14 countries, 92 stops, two world records

Celebrating the first helicopter father and son world circumnavigation

Bell Media Release


The Denglers pose during the six-year anniversary of flight celebration at Bell's Canada facility on 27 June 2023

On 1 July 2017, W.R. “Bob” Dengler and Steven Dengler set out in the Bell 429 as the first father and son to circumnavigate the world by aircraft. During their 47 day-long journey, the all-Canadian crew visited popular markers around the world, including every Canadian province and territory that celebrates achievements and events from Canada's history.

As the six-year anniversary of their journey approaches, Bob Dengler shares insights into the flight while using the Bell 429, “The Bell 429 was the ideal aircraft for our circumnavigation. Its comfort, capacity, and reliability made for the perfect mission platform. It performed flawlessly, and it never gave us the slightest hiccup during the entire trip. And everywhere we went, the Bell 429 turned heads. It's a beautiful aircraft.”

The Denglers achieved an award from the Guinness World Record as the 'First Father and Son to Circumnavigate the World by Aircraft', and an award from Exceptional Air Sports Performance as the 'First Canadian Circumnavigation in Helicopter'.

For Bob and Steven, while honoured to make history, their main goal of traveling around the world was rooted in their patriotism for Canada and raising proceeds for Canadian veterans and their families.

Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau poses with the Denglers during Canada 150

“Bell is honoured that the Denglers chose the Bell 429 to complete their world flight, and we are proud to have supported them throughout the process. They truly accomplished a great deal with their journey,” said Greg Maitlen, regional sales manager, Bell. "With the ceremony at Bell's Canada facility, we continue to celebrate their accomplishments.”

To honor the six-year anniversary of the flight, Bell hosted a ceremony at Bell's Commercial Assembly and Delivery Centre in Mirabel, Canada to celebrate the Denglers' journey.

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