The 737 Boeing Sky Interior features modern sculpted sidewalls and window reveals, LED lighting that enhances the sense of spaciousness and larger pivoting overhead stowage bins.

"The Boeing Sky Interior is delighting passengers and our airline customers," said Beverly Wyse, vice president and general manager, 737 programs, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "It's adding even more value to the Next-Generation 737, which already delivers the best economics, reliability and fuel efficiency in its class."

Norwegian Air Shuttle was one of the launch customers for the 737 Boeing Sky Interior. This is the airline's 48th Next-Generation 737-800 with the new interior, making it the largest airline operating with the 737 Boeing Sky Interior in Europe.

"Our goal is to provide passengers with the ultimate experience in comfort and convenience when they fly with Norwegian," said Bjorn Kjos, chief executive officer of Norwegian Air Shuttle. "The Boeing Sky Interior on the Next-Generation 737 helps us to deliver just that."

A passenger survey conducted by Norwegian Air Shuttle soon after the airline began service with the new look found that more than half of respondents rate the 737 Boeing Sky Interior more comfortable than the standard interior. And passengers reported they feel "happier" in the new interior.

Since the first 737 Boeing Sky Interior was delivered in October 2010, more than 60 customers have ordered the new interior.

Approximately 85 percent of Boeing's backlog of more than 1,900 Next-Generation 737s will be delivered with the 737 Boeing Sky Interior. The passenger-preferred interior will be standard on Boeing's newest family of single-aisle airplanes, the 737 MAX.


Midweek Update

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