Remembering the Pilot's Post RV Fly-In to Krugersdorp 2016

By Juri Keyter


Although the event was scheduled between 8AM and 10AM, the first aircraft, a RV-12 (ZU-FSH) owned and flown by Trevor Davids from Fly Inn Estate, landed before 7AM already. It was clear that RVAtors in Gauteng were hungry for a RV gathering as Jan Hanekom from The Coves landed 5 minutes later with his beautiful RV-10 (ZU-RVI). We were very surprised to see that the next 2 arrivals were more RV-10s as Rudi Greyling, also from The Coves, landed with ZU-LUX and Fank van Heerden with ZU-MAR from Kitty Hawk.

Inspired by Pilot's Post founder and RV-7 owner Juri Keyter, the fly-in was organised to pay tribute to the designs of Richard "Van" VanGrunsven. In South Africa RV's have already achieved legendary status, are regular competitors in aerobatic competitions and crowd favourites at airshows.

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