Almost fifty arrivals at EAA's Chapter 322 Aug fly in

By Willie Bodenstein


Hosted by Graham and Venessa Richardson at their house and in their hangar at Fly Inn Estates this monthly Chapter 322 event was without a doubt the most successful one of the year.

I arrived by road at approximately 07.40 and parked, as was requested, by Captain Karl Jensen's hangar and found some of the early arrivals there having a quick cup of coffee and chat.

Having said hello I made my way to the as always immaculate runway to capture the arrivals where I met with Gabi Venter, the founder of Fly Inn Estates. I'm glad to say that he looked well. By then there already seven aircraft parked and the grass apron.

The early arrivals who had finished their coffee then made their way to cross the runway to Graham and Venesa's hangar.

I did not wait long before the first arrived and from then on I was kept busy by a steady stream of arrivals.

Fly Inn Estates is just within the SAAF's Waterkloof Airforce Base's CTR and visitors were advised to call Waterkloof tower when over Babsfontein if coming in from the south. If on the Pinedene station route they would already be on frequency with Waterkloof on 124.10.

I managed to capture some of the visitors in between arrivals.

Having flown from Fly Inn on numerous occasions as a passenger I can vouch for the fact that the ATC staff at Waterkloof are very accommodating and are a pleasure to deal with. Visitors were also advised to Please do call Babsfontein and Microland when 5 miles out on 120.35 as there are many microlights and gyro's in these circuits.

Kitplanes for Africa

Soon the aroma of steak on the fire filled the air and breakfast, a delicious steak roll was served. By then I estimated that close to fifty had arrived, eight of which I'm glad to say was Gyrocopters and were parked with military precision in the cul de sac leading up the hangar were the mornings much anticipated talk was to be held.

John Comley, pilot, engineer, and award-winning aviation author, was set to deliver a powerful, and potentially life-saving presentation, CRASH COURSE - A pilot's guide to conducting an emergency forced landing you can walk away from.

The hangar was packed for the presentation that included topics on what to avoid, forced Landing Options, the decision process, understanding energy, understanding g-force and methods for best absorbing energy and reducing the effects of g-force.

I, unfortunately because of other commitments had to leave early. However, nobody left until the last word was spoken, I was told.

Comments in the public media

Ron van Lear; A really wonderful morning. Nice to see all the buddies chatting and having a good time. Special thanks to Graham, Venessa and Belinda for the effort.

George Bosch; A very big thank you to Graham and Venessa who hosted this morning's Fly-Inn.

Laura; Lovely morning thanks to all.

Ronell Myburg; Brilliant morning! Thank you, Graham, Venessa and Belinda.

Ian Wylde; thank you 322 for a lovely morning.

Forty Plus Visitors to Chapter 322's Aug 2024 Fly In

Events 2024

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