EAA Chapter 322 Silver Creek Fly in - There and back

By Willie Bodenstein

Silver Creek Gorge is a private game estate that nestles against the northern slopes of the Magaliesberg in the picturesque Buffelspoort valley.

06.47 Fly Inn Estates to Kitty Hawk

07.15 Kittyhawk to Silver Creek

"Please be aware of possible game" a warning on the invite advised as a large mixed herd was peacefully grazing not far from the 1300 metre tarred runway when we arrived.

07.53 Arriving at Silver Creek

What a wonderful turnout with more than 43 aircraft at this year's Silver Creek Gorge Fly-In.

Departing, we flew to Brit's airfield to refuel.

11.08 Silver Creek to Brits

Arriving at Brit's Airfield, we refuelled and to escape the heat, headed to the clubhouse for ice-cold Cokes where some of the rally competitors were busy practising for the up-and-coming World Rally Championship which will be hosted by the good people of the Brits Flying Club. The gliding guys and girls were also busy during the day.

Relaxing in the shade of the clubhouse, we chatted to some friends before departing.

12.40 Brits to Kitty Hawk

We stopped to drop Nigel off at Kitty Hawk and also to Karl's obligatory Strawberry Milkshakes and more chats to more friends before departing on the final leg of the day's flight back to Fly-Inn Estates.

13.07 Kitty Hawk to Fly Inn Estates

15.20 Back at Fly Inn Estates

Thank you to Chapter 322 of the EAA of SA and special thanks to Neil Bowden, Arjan Schaap, Sean Cronin and Jeremy Woods, all of whom were involved in the organisation of this, the third edition of the event. A special thanks to the ladies who were provided a scrumptious breakfast that resulted in full tummies. Lastly a huge thank you to Captain Karl Jensen for the lift there and back in ZU-VAL.

Events 2022

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