SAPFA Spot Landing Nationals - Brits

By Russell Dixon-Paver


Widespread heavy rain overnight and slow clearing of cloud led to a slow start to proceedings. Five entrants were expected. And it looked like there would only be three, at a stage. But as the weather cleared (except for Brakpan which was unflyable, so that entrant was not able to make it), we ended up with 6 entrants participating. Once all the participating pilots had arrived the pilot's briefing was held, a short delay was allowed to allow a short rain shower to dissipate, before commencement of the event. This allowed time for a superb breakfast served in the clubhouse.

There was a variable cross wind which made landings challenging and interesting. During the first heat, there was a tailwind component that caused some “float” for the lighter aircraft types, but this improved during the second heat, making for more accurate landings.

The Brits Flying Club clubhouse is sporting new front windows, floor paint and paving in preparation for hosting the World Rally Flying Championships in November 2022.

The Clubhouse is looking great! The milepost will likely need some international additions after the World Championships.

As per good practice, a formal pilot's and marshal's briefing was held, covering the event specifics and safety aspects. Ron Stirk was acting as the delegated Event Director and Safety Officer with his son, Dusty, as Chief Marshal/Judge, with a team of assisting marshals and judges. Leon Bouttel, Chairman of SAPFA was present to oversee the event.

Briefing in progress & marshals/judges and helpers.
The format of the Spot Landing Nationals is four landings for each of two heats: One normal powered landing; one glide with flaps; one glide without flaps and one powered landing over an obstacle.

Scoring was per SA landing rules, where each metre over the 2m landing “bingo box” attracts penalty points and landing before the box incurs double penalty points for each metre deviation. Each pilot's score is totaled for the two heats.

Ron Stirk touches up the wheel markings to assist judges determining touchdown and then Ron and Hans Schwebel busy checking fuel level as part of their pre-flight.

There were six pilots, three of which flew their own aircraft and the other three shared a single aircraft. Pilots flew in three groups of two, repeating the sequence twice to cover the two heats, to accommodate changing pilots in the shared aircraft.

Pilots on the clubhouse runway.

Hans on the first approach in his first heat and then throws down the gauntlet with his first landing of the day.

Taryn gets a great touchdown in the second landing of her second heat.

Fanie clears the 2m obstacle at 50m from the bingo box for the final landing of his second heat.

Ron puts the C150 on the lines in his second landing of his second heat.

Jaco gets his Bushbaby down in his 4th landing of his first heat.

Frank puts the C150 down in his final landing of the 2nd heat.

Ron thanked everyone for attending and especially the marshals/judges and helpers for their contributions. He then announced the results.
6th place: Taryn Myburgh, Jabiru ZU-BSA - 1100 points
5th place: Nico van Zyl, Bushbaby ZU-IJC - 868 points
4th place: Fanie Haasbroek
, Sling ZU-FZF - 529 points and the only “bingo” landing in the “bingo box” for the day.

Fanie's bingo landing.

3rd place: Frank Eckard, C150 ZS-NBT- 494 points
2nd place: Ron Stirk, C150 ZS-NBT - 435 points
1st place: Hans Schwebel, C150 ZS-NBT - 246 points

Ron congratulates Hans on winning the National Spot Landing Competition again in 2022.

Pilots Post wishes to congratulate Hans and all the participants and contributors for a safe and enjoyable event hosted by Brits Flying Club. Thank you for your friendship and hospitality. Roll on the Worlds!

Events 2022
Power Flying

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