1 Forthcoming events
2 The year in review
3 Africa Aerospace and Defence economic impact assessment of AAD2012
3 Advertising Rate Card


15 December: Plett Wings and Wheels aviation day.
Contact Harry de Villiers 082 807 2091 harry@htdevilliersatt.co.za

31 January to 01 February: SAC Western Cape regionals / AWAC finals at Mossel Bay. Contact Annie Boon e-mail: change@mweb.co.za

31 January to 02 February: Dias Festival airshow - Mossel Bay.
Contact Hans Potgieter e-mail:
airshowevents@gmail.com 082 768 1754

1 February: SAPFA Rand Airport challenge rally: www.sapfa.org.za Contact Mary de Klerk mary@expandingbranding.co.za

1 February: SAAF Museum flying training and open day. Contact Capt. Kobus Kapp 012 351 2342. E-mail: webmaster@saafmuseum.org

7 to 9 February: MISASA Shootout 2014 to be held at Tedderfield. Contact Donald Hicks e-mail: wendonair@wendon.co.za or John Boucher e-mail: comms@misasa.org Tel: 082 553 1105



As the year draws to a close and most of us get ready for the annual migration to the coast or game reserves or to visit family and friends we look back at 2013, a bumper year filled with aviation events. As South Africans we are indeed spoiled for choice and our general aviation sector is alive and well. We still have relatively free skies and our wonderful country with breath taking scenery and mostly perfect weather makes for ideal flying conditions.

During 2013 we covered all the major events, from the complete KZN Winter Tour covered by our KZN correspondent Cheryl Smit to the weeklong AirVenture at Oshkosh in the USA when we published daily updates of all the action.

We visited almost all the Fly-ins and published a report and photos a day later…..

Brought you Seaplanes, one made in SA (not many around because of our severe restriction for landing on inland waters) and more from the USA…….

And off course attended all the other airshows including the Botswana International Show…….

We featured the daredevils of the skies……

Went to and reported on conventions and aviation industries……

Took you flying with us……………

Reported on all aspects of aviation……………

We introduced the Midweek Update to keep our news fresh and also introduced our new home page that makes navigating much easier and improved our weather feature substantially to give you hour by hour updates of current weather patterns. In March we started a group page on Facebook making it easier for you to communicate directly with us. The group currently have more than 900 members.

We also introduced a new pricing structure for advertisement offering affordable effective packages to suit the needs from the smallest business to the big corporates.

Like the rest of the country we will also be taking a break and this Midweek Update will be the last of the current year. Our next feature will be published on Sunday 5 January 2014.

We wish all our readers, advertisers, reporters and contributors a blessed festive season and a new year filled with love, joy, good health and safe flying. Be safe and clear skies to all and remember be a safety first aviator.



Africa Aerospace and Defence is the premier exhibition of Air, Sea and Land technologies on the African continent

A study commissioned by the Africa Aerospace & Defence (AAD) partnership has confirmed that the bi-annual AAD airshow exerts a significant positive impact on the economy, particularly the Tshwane regional economy.

An Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) of the AAD 2012 Exhibition was conducted by an independent economic research agency (GOPA Group SA). Key findings of this quantitative impact study included the following:

• A total of R200 million was generated in the economy by the expenditure of visitors to the airshow, as well as the expenditure related to the hosting of the event and the exhibition stands.

• Demand generated by the event was translated into total turnover (output) in the economy of R685 million, spread throughout a variety of economic sectors, including accommodation, food, construction, business services, transport, furniture and retail trade

• Based on input-output table analysis, a total of more than 2,000 jobs were created, the majority of which were in the formal sectors of the economy

• Economic output generated by the airshow resulted in a broadening of the country's tax base of more than R55 million

• The editorial value equivalent of highly favourable domestic and foreign media exposure of the event amounted to more than R30 million

• A substantial amount of business was procured by exhibitors at AAD 2012

• The medium-term value of inbound tourism flowing from a large contingent of international visitors at AAD 2012 has been estimated at more than R1 billion

A total of around 130,000 visitors attended AAD 2012, which represented a multiple of the average number of visitors that attend exhibitions in South Africa. No other event allows for a greater degree of comprehensive information sharing on aviation matters than the bi-annual AAD Exhibition and it has become a showcase for the country's diversified and sophisticated aviation industry.

AAD exhibitions are managed under the auspices of a long-standing partnership between the South African Aerospace, Maritime and Defence Industries Association (AMD), the Armaments Corporation of South Africa SOC Ltd (ARMSCOR), the Commercial Aviation Association of Southern Africa (CAASA Trust) and the Department of Defence (DOD).

Aviation makes a significant contribution to the South African economy, particularly via a multi-dimensional supply chain. The value of the aviation industry supply chain is estimated to be more than R116 billion.

The extended and complex supply chain of aviation, combined with its indispensable role in rapid transport, defence operations and providing access to remote areas, justifies the view that the aeronautical industry should be afforded strategic sector status.

AAD 2014

The Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) 2014 is one of the world's premier Aerospace and Defence exhibition that holds a prominent position within the Aviation and Defence calendar. This exhibition takes place biannually in September. The first three days of the exhibition are traditionally trade days, followed by two airshow days that are open to the public. The 8th AAD will take place at AFB Waterkloof, Centurion in the City of Tshwane, South Africa between 17 and 21 September 2014 and will once again bring together various industries from throughout the world so as to showcase the latest technological innovations within this sector.

For further information please visit AAD 2014's website: www.aadexpo.co.za .


Midweek Update

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