Midweek Update 13 June 2013

This week in Midweek Update

1 Weekend events
2 Forthcoming events
3 14th Annual Warbirds aero-modellers meeting
4 Boeing EMARSS aircraft completes 1st test flight
5 Warbirds in Review shows its stripes in Oshkosh 2013
6 World's only flying Waco 9 to make first Oshkosh visit
7 Paramount Group throws embattled ATE a lifeline
8 Titanium - The new Gold Dust
9 Upcoming Springbok Classic Air scenic flights
10 Cassidian Optronics takes over Zeiss Optronics

What's happening this weekend?

14-16 June. Bushveld Festival and Fly in. Alldays. E-mail:

15-17 June. SAPFA Precision Nationals, Kitty Hawk. E-mail: maryd@expandingbranding.co.za
16-22 June: SA National Paragliding Championships, Barberton. E-mail: wayne@sowell.co.za


Save the dates.

See details below for the KZN Winter Tour
21-23 June. NAC Piston Fly-Away, Kimberley. E-mail:

3-7 July. Sports Aerobatics National, Hoespruit. E-mail: change@mweb.co.za

20 July. Taildraggers and Fun & Precision Rally, Nylstroom. E-mail:

27 July. Pylon Time Trials, Parys. E-mail:

27 July. 9th annual fly in, Hippo Pools Resort, Hoedspruit. Airstrip. For more:

27 July. Springs Fly-in free breakfast. Springs Airfield. E-mail:

For the full 2013 calendar go to events.

See below for the KZN Winter Tour

KZN Winter Air

Ulundi -15 June 2013
Richards Bay - 22 June 2013 Pietermaritzburg - 29 June 2013
Margate - 6 July 2013 Durban - 13 July 2013

Don't miss out on the action. Tickets will be available at www.kznwinterairtour.co.za or can be purchased on the day. For more information email info@kznwinterairtour.co.za or visit ww.kznwinterairtour.co.za

EAA Auditorium

Flying Legends Talk Show 13 June

Interview with Ivan Holtzhausen veteran Korean P51 Mustang and F86 Sabre pilot.
Book at: admin2.woods@icon.co.za


14th Annual Warbirds aero-modellers meeting
Garth Calitz reporting

Aero-modellers from all over South Africa converged on the South African Air Force Museum at Air Force Base Zwartkop to take part in the 14th Annual Warbirds meeting on the 8th May . The Warbirds get-together is the brainchild of retired Lieutenant Colonel Gert de Klerk and he is still the organiser today. On the day members of SAMJO run the flight line under the watchful eye of Safety Officer Lt Col Clive Sheppard of the SAAF Museum.

Aero-modelling is growing in popularity and is accessible to almost every budget; beginners can get in the air with “foamy” which can be bought ready to fly at anything from R2500-00 to R3000-00. On the other end of the scale some of the near perfect scale hand built replicas on display at this year's Warbirds meeting are valued at close on a quarter of a million Rand and that does not include the hours and hours of work put into them by the loving owners.

Qualification to take part in Warbirds is simple only hand built scale replicas of existing Warbirds are eligible to enter , no “ARF's” almost ready to fly are permitted. The detail on these models is absolutely amazing one can just imagine how many hours of work was put into each aircraft.

Retired General “Thack” Thackeray was the guest of honour and was called upon to hand over all the awards at the customary afternoon parade, where and all participants are give a badge to commemorate the occasion and new pilots to the meeting receive their wings.

Mark Savage walked away with the prize for best flight and best Jet aircraft with his stunning replica of the South African Air Force T-55 Vampire no. 257 in the white, blue and orange scheme as flown by Test Flight and Development Centre (TFDC). The awarded for the best Bi-Plane went to Humphrey Le Grice with his stunning model of a 1916 Sopwith Pup, Koos Pretorius was awarded the best Mono Plane with his North American T-28 “Trojan” in US Navy livery.

Many of the Aircraft displayed at this year's event have taken part in international competitions and have achieved great results over the last few years. Mark Savage's Vampire obtained a second place in the world championship in 2012. A wonderful 45% scale model of a Bücker Bü 133 Jungmeister was one of the aircraft that unfortunately could not fly due to the very high winds. The aircraft has a perfect scale radial motor and every detail of the cockpit is as it would be in the original, The owner/builder spent 4 years building this masterpiece. No wonder he didn't want to risk flying it in the gusty conditions.

A Bell UH1 and a Huges 500 made up the helicopter contingent of the show and flew flawless displays in very difficult conditions.

Information on all aero-modelling events can be found on the SAAMA Blog at http://samodelair.blogspot.com/


Boeing EMARSS Aircraft Completes 1st Test Flight
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance aircraft flies for 4 hours

FAIRFAX, Va., June 3, 2013 - A U.S. Army and Boeing [NYSE: BA] team completed the first flight of the first of four Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS) Engineering, Manufacturing and Development aircraft on May 22. The aircraft was in the air for more than four hours and completed all first-flight test objectives, including evaluation of aerodynamic handling qualities, aircraft systems performance, and autopilot functions.

The flight took place at the Beechcraft facility in Wichita, Kan., following ground tests that included a high-speed taxi. This milestone is a key event on the path to Limited User Tests and the Milestone C low rate initial production decision. EMARSS will provide the Army the ability to detect, locate, classify, identify, and track surface targets in nearly all weather conditions, day or night, with a high degree of timeliness and accuracy.


Warbirds in Review Shows Its Stripes in 2013

EAA's Warbirds in Review returns for its 12th year at AirVenture 2013.
The ever-popular Warbirds in Review program launches into its 12th year at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2013 with two daily presentations about well-known military aircraft and the people who flew them.

Presentations take place at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Monday, July 29, through Sunday, August 4, at the special aircraft display area on Warbird Alley.

New for 2013, before the presentations - at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. each day - the Warbirds Living History Group will entertain the crowd, showcasing their authentic uniforms and flight gear. They will be followed by 1940s-style singer Theresa Eaman, who was such a hit last year that she'll return to sing songs befitting the era, beginning at 9:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.

Warbirds in Review presentations will be immediately followed by book signing opportunities in the Warbirds Merchandise Building. Check the schedule in the Warbirds Merchandise Building for featured books.

Program chairperson Connie Bowlin has a stellar lineup as usual, leading off with a unique airplane destined to play a larger role at Oshkosh later in the week.

2013 Warbirds in Review Lineup
Schedule subject to change

Monday, July 29, 10 a.m. - C-53 and D-Day Invasion with the Warbirds Living History Group: This year the Warbirds Living History Group joins the Texas Flying Legends Museum for a D-Day re-enactment. Members will paint invasion stripes and nose art on the TFLM's C-53 (transport version of the DC-3/C-47) Monday starting at 10 a.m., re-enacting D-Day invasion preparations of June 1944. Nose art from the C-53 Duchess of Dakota will be painted on while the re-enactors paint the stripes. During World War II, Murray Lawler named his aircraft in honour of his wife Margaret. We will welcome Margaret Lawler to Oshkosh with "her" aircraft.

The airplane will serve as transport to AirVenture for nine WWII veterans on Tuesday, representing airmen who flew many of TFLM's various aircraft types in military service. Special thanks are extended to the Texas Flying Legends Museum, which will bring a total of 11 aircraft to Oshkosh featured on Warbird alley throughout the week.

Monday, July 29, 1 p.m. - "Best of the Best" - Warbird Past Champions: The afternoon presentation will feature past award-winning aircraft including the Fagen Fighter Museum's Curtiss P40-E Warhawk Desert Shark, winner of the 2011 Warbirds Gold Lindy, and Chuck Wahl's unique SNJ with a tail hook. Warbirds chief judge Eric Paul will use the planes as he provides insight into the judging process for those vying for arguably one of the most prestigious awards in aviation: Warbird Grand Champion.

Tuesday, July 30, 10 a.m. - Corsair, TBM, and L-5: Aircraft of the U.S. Navy will be well represented this year starting with the Corsair, TBM, and L-5, featuring three distinguished Marine pilot veterans:
Merton Hansen - Training with the artillery units of the 5th Marine Division, Hansen flew at Iwo Jima and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross;
Clarence "Clancy" Hess - As a Marine pilot, Hess flew in the Pacific in WWII and Korea;
Joe McPhail - Col. McPhail is credited with 240 combat missions and two air-to-air victories. He flew the F4F-4 Wildcat with Marine Fighter Squadron VMF 441 in the Central Pacific Theater, later instructing in the F4U Corsair then to VMF-323, the "Death Rattlers." At the outbreak of the Korean Conflict, McPhail was assigned to VMFA-214 "Blacksheep" Squadron.

Tuesday, July 30, 1 p.m. - WASP Stearman: Women Air Service Pilot (WASP) Bee Haydu will be joined by Maj. Caroline Jensen, current Air Force Thunderbird pilot No. 3 (Right Wing) and Stearman No. 12 owned by Andy and Mike Porter that served with the WASP at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas, during WWII.

Wednesday, July 31, 10 a.m. - P-40, B-25, and A6M2-Model 21 Zero: The morning session brings the Texas Flying Legends Museum's P-40, B-25, and A6M2-Model 21 Zero to center stage, along with veterans David Born and Vic Tatelman. They will be joined by Ron Werneth, author of the book Beyond Pearl Harbour. Born flew the T-6, P-47, P-40, and P-51 with the 479th Fighter Group in Europe. Also a photographer, Born is credited with more than 83 pictures published in the book The 479th Fighter Group in WWII. Tatelman flew B-25s with the 345th Bomber Group in the Southwest Pacific and later flew the F-86 Sabre after being recalled to active duty for the Korean War.

Wednesday, July 31, 1 p.m. - P-51s Old Crow & Swamp Fox with Col. Bud Anderson, Jack Roush, and Will Foard: We welcome back Col. Bud Anderson and Jack Roush, crowd favourites with the "B" model Mustang Old Crow. They will be joined this year by another member of the 357th Fighter Group - Will Foard and P-51 Swamp Fox owned by Robert Dickson. The Dickson family met Foard a few years ago, and when they acquired this P-51 they chose to honour him by giving it his Swamp Fox paint scheme.

Thursday, August 1, 10 a.m. - PV-2 Harpoon: This presentation features the Lockheed Ventura PV-2 Harpoon that was intended to fly against Japan for the final attack and invasion on the Japanese homeland. The atomic bombs brought the war - and the need for more aircraft - to a swift end. After its brief military service, the Harpoon was used as an aerial tanker fighting forest fires. The staff at Vintage Aircraft in Stockton, California, rallied to save the Harpoon from the scrap heap.

Thursday, August 1, 1 p.m. - F-86 with Bob Hoover: We are pleased to once again welcome Oshkosh-favourite Bob Hoover, who has flown so many airplanes in service to the U.S. and general aviation that he could speak about almost anything. He will appear with the North American F-86 owned by Paul Wood of the Warbird Heritage Foundation.

Friday, August 2, 10 a.m. - 75th Anniversary of the T-6: The North American AT-6 Texan was used to train several hundred thousand pilots in 34 different countries for 25 years. In honour of its 75th anniversary, featured will be an original T-6 as well as Beechcraft's current T-6 Texan II, a single-engine turboprop aircraft introduced in 2000-2001. The original T-6 is still serving in the role of "pilot maker" as the preferred trainer for a Warbird pilot preparing to fly a high-performance World War II fighter.

Friday, August 2, 1 p.m. - Restoring the Wildcat: The dramatic contrast between scrap heap and flying status will be ably demonstrated on Friday afternoon with the appearance of a Grumman FM Wildcat, restored by Conrad Huffstutler, and the U.S. Navy Wildcat wreck recovered in December 2012 from Lake Michigan by A&T Recovery of Chicago. A full restoration takes many years of dedication to complete, so we'll congratulate and welcome Conrad. We also thank the Navy History and Heritage Command and its supporters who are making it possible for the Lake Michigan Wildcat to be displayed at Oshkosh on a trailer prior to being transported to Pensacola for restoration.

Saturday, August 3, 10 a.m. - C-7 Caribou with Ron Alexander and Gen. John Borling: Following Friday activities in Oshkosh, which include a special, first-ever Yellow Ribbon Honour Flight for Vietnam veterans, Saturday will be a special day on Warbird Alley with a salute to our Vietnam veterans. The ramp will be filled with airplanes from the Vietnam era. The morning session features Ron Alexander, a C-7 Caribou pilot who received the Distinguished Flying Cross and two air medals. Cavanaugh Flight Museum will generously provide its Caribou. We are honoured that Gen. John Borling will join us to close out the morning program. Gen Borling spent 6-1/2 years in captivity after being shot down over Vietnam.

Saturday, August 3, 1 p.m. - Huey Helicopter with Medal of Honour recipient Gen. Patrick Brady: What better way to close out the Vietnam tribute than with Medal of Honour recipient Gen. Patrick Brady? While in Vietnam, he was awarded the Medal of Honour for a series of rescues during which he used three Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopters (more commonly known as "Hueys") to rescue more than 60 wounded soldiers. At the end of the day his aircraft had more than 400 holes in them from enemy fire and mines. The Army Aviation Heritage Foundation will bring its Huey in support of Gen. Brady.

Sunday, August 4, 10 a.m. - Yak-52 and CJ-6A: EAA Warbirds of America members come together during AirVenture to enjoy the Oshkosh experience. They come to visit with friends, display their aircraft, recognize the veterans, and educate both young and old. Whether a T-34, T-6, liaison, fighter, jet, or other aircraft, the type groups come to share their passion and knowledge. Sunday morning the Yak-52 and CJ-6A owners of the Red Star Pilots Association will share some of this experience with visitors when they display their aircraft in the final day's only session.


World's Only Flying Waco 9 to Make First Oshkosh Visit

Frank Pavliga's 14-year project

May 23, 2013 - It's been quite a while since a Waco 9 biplane has been to the annual EAA fly-in convention. In fact, Oshkosh has never seen one; it was Rockford 1962 when Marion McClure flew his 1926 model to that year's fly-in.

But this year, Frank Pavliga, EAA 111054/Vintage 19553, of Atwater, Ohio, plans to end the 51-year drought when he flies his one-of-a-kind Curtiss OX-5 powered 1925 Standard Waco 9 Miss Gilmore to Oshkosh for AirVenture 2013.

"It's the only one flying as far as I'm aware," Pavliga said. The original airplane, coincidentally serial No. 9, went through six owners from 1925-1937, but FAA records ended there due to an ownership dispute. Pavliga's father, with whom he built a Pietenpol, acquired the airplane's wings at an Academy of Model Aeronautics event in the 1990s. The actual rebuilding project started in 1998 and was completed last year.

Pavliga essentially recreated the airplane from scratch, using official Waco drawings from the Smithsonian, what he described as total access to a display example at the Ohio History of Flight Museum in Columbus, and considerable help from his aviation friends. Pavliga mentioned Andrew King, Kent McMakin, Ron Degnan, Tom Hegy, Al Holloway, Chad Wille, Mark Dickenson, Denny Trone, and Forrest Barber.

The 14-year project culminated in the first flight by former test pilot Barber at his airport in Alliance, Ohio, on April 13, 2012. Since then he's put about 12 flight hours on NC1536 - Pavliga says the plane's 1927 registration number was NC1538, but that was unavailable, so he chose 1536. "1538 should be hopefully available again in a few years," he said.

Not surprisingly, there have been several nagging issues with the plane he's had to work through, including a sinking carb float and some water leaks in the 90-hp liquid-cooled OX-5 engine, which at one time powered the Waco 9 Miss Pittsburgh displayed at the Pittsburgh International Airport's Landside Terminal.

Pavliga chose to name the plane Miss Gilmore for the Gilmore Gas and Oil Company. "It's a neat-looking logo, and very appropriate for the period," he said.

The airplane cruises at 65 mph, lands about 30 (grass only; the plane has a tailskid), and has a climb rate of ... well, it gets off the ground all right, he said. Visibility and ground handling are good, described as "extremely manoeuvrable."

Flying the airplane is another story. "It flies like a really old airplane," Pavliga said with a laugh. "In calm air it's a pussycat. But any kind of turbulence shows how ineffective the ailerons are. They're more of a suggestion."

When it arrives at Oshkosh, Pavliga's plane will be prominently displayed among a number of other unique aircraft in the Vintage area's Round-Engine Rodeo attraction. Steve Krog, who's leading this effort, said the Waco 9 will be featured in a VAA Airplane in Review program, and is planning to conduct a daily engine startup of the OX-5 engine so folks can get a chance to listen to the distinct sound of the V-8 liquid-cooled engine.

"If people want to see a very rare aircraft, they will want to see and listen to the Waco 9," Krog said.

Pavliga said he planned to arrive in Oshkosh on the Sunday before opening day after stops in Indiana and the annual Pietenpol gathering in Brodhead, Wisconsin.


Paramount Group throws embattled ATE a lifeline
Mark Mansfield reports

The embattled Advanced Technology and Engineering Company (ATE), has been thrown a lifeline by Africa's largest privately owned defence and aerospace business, Paramount Group. This was officially announced recently at the ATE premises in Midrand.

ATE, one of South Africa's oldest and most established aerospace companies with more than 27 years of experience, has now been incorporated into the Paramount Group, and will be trading as Paramount Advanced Technologies.

“This will ensure that vital aerospace expertise and world-class competency remains in South Africa, to the benefit of the continent and the broader economy.” said Ivor Ichikowitz, Executive Chairman, Paramount Group. “Paramount Group's success lies in our confidence and faith in our continent's technical ability. The business rescue of ATE demonstrates this commitment and will harness local skills and South Africa's “can do “attitude. This transaction will ultimately aid the continent, allow us to drive research and development in this high-tech field, and participate as one of the leading global industry players.” continued Ichikowitz.

ATE has been through a tumultuous time over the past few years and was placed under business rescue just under two years ago. Paramount Group's acquisition will ensure the continuation of this business (ATE) and in so doing, add significant new and sophisticated aeronautical capabilities into its existing product offering and expand the group's ability to deliver to its many government customers around the world.
With the inclusion of ATE into the Paramount Group, will now provide product extensions such as UAVs, SENSORS, Avionics, Mission Systems and System Integration to its already comprehensive and growing suite of aerospace, land and maritime security and defence products. It will also see Paramount Group add to its civilian market expertise in border surveillance, coastal patrol, environmental protection, and disaster and emergency services.


Titanium - The new Gold Dust
Mark Mansfield reports

Boeing and the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) recently announced that they would conduct joint research on ways to incorporate titanium powder into industrial manufacturing processes.

South Africa has the world's second largest reserves of titanium ore, and has developed and patented technology to convert titanium ore to titanium powder. CSIR had recently launched a titanium pilot plant to further advance titanium powder technology. With this objective in place, Boeing and CSIR signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on processes that could bring titanium powder-based products to commercial markets on an industrial scale and improve the efficiency of titanium manufacturing.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Dr. Williams Lyons, Boeing Research & Technology director of Global Technology, said Boeing's research with CSIR will advance the science of a promising technology. “This research is important to the aviation industry because it will enable us to use titanium powder for manufacturing in ways that reduce energy consumption and waste,” Lyons said.

The collaboration with Boeing will bring value to South Africa. Dr. Willie du Preez, director of the South African Titanium Centre of Competence said, “Boeing's competencies and experience regarding the applications of titanium in aerospace will hugely benefit CSIR's drive towards the commercialization of titanium technologies.”

J. Miguel Santos, Boeing International vice president for Africa, said the company is pleased to broaden its relationships in South Africa. “our research and development agreement with CSIR adds a new dimension to Boeing engagement in South Africa,” said Santos. “We are collaborating to advance South Africa's development in the aviation industry, which will increase the competitiveness of Boeing products.”

Boeing Research & Technology (BR&T) will oversee the company's research activity in South Africa. As Boeing's advanced research and development organisation, BR&T is focused on developing future aerospace solutions and improving the cycle time, cost, quality and performance of current aerospace systems.

Boeing and South Africa have a relationship focused on the development of South Africa's aviation industry. Boeing customer relationships include South African Airways and its Low Cost carrier subsidiary Mango Airline and Comair/Kulula. Boeing's South African suppliers include Aerosud, and the company has a partnership with 43 Air School, a national Airways Corporation subsidiary to provide pilot training.

This mutually beneficial research collaboration supports South Africa's long-term economic development and could expand the supply of titanium for many industries, including the aerospace industry.


Upcoming Springbok Classic Air scenic flights

29 June 2013 10:00 - 20 minute scenic flights over Johannesburg
We depart from Hangar 5 at Rand Airport, take off and fly in a westerly direction, passing to the south of Johannesburg CBD. We then turn above Gold Reef City and head in a northerly direction with Soccer City on our left. We cross over Northcliff Ridge and then turn east, to the south of North Gate Dome, and pass to the south of Monte Casino. Then we turn south, opposite Megawatt Park, passing east of Sandton City and across Wanderers and Ellis Park before returning to Rand Airport.

Book your seat for the flight with Ronéll Myburgh:
Tel: Landline +27 11 824 2142; Mobile +27 82 779 9421 or E-mail:


Cassidian Optronics takes over Zeiss Optronics
Mark Mansfield reports

Previously known as Carl Zeiss Optronics, has now become Cassidian Optronics. In 2012 Cassidian acquired a majority stake in the defence and security division of Carl Zeiss Optronics including the South African operations. It now forms part of Cassidian, which is the defence and security division of the EADS group, one of the world's leading defence and aerospace contractors which also manufactures Airbus, Eurocopter, Eurofighter and satellites for the European Space Agency. Cassidian has a 70% stake in Cassidian Optronics (Pty) Ltd with the remaining 30% owned by the local defence manufacturing group, Denel SOC.

The South African division of Cassidian Optronics, based in Irene, Pretoria is known for its pioneering research and development of Helmet Mounted Display and Sighting systems, hand-held targeting systems and sophisticated periscopes fitted to submarines deployed across the world. Through Cassidian Optronics, South Africa is one of a select few countries in the world with this know-how and advanced manufacturing capacity. Cassidian Optronics is an integral part of Cassidian's Sensors and Electronic Warfare Business Line, which develops and manufactures radar, electronic warfare, air traffic control and self-protection products in South Africa, Germany, France and Belgium.

State-of-the-art technology combined with remarkably powerful optical and optoelectronic systems has brought about tremendous advances in air surveillance capabilities. Aeroplanes, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles equipped by such systems are able to capture quality images, day and night and under adverse weather conditions. Sophisticated sensors permit pilots and operators to positively identify vehicles and people kilometres away while in flight. Data are communicated directly to the command centre so that informed decisions can be made timeously based on sound intelligence.

Cassidian offers custom-fit sensors and multi-sensor systems for civilian and military applications. All are stabilised to perfection and robust enough to withstand the rigours of hard use. The Archer Z-150 is the cutting-edge version of a Helmet Mounted Display and Sighting System that can be utilised by aircrew flying fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters.

South Africa pioneered the research and development of Helmet Mounted Display Systems in the 1970s and the SA Air Force was the first to fly the helmet- mounted sights operationally. On these systems, all flight and mission data can be projected on the helmet-mounted display. The system follows the head movements of the pilot providing him with the ability to react and make mission-critical decisions within a fraction of a second.

In addition, information on the aircraft's performance - such as airspeed and altitude - is also displayed, enabling the pilot to keep his head up and eliminating the need to look down into the cockpit. The Archer Z-150 is combat-proven and a cost-effective solution because it can be configured to fit onto most standard helmets worn by pilots and aircrew.

The LEO-III-HD introduced a step-change in airborne law enforcement, homeland security and Search & Rescue observation capability. It offers a range of sensor options, all of which are designed and manufactured by Cassidian Optronics.

At the core of the system is a daylight TV zoom camera that can provide images with exceptional performance and clarity as well as an Attica thermal imager. This is combined with superior stabilisation and advanced features like image fusion between any combinations of sensor imagery. The unique 4 X focal plane array of the TV zoom and spotter cameras, give operational units unparalleled observation capabilities. Of particular interest to airborne law enforcement and homeland security units, is the ability to read vehicle registration plates at night at an altitude of 1500 feet, by utilising the laser illuminator and the Near Infrared (NIR) channel of the TV zoom or spotter camera.

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Midweek Update

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