EAA Chapter 322 Awards Presentation Breakfast 2022

By Willie Bodenstein


Breaking with tradition this year Chapter 322 as an experiment hosted the annual Awards Presentation at its auditorium at Rand Airport. The management of Rand kindly waved landing fees for registered EAA Members who wished to fly in and allowed aircraft to park close to the auditorium. Was it successful? Without a doubt it was very successful and it is the way to go forward!

Although only thirteen fixed wings and one helicopter, Eugene Couzyn's Allo II, flew in more than sixty members most of whom opted to drive in, attended opted to drive in and for once the auditorium was almost full with only the odd seat available. Despite early doubts about the weather conditions, it turned out to be absolutely perfect for flying.

Breakfast, excellent bacon, egg and beef patties plus a cup of proper coffee, was on the house with the Braai Masters again in attendance. Sadly, we will be losing Pottie who is due to retire soon and has decided to join the migration back to the Cape.

It was rather hot and humid outside and when Karl Jensen struck the gong to announce the start of the meeting members flocked inside and took their seats for a brief overview on the year's activities followed by the Award ceremony. Unfortunately, the majority of award winners were not present. To see photos of those present watch the video.

Award Winners

Karl Jensen, Coenraad Swart, Ronnie Alcock, Gerhard 'Pottie' Potgieter, Kevin Hopper, Peter How, Richard Nicholson, Roel Jansen, Richie Nicholson Jnr, Willie Bodenstein, Dr. Robert Clark, Mark Clulow, Sean Cronin, Athol Franz, Garth Calitz, Rob Jonkers, Paul Lastrucci, Peter Lastrucci, Andy Lawrence, Nigel Musgrave, Marie Reddy, Jeremy 'Moose' Woods, Dean Nicolau, Ronell Myburgh, Derek Hopkins, Mary de Klerk, Tarryn Myburgh, Martin Meyer, Mike Blyth & James Pitman.

Then it was time to announce the winner of the Free AirVenture Camping Tour to Oshkosh 2023, including return flights to the value of approximately R33,000. This prize is sponsored by Neil Bowden's AirAdventure Tours.

This year's lucky number was 615 and was electronically, through a rather complicated but extremely fair, process allocated to A. J Stander, a Chapter 322 member. Neil announced that he will again sponsor a ticket to Oshkosh 2023 and all paid up EAA members, both Chapter 322 as well as National are in with a chance to win this fantastic prize.

Situated across the road from the SAA Museum members were invited to visit for free. Tickets to the museum normally sell for R50.00 and the majority used the opportunity to visit the Museum's large, well-cared for exhibits that include a 747 and 747SP amongst others. Due to other commitments, I could not join.

It was, during the meeting, by a show of hands decided that the next meeting will more or less follow the same format.

EAA Chapter 322 Awards Presentation Breakfast 2022

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Events 2022

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