Chapter 322 Monthly meeting and Fly In - Tedderfield

By Willie Bodenstein


Saturday 13 December and EAA Chapter 322 opened the 2024 aviation events calendar when it combined its monthly meeting with a fly in to Tedderfield Airpark Park. The event was open for all and almost 50 aircraft and close to 100 people attended. All were treated to a free boerie roll (170 of which were served) and refreshments compliments of Airparks Hangar Owners.

I arrived by road at approximately 07.15 to find that twelve aircraft were already at the field. The wind favoured runway 29 which meant that all arrivals came out of the sun and made shooting pics a hit and miss affair.

It was especially wonderful to that the event was supported by gyroplanes and weight shifts.

From then on there was a fairly constant sound of aircraft engines as more and more aircraft arrived while others left.

Mr. Oshkosh, Neil Bowden, Chapter 322 Chairman and chapter members and others during the meeting.

Besides the normal topics two extremely interesting topics, one about fuel vaporising and the other regarding the recently completion of a Vans RV 10, project was discussed.

The response of so many bodes well for fly in and other events for 2024. I spoke to both SAGPA (South Africa Gyro Plane Association) as well as MISASA (Microlights and Light Sport Aircraft Association of SA) embers who said that they have decided that 2024 is the year in which they, especially, will be supporting as many fly- in events as they possible can. That is brilliant news, not only for the organises of fly in's but also for the GA fraternity in general.

Aircraft Movements Chapter 322 Fly in to Tedderfield Airpark 13 Dec 2024

Events 2024

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