South African Air Force Museum show 2016


Sponsored by the Paramount Group and attracting some 30,000 visitors the annual SAAF Museum Airshow was held in glorious weather at AFB Swartkop the oldest active military base in the world.

The Museum staff pulled out all the stops to make the airshow a success and as in the past the number and variety of acts did not disappoint. However, the illogical process of accrediting vendors, cleaning staff, exhibitors, media and all involved in making the show a pleasant experience for the spectators seriously needs to be addressed. Although the accreditation office was open for four days it still took most involved, and that includes SAAF members, as long as three hours to be processed! Getting into the base for spectators was a nightmare. Most visitors, even those that bought tickets on line, queued for more than two hours.

This year the Museum AIrshow was back and it was as good as it ever was albeit with shrinking SAAF assets.

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