Compiled by Willie Bodenstein


Earlier this year Van's Aircraft in a somewhat cryptic news release announced that it may be working on a high wing design. More about it, it promised will be revealed at AirVenture 2022. The general aviation market is eagerly awaiting more news.

A week ago, the company in a YouTube video, that gathered 7,000 views in the first few hours, unveiled its new RV-15 prototype. The company has been working on the project for some time and the aircraft in the video is the test bed for the kits that will follow.

“This airplane was built to evaluate and test the design, and what we've been learning from this engineering 'tool' test airplane will result in refinements and changes that will appear in the final 'kit' aircraft design.” A spokesman for Van's stated.

The AirVenture reveal is scheduled for 26 July 2022.


Written by defenceWeb

The US military's Africa Command is supporting the development of the Skydweller solar-powered aircraft that it sees being used by the US and partners to counter destabilising, violent extremist activity in Africa.

The aircraft was displayed in Spain on 14 June, when civilian and military leaders from US Africa Command, France, Luxembourg and Spain gathered at the Albacete Air Base to formalise their support of a technology demonstration of the pilotless, carbon-neutral Skydweller airframe.

The aircraft should become capable of multi-month, continuous flight and has potential beyond gathering intelligence that supports US and partner-led efforts to counter destabilising, violent extremist activity in Africa, Africom said.

“The bottom line is that a long duration and persistent ISR platform has the potential to provide a wide-range of capabilities to us…and our African partners at a lower cost while embracing a low carbon solution,” said Brigadier General Rose Keravuori, US Africa Command's deputy director for intelligence.

The aircraft - the 10-year, old solar-powered Solar Impulse 2 - was acquired by Skydweller Aero (partly owned by Leonardo) and has been further developed and tested with US government support in Spain.

Skydweller is modelled after the Solar Impulse 2 that flew around the world in 2015 and 2016 using solar power, but will be pilotless. Removing the pilot will give extra payload capability. Skydweller will be able to fly at 180 km/h, at an altitude 14 000 metres, with up to 350 kg of surveillance equipment like radar and cameras.

“With long duration dwell, there is the potential for persistent monitoring of natural disasters to help provide better disaster response,” Keravuori said. “Our African partners would welcome persistent ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) that can track piracy, receive indications of illicit trafficking, illegal oil bunkering, illegal poaching, or predator fishing.”

Speaking to the potential effects of climate change in Africa and how that change drives instability that is taken advantage of by adversaries to the detriment of societies, governments and people, Keravuori said the “added capability to monitor animal movements and the spread of desertification are especially critical as we monitor the signs of climate change.”

Development and implementation of the aircraft - better known for its solar-powered circumnavigation of the world in 2016 - attracted support from partner-nation dignitaries for the shared benefits of ending the aviation sector's reliance on fossil fuel and allowing armed forces to approach security in an innovative, efficient way, Africom explained.

“I want to express our gratitude for the consistent and extensive support provided by our Spanish hosts,” Keravuori said. “We also want to thank the Government of Luxembourg for agreeing to transport the Skydweller prototype aircraft to an operational demo location in the Caribbean where we can learn more about its capabilities.”

The aircraft's designers are working to make the Skydweller autonomous, and coupled with its tendency to perform better around the equator given weather patterns and exposure to sunlight, the Skydweller would be an ideal platform for use in Africa.

“Africom, along with the US Department of Defence's Research and Engineering Branch and… Southcom (US Southern Command) are pleased to assist in the development of a carbon-neutral, long-dwell surveillance platform that can assist in generating greater security and development in partner countries,” Keravuori said. “We are interested in, and look forward to, exploring opportunities to co-ordinate with the military delegations present here today from France, Luxembourg and Spain.

“The bottom line is that a long duration and persistent ISR platform has the potential to provide a wide-range of capabilities to us…and our African partners at a lower cost while embracing a low carbon solution.”

Solar Impulse 2 is the brainchild of Swiss explorer Bertrand Piccard and Swiss engineer Bertrand Borschberg. After its record-breaking flight around the world, it was in 2019 bought by Skydweller Aero. After months of modifications, it flew again for the first time in November 2020. Since then, it has completed a dozen test flights in Spain and is in the process of turning it into a drone. The aircraft could be deployed as early as 2023.

Skydweller Aero hopes to offer the aircraft as a pseudo-satellite for commercial services, but has also received $5 million from the US Navy to investigate the aircraft's ability to perform maritime patrols. The Defence Innovation Unit, tasked with developing emerging technology for the US military, has awarded Skydweller a $14 million contract, CNN reported.


Djibouti appears to have become the latest customer for Turkey's Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Two of the UAVs, on lowbed trailers, took part in the country's 45th Independence Day parade on 27 June. They featured Djibouti Air Force markings and one was fitted with two Roketsan MAM-L smart micro munitions.

Jane's reports that the delivery is likely soon as recent flight tracking services recorded an Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft flying between Turkey and Djibouti in early June.

The aircraft's manufacturer Baykar shared photos of the aircraft at the parade, Tweeting “We celebrate the 45th independence anniversary of Djibouti, a friendly and brotherly country.”

Djibouti is the latest African Bayraktar TB2 operator after Niger, which received six of the UAVs in May after a November 2021 order for the type.

Turkey has sold its Bayraktar TB2 to Ethiopia, Ukraine, Morocco, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Poland.

The Bayraktar TB2 has a cruising speed of 130 km/h with an operational altitude of 7 300 metres and 27 hours endurance (communications range is around 300 km). The 12 metre wingspan aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 700 kg and can carry a 150 kg payload. It is powered by a Rotax 912 engine and can be fitted with a swappable electro-optical/infrared/laser designator or multi-purpose AESA radar.

The Bayraktar TB2 is used operationally by the Turkish Armed Forces and is able to employ MAM and MAM-L guided munitions and UMTAS missiles (four munitions can be carried at a time).

It has been proven in combat by Turkey in Syria and Libya, where Turkey backed the Tripoli-based government against eastern forces supported by Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

In Nagorno-Karabakh, the UAVs helped Turkey's ally Azerbaijan defeat Armenia-backed forces, and in Ukraine the Bayraktar TB2 has been used successfully against Russian invaders.



Tunisia's order for T-6 Texan II trainers from Textron Aviation Defence is moving ahead, with the company being awarded $90 million towards the production of eight aircraft.

On 30 June the US Department of Defence announced it had awarded Textron Aviation Defence a $90 686 042 modification to a previously awarded contract for the Tunisia T-6C aircraft procurement effort.

The contract modification is for the procurement of eight T-6C aircraft, spare parts, spare engines, aircraft support equipment, training systems and other items.

Work will be performed in Wichita, Kansas, and is expected to be completed by 30 September 2026.

In October 2019 the US State Department approved the sale of up to 12 T-6 aircraft to Tunisia for an estimated $234 million, and in late 2020 the Tunisian defence ministry announced eight T-6C trainers were being acquired, in addition to four AT-6C light attack aircraft.

On 11 June 2021 the US Department of Defence announced that Textron Aviation Defence had been awarded a $12 million contract for long lead items and an in-country basing survey for the eight T-6 II trainers for the Tunisian Air Force.

Tunisian Air Force students do their basic training on SF-260s - Tunisia received nine SF-260CTs and 12 SF-260WT Warriors between 1974 and 1978; about 18 SF-260s remain in use. Tunisian student pilots then move on to the jet-powered Aermacchi MB-326, some 10 of which remain in service - they are the survivors of eight MB-326Bs delivered in 1965, and five MB-326LTs and seven single-seat MB-326KT light-attack aircraft delivered in 1977. The T-6Cs will likely fill the gap between the SF-260 and nine surviving Aero L-59Ts (of 12 delivered) that operate in the lead-in fighter training and light-attack roles.

Morocco is the only other African nation that flies T-6s, ordering 24 for $185 million in October 2009. These were delivered from 2011.

The T-6 is a development of the Swiss Pilatus PC-9 turboprop trainer and was developed to fill the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System role for the US Air Force and the US Navy. The C model is a further refinement of the T-6A Texan II with an integrated glass cockpit, advanced avionics suite and hard-point wings that can accommodate auxiliary fuel tanks. In addition to the hard-point wings, the T-6C's upgraded avionics include a Head-Up Display, Up Front Control Panel, three Multifunction Displays and Hands-On Throttle and Stick (HOTAS) controls. This equipment mirrors the systems and capabilities of front-line strike fighter aircraft, while retaining all the inherent training and flying characteristics of the T-6 trainer.

The AT-6C Wolverine light attack aircraft has seven hardpoints, allowing it to carry 1 860 kg of ordnance including HMP-400 .50 calibre machineguns, Mk 81 and Mk 82 unguided bombs, GBU-12, GUB-58, GBU-49 and GBU-59 Paveway II guided bombs, laser-guided rockets, AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and flares.

Targeting is through an MX-15D multi-sensor suite with colour and infrared cameras, laser designator, laser illuminator and laser rangefinder.

Both the T-6C and AT-6 share an 85% commonality in structure, avionics, and other systems.


The start-up of TBM 960 customer deliveries to the United States has introduced this latest TBM version into North America, which is the largest single market region for Daher's very fast turboprop aircraft family - providing the benefits of digital power for enhanced sustainability, a superior piloting experience and increased cabin comfort.

The start-up of deliveries followed certification of the TBM 960 by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airworthiness authority, joining the previous certification approval by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

The initial two TBM 960s for U.S. customers departed June 25 from the Tarbes, France headquarters of Daher's Aircraft Division on their ferry flights, arriving at separate TBM authorized distributors in the Midwest and U.S. West Coast for the handovers to their owners.

One of the aircraft landed at Elliott Jets in Minneapolis, Minnesota, while the other was welcomed at California's Camarillo Airport by AVEX.

Chabbert said that the initial TBM 960's long-distance delivery flights from Europe to the U.S. were an excellent opportunity to highlight the enhanced precision of the aircraft's digital systems, with benefits in terms of safety, efficiency, reliability and comfort.

Key new features of the TBM 960 are its advanced Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6E-66XT engine and Hartzell Propeller's five-blade Raptor™ composite propeller, both of which are linked to the dual-channel digital Engine and Propeller Electronic Control System (EPECS).

With the EPECS, the PT6E-66XT's start-up is fully automated after single-switch activation. The cockpit's power lever becomes an e-throttle, using a single forward position from take-off to landing - with the EPECS optimising power plant performance throughout the flight envelope while reducing pilot workload by integrating all functions and protecting the engine's life.

The Raptor™ propeller is fully integrated into the propulsion system. Turning at 1,925 rpm during maximum power output, the Raptor™ contributes to limiting noise and vibration. Its sound level during take-off is just 76.4 decibels, meeting the most stringent international noise standards.

In retaining the performance of Daher's TBM 900-series aircraft, the TBM 960's digital control enables the pilot to fly with more precise settings. At Daher's recommended cruise setting of 308 kts., the fuel consumption is only 57 U.S. gallons per hour - a 10 percent fuel economy compared to the maximum cruise setting for more sustainability.

Daher's use of digital power for the TBM 960 extends into the aircraft's Prestige cabin, featuring an all-new environmental control system produced by Enviro Systems Inc. Other enhancements include LED ambience strip lighting integrated into both sides of the overhead ceiling panel, and electronically-dimmable windows - all controlled by a Passenger Comfort Display (PCD). Enhancements in the cabin's style and comfort also include new ergonomically enhanced seats, USB-A and USB-C power plugs, along with individual cupholders and headset hangers for each occupant.

The TBM 960 retains safety features that have contributed to the TBM 940's commercial success. Notably, the G3000® integrated flight deck enables the TBM's e-co-pilot® functions: icing protection system; flight envelope monitoring through the Electronic Stability and Protection (ESP) and the Under-speed Protection (USP) systems; the Emergency Descent Mode (EDM) function; as well as the game-changing HomeSafe™ emergency auto-land system.

To date, Daher has delivered more than 1,080 TBMs in the aircraft's twelve different versions, with approximately 80 percent of them acquired by North American customers - a majority of which are based in the United States. Daher's Aircraft Division coordinates its presence in the market through the North American headquarters and support facility at Pompano Beach, Florida.


Military demonstration teams, jetliners, and unique aircraft of all types will be part of the weeklong aerial display line-up at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh on 25-31 July. The 69th edition of EAA's fly-in convention will be held at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh.

“This year at Oshkosh is unique with the number of special aerial events, ranging from military demo teams to displays to of airliners and anniversary formations by homebuilt aircraft,” said Rick Larsen, EAA's vice president of communities and member programming. “Every day at AirVenture has features during the afternoon air shows that make the week unforgettable, along with the unexpected surprises that create only-at-Oshkosh moments.”

Among this year's scheduled military participation aerial demonstrations are: U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey demo team, U.S. Air Force C-17 aerial demo, U.S. Air Force U-2 profile, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, U.S. Air Force Heritage Flight with F-35 and vintage warbirds, U.S. Navy Legacy Flight with EA-18G Growler and/or F-35C plus vintage warbirds and U.S. Navy E-2D Hawkeye demo.

Other Aerial Demonstrations are: Delta Airlines A330-900, United Airlines Boeing 777 demo, Flight of the Grumman 'Cats, Van's RV 50th anniversary formations, Airbus Perlan II, Grob Egrett, Ampaire Electric EEL and Lift Aviation Hexa.

Additional demonstrations are expected to be added as well. EAA AirVenture afternoon air shows begin at approximately 2:30 p.m., 25-30 July and 1 p.m. on 31 July. Night air shows on 27 and 30 July begin at approximately 8 p.m.


Textron Aviation today announced it has delivered a special mission Cessna Citation Longitude jet fitted with flight inspection calibration equipment to be operated by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB). The aircraft will conduct flight validation and flight inspection operations to ensure the integrity of the airways that constitute the national airspace of Japan.

The Longitude continues the legacy of Cessna Citation flight inspection jet aircraft in service by the JCAB. The performance, large cabin and capabilities of the Longitude provide the JCAB with a new level of efficiency and productivity in maintaining the operational integrity of its airports and airways.

The JCAB Longitude is outfitted with the UNIFIS 3000-G2 flight inspection equipment to perform critical verification of navigation aids such as Instrument Landing System Category I, II, and III (ILS Cat I,II,III) approaches, Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS), Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR), Tactical Air Navigation System (TACAN) and much more.

In addition to the Longitude, the JCAB also operates five Citation CJ4 jets in a similar flight inspection capacity.

The clean-sheet design of the Longitude integrates the latest technology throughout the aircraft, bringing customers the lowest direct operating cost in its class. Powered by FADEC-equipped Honeywell HTF7700L turbofan engines with fully integrated auto throttles with envelope protection, the Longitude offers best in class maintenance intervals of 800 hour/18 months and Textron Aviation maintenance and diagnostic systems (AReS). The spacious cockpit incorporates easier access and an ergonomic design that fully focuses on crew comfort and efficiency. No super-midsize business jet offers more range, greater payload or higher cruise speed at a lower direct operating cost.

When government, military and commercial customers want airborne solutions for critical missions, they turn to Textron Aviation. The company's aviation solutions provide the high performance and flight characteristics required to address the unique challenges of special mission operations. With unparalleled quality, versatility and low operating costs, Textron Aviation products are preferred for air ambulance, ISR, utility transport, aerial survey, flight inspection, training and a number of other special operations.


PZL-Swidnik, the Polish company fully owned by Leonardo, has been awarded a contract by the Polish Ministry of Defence (MoD) worth 8.25 billion PLN gross (approximately EUR 1.76 billion) for the supply of 32 AW149 multirole helicopters. The contract was recently announced during an official ceremony held at PZL-Swidnik's facility today, in the presence of representatives of the Polish Government.

In addition, the contract includes logistics, training and simulator packages. The logistics package includes a stock of spares and consumable parts, as well as equipment for the ground handling of the helicopters. The training and simulator package includes comprehensive training of pilots and technical personnel and the delivery of a set of advanced simulators and training equipment. The new helicopters will carry out missions including troop transport and air support. The equipment of the helicopters will also allow them to be used for casualty evacuation, search and rescue in combat operations and for the transport of goods and supplies. The helicopters' configuration, fully meeting the requirements of the Polish Armed Forces, will also include, among others, observation systems, small arms, guided/unguided rockets and missiles and self-defence systems. The armament, depending on the helicopter variant and configuration, can be installed in the cabin or on the helicopter's external hard points. The deliveries of the helicopters will be made in the 2023-2029 period.

Acting as the prime contractor, PZL-Swidnik will host a local production line for these new helicopters. Leonardo will therefore undertake further investments in its Polish facility in addition to approximately 1 billion EUR already invested since 2010, which has significantly strengthened the competitiveness and the industrial capabilities of PZL-Swidnik. This provides an important contribution to the Polish aerospace and defence industry, which will enable domestic production, the establishment of a logistic base and thorough technical support for the Polish MoD's AW149s, in line with Leonardo and PZL-Swidnik's commitment to deliver industrial benefits to Poland.

The AW149, already in service with international operators for a range of applications and under evaluation among many countries, is ideally suited to modernise defence helicopter fleets and replace a range of ageing types in the medium weight category. The AW149 is a latest generation multirole military helicopter designed from the outset to meet the most demanding needs of armed forces. The platform can be reconfigured to perform a wide variety of demanding tasks in the toughest operational conditions. The AW149's advanced equipment, weapons and system technologies, combined with its agility, range/endurance and high power margins, highest levels of safety and survivability, provide defence users with high operational availability, mission effectiveness and cost efficiency of the fleet.

Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo, said: “The contract signed today is a continuation of the fulfilment of our promises to Poland regarding Leonardo's commitment to the development of the local helicopter plants and the Polish supply chain to the benefit of Polish industry. By strengthening our position in the strategic Polish market, as a supplier of modern defence technology, we are proud to contribute to the constant increase of the security of the Polish nation, and to strengthen the industrial capabilities which are fundamental to the country's resilience and sovereignty.”

Gian Piero Cutillo, Managing Director of Leonardo Helicopters, said: “The state-of-the-art AW149 helicopter represents a quantum leap forward in true multirole mission and growth capability, efficient fleet management and emergency responsiveness for modern armed forces. The localisation of industrial and logistical capabilities for these new helicopters to meet Poland's needs, leverage the long established and unique capabilities of PZL-Swidnik and its professional skills combined with the outstanding operational capabilities of the AW149 will deliver unparalleled advantages to the country.”

Jacek Libucha, President of PZL-Swidnik said: “With complete capabilities in helicopter design, development, customisation and servicing, PZL-Swidnik confirms its leadership and the continuation of its 70-year heritage through the setting of key milestones for our aviation industry. I know PZL-Swidnik's helicopters and their great capabilities well as a former military officer with experience in this country and abroad. Being today on the industrial side of this experience, serving the present and future generation of soldiers as a manufacturer, I have an even greater sense of fulfilment of my duties. I am convinced that the AW149 will meet the Armed Forces' high-end needs.


Airbus Helicopters has delivered its 7,000th helicopter from the Ecureuil family. The light single-engine H125, which was assembled in Marignane, France, was handed over to Blugeon Hélicoptères, a French company specialised in sling work at high altitudes.

This new H125 will join Blugeon´s existing fleet of five H125 helicopters located at three different bases in the French Alps and a fourth one in the Pyrenees. Each of them flies an average of 600 hours per year performing passenger transport, power line surveillance, filmmaking, preventive avalanche maintenance, mountain rescue, and large-scale hoisting.

"Blugeon is proud to take delivery of this new H125, the sixth one in our fleet. I'm especially proud of this shared milestone as this particular helicopter is the 7,000th Ecureuil manufactured by Airbus," said Christian Blugeon, CEO and founder of Blugeon Helicoptères. "I have been flying the H125 for more than 20 years, and have accumulated a lot of experience with this helicopter with which we have already flown almost 45,000 hours. It is a key element for our development strategy,” he added.

"Since the first Ecureuil took to the skies in 1974, this family of aircraft forever changed the light helicopter market and the way aerial work is performed," said Axel Aloccio, Head of the Light Helicopters programme at Airbus Helicopters. "Designed to be a simple, practical, and competitive aircraft, the secret of its success lies in its excellent performance and its incredible ability to adapt to operators' needs. It is precisely thanks to the confidence of operators like Blugeon that we are celebrating the milestone of the 7,000th delivery today.”

The Ecureuil is currently operated by 2,014 customers in 124 countries representing all regions of the world. The Ecureuil family consists of the H125, the H130 in the civil market, produced primarily for aerial work, passenger transport and business flights, as well as for public services and emergency medical services (EMS). In the military market, the H125M is particularly popular for armed reconnaissance or light attack, as well as a training platform. Both civil and military versions have already exceeded 37 million flight hours.

The Ecureuil also has several altitude records to its credit. The most notable of these was reached on 14 May, 2005, when Didier Delsalle touched down on the summit of Mount Everest behind the controls of a serial H125 - the only helicopter to have ever accomplished this amazing feat.


NASA and other space organizations will be in attendance at AirVenture Oshkosh 2022 to highlight some of their upcoming programs and priorities related to space exploration and research.

AirVenture 2022 will mark the first year since 2019 that NASA will have a full exhibit on-site. In addition, NASA's administrator, Bill Nelson, a former U.S. senator, will be in Oshkosh during AirVenture, along with other top NASA leadership.

The agency will also participate in the Friday, 29 July, evening program at Theatre in the Woods, which is titled The Next Bold Step. You can expect to learn more information about what is next as humanity continues to explore the solar system. Additionally, NASA is planning to bring astronauts from the Artemis program to AirVenture. The Artemis program intends to send humanity back to the moon and to specifically land the first woman and the first person of colour on the lunar surface. The main goals for this mission are to further scientific discovery of space and to inspire future aviators. NASA also plans to bring astronauts from the International Space Station to Oshkosh. Finally, the NASA test pilot for the X-59 experimental aircraft is also expected to attend AirVenture. The X-59 Lockheed Martin is an aircraft designed to do research on quieting the sonic boom.

EAA member Jared Isaacman from SpaceX is expected to attend AirVenture 2022 as well. Isaacman was the commander for the Inspiration4 flight which concluded in the first-ever all-civilian flight to orbit Earth. Also in attendance will be pilots from Stratolaunch, the launch aircraft built by Scaled Composites to carry air-launch-to-orbit rockets and hypersonic aircraft.


On 11 March 2022 at 0510Z, a pilot accompanied by two passengers on-board a Cessna 170A aircraft with registration mark ZS-PJD took off on a private flight from East London Airport (FAEL) in the Eastern Cape province to Swellendam Airfield (FASX) in the Western Cape province.
The flight was conducted under visual meteorological conditions (VMC) by day and under the provisions of Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR) 2011 as amended.
The pilot stated that en route to their destination at approximately 130 nautical miles (nm) from FAEL, the weather conditions deteriorated. There was a morning coastal low cloud to the south of their route, therefore, the pilot decided to divert to Darlington Dam Lodge Airstrip (FADP) which had fine weather conditions at that time.
Upon landing, the aircraft touched down on Runway 20, bounced and veered off to the left side. The pilot overcorrected the aircraft by applying to much right rudder. This resulted in the nose turning to the right and the aircraft veering off the runway to the right and colliding with a parked aircraft with registration mark ZU-JGM.
Both aircraft sustained substantial damage to the wings, fuselage and propellers. The pilot and the passengers were not injured.
Probable cause:
It is likely that the aircraft's approach for landing was unstable, resulting in the aircraft bouncing and losing directional control before colliding with a parked aircraft on the right-side of the runway.

South Africa, Worcester Airfield, Western Cape: A Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee D operated by the Worcester Flying Club with two on board made a tailwind landing and crashed after an overrun and came to rest about 400 meters behind the threshold of runway 33 at Worcester Airfield (FAWC), Western Cape. The instructor and the youngster of the introduction flight survived the crash and the aircraft was destroyed by fire.

USA, near Akron/Canton-Fulton International Airport, OH: A Cessna 172M Skyhawk was substantially damaged when it experienced an apparent fuel starvation event and a subsequent impact with schoolyard grounds near the Akron/Canton-Fulton International Airport (AKC/KAKR), Ohio. The two people onboard were seriously injured.

Mexico, near Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Tamaulipas: A Piper PA-32R-301T Turbo Saratoga SP operated by AGA Aviation LLC with five on board experienced a loss of engine power and crashed under unknown circumstances near Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Tamaulipas. One of the five occupants was injured.

USA, near Orondo, WA: A Hiller UH-12E operated by C&C Helicopters Inc was destroyed when it struck powerlines and crashed on top of the tractor that was also working in the same orchard near Orondo, Washington. Both vehicles were destroyed in the ensuing post-crash fire. The pilot and the tractor driver received minor injuries.

USA, Montague Island, AK: A Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub with two occupants crashed under unknown circumstances at Montague Island, Alaska. The two occupants were not injured. The aircraft received substantial damage.

Slovakia, between Cigl and Lehota pod Vtácnikom: A Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic overturned after an apparent forced landing in a field between Cigl and Lehota pod Vtácnikom. The accident occurred during flight tests with a more powerful engine. The pilot sustained serious injuries.

USA, near Oxnard Airport, CA: A Mooney M20C Ranger was substantially damaged after it crashed into a fence on Ventura Road short of Rwy 25 at Oxnard Airport (OXR/KOXR), Oxnard, California after declaring an emergency. The accident happened about 17 minutes after the emergency call. The sole pilot received minor injuries.

16 JULY 1948

Catalina seaplane Miss Macao (VR-HDT), operated by a Cathay Pacific subsidiary, with 23 passengers and 3 crew on board flying from Macau to Hong Kong is hijacked mid-way over the Pearl River Delta by a group of 4 hijackers attempting to rob the passengers on board.

The pilot is attacked and the aircraft loses control during the ensuing struggle in the cockpit. The subsequent crash kills all on board except one passenger, who was later identified to be the lead hijacker. This is the first known case of airliner hijack.

Midweek Update

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