World Precision Flying Championship 2022
By Willie Bodenstein
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The aerodrome of Albi - Le Sequestre in France this year hosted the 25th World Precision Flying Championship (WPFC). Fifty pilots and thirty aircraft from twelve countries competed in the week-long championships that ended with an airshow and the prize giving ceremony.


For us South Africans competing abroad in an aviation event is a costly exercise. Besides the cost of airfares, accommodation etcetera one has to factor in the rental of an aircraft and all the costs associated with that. The exchange rate does not make it any easier and all of this is for the account of the competitor. Thus, unfortunayely,there were no competitors from SA.
However, we were represented by Brits Flying Club Members and SAPFA stalwarts Hans and Ursula Schwebel who had the privilege of being invited to attend as a jury member and intern judge.

Hans and Ursula, backrow right.

Hans said, "It was a pity that no other SA pilot was able to attend, due to the high cost involved. We did our best to keep the SA flag flying high. Everyone certainly missed the South African team and their high spirits."

After the awards dinner, Ursula had the honour to receive the FAI flag, to take to SA for the FAI World Rally Flying Championship to be held in Brits in from the 13th to the 18th November 2022.

The objective of precision flying is to develop the pilot's ability to follow a given route in a measured time, while showing himself capable of observing elements on the ground and, to land his plane in complete safety at a precise location.

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