Compiled by Willie Bodenstein



22 and 23
SAC Gauteng Regionals venue TBA. Contact Annie Boon on E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

SAPFA Rand Airport Challenge - Rand Airport. Contact Frank Eckard on E-mail: frank.eckard@mweb.co.za or Cell: 083 269 1516

SAPFA AGM at Rand Airport at 14h00. Contact Rob Jonkers on E-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za or Cell: 082 804 7032

On Saturday 29 January 2022, Pylon Racing South Africa will be hosting the Summer Races event at RMAC in the South of Johannesburg. Come and join us for an adrenaline filled action packed day with high speed racing fun.

Written by Guy Martin

The South African Air Force's (SAAF's) Gripen fleet is temporarily grounded, with no aircraft serviceable, due to a lack of funding and maintenance and support contracts not being renewed in time, but it is likely that the Gripens will be flying again in the new year.

In a statement resulting from multiple media enquiries, the Department of Defence (DoD) said the South African National Defence Force's (SANDF's) Air Defence capability has been negatively impacted by protracted discussions relating to maintenance contracts.

"After a lengthy discussion between the South African Air Force (SAAF), through Armscor and Saab on the contract concerning the Gripen, proposals have been presented by both parties and are being reviewed to ensure that the matter is conclusively dealt with by the parties concerned. It is unfortunate that the discussions took longer than expected as a result, negatively impacting on the Air Defence capability," stated Siphiwe Dlamini, DoD Head of Communication.

He added that, "the SAAF is confident that a solution will be found to resolve this matter. Due to the sensitivity around the discussion, the negotiations cannot be made public."

Darren Olivier, Director at African Defence Review, notes that, "thanks to this delay, the SAAF's Gripen fleet has been grounded for three months and probably won't return to the air until late January at the earliest."

He believes it's a crisis caused primarily by severe budget cuts, "but seemingly compounded by a dysfunctional relationship between the SAAF and Armscor and poor contract management. This is a crisis that should never have been allowed to reach this point."

At least as far back as August this year, negotiations regarding the placement of new support contracts for the Hawk and Gripen were still ongoing due to "high fixed costs".

defenceWeb understands that maintenance and support contracts have not been renewed in time because of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) requirements, Armscor implementing Preferential Procurement regulations incorrectly, and funding constraints.

It is believed that half the Gripen fleet of 26 aircraft has been cannibalised for spare parts, while air crew have lost currency due to a lack of flight hours. This is compounded by a lack of PC-7 Mk II trainers available.

The funding crisis affecting the SAAF, and the SANDF as a whole, has also seen the serviceability of other aircraft decline. For example, there are only around a dozen Oryx available out of a fleet of roughly 40. Over the last year only around a third of the Hawk fleet has been operational. Much of the eight-strong C-130BZ Hercules fleet is unserviceable, although two aircraft are airworthy and flying after a major service, and two more are undergoing scheduled maintenance.

The lack of funding also means there is little ammunition available for the SAAF's combat aircraft.

As far back as 2016, experts were warning that budget cuts coupled with the Rand's decreasing value could mean the Gripen or Hawk fleets would be permanently grounded (the poor Rand/dollar exchange rate has made it increasingly expensive to acquire spares from overseas). For nearly a decade, the SAAF has been unable to fund the airworthiness of the entire Hawk and Gripen fleets, and half the Gripen fleet has since been in 'rotational storage'.

According to the 2021 DoD Annual Performance Plan, for 2021/22, a total of R5.969 billion is allocated to the Air Defence programme (essentially the SAAF in its entirety), against a requirement of R7.8 billion. "The shortfall of R1 840 622 000 will adversely impact on the preparation and provision of combat-ready air defence capabilities, maintenance backlog, maintenance of capabilities and aviation safety within the Programme."

The SAAF's Air Combat Capability (which includes Hawk and Gripen operations) has seen its allocation shrinking in most years. According to the Annual Performance Plan, the Air Combat Capability was allocated R783 million in 2017/18 but this dropped down to R519 million the next year, and increased to R649 million in 2019/20 and R866 million in 2020/21. However, for 2021/22 it declined to R343 million and is projected to reach just R302 million in 2022/23.

"In the light of the current DOD budget reductions, the Air Defence Programme will remain under pressure to provide the required air defence capabilities to execute its mandate. Despite the budget and capability challenges, the Air Defence Programme will continue with training to provide the required air defence capabilities to support humanitarian and disaster relief operations and secure the RSA airspace as and when required in accordance with the Joint Force Employment requirements," the Annual Performance Plan stated.

The DoD in August told Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (PCDMV) that constrained funding was affecting the ability of the SAAF to provide enough serviceable aircraft, which is negatively affecting flying hours.

Helicopter systems have a critical spares shortage which is because of procurement processes with long lead times and a backlog of spares. Transport and combat systems have similar issues, the PCDMV heard.

During the first quarter of the 2021/22 financial year, the SA Air Force flew 3 560.8 hours, including 2 717 Force Preparation hours; 636.7 Force Employment hours; and 207.1 VVIP flying hours. It has a target of 17 100 hours for the year but only 15 000 hours in 2022/23 and 2023/24.



Lennard Nichols' and Jay Conlin's RV-7A is the 11,000th RV to fly! | Cardston, Alberta Canada. The RV-7/7A is one of Van's most popular current designs. Since the RV-7/7A replaced the most popular kit aircraft in history. Thousands of RV-7/7A kits have been shipped to countries all over the world.

Congratulations to Lennard and Jay on their first flight of their RV! While a first flight is always a momentous occasion, this RV-7A also happens to be the 11,000th flying RV and the 1885th RV-7/7A to be completed and flown. They wrote to tell us:

"First flight couldn't have gone better! Aircraft flew hands off. Handled like an RV should! So glad I got to do the initial flight before it goes to its new owner."


PUA - Tecnam has announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded full Type Certificate to the P2010 TDI with the number A00066CE for Part 23 of the FAA Regulations.

The P2010 airframe, with its wide, composite, fuselage design and the all-metal wing and stabilator, has proven to be the perfect platform to match the Diesel engine performance and capabilities. The consolidated comfort, 3rd door back seat accessibility, safety and reliability of the "P Twenty-Ten" are now accompanied by the added efficiency granted by the use of Diesel/JetA1 fuel. This proven power plant technology attributes to the extremely low operating costs provided by the dual FADEC-controlled Continental engine.

The Continental Diesel 170 hp Turbocharged Engine joins the P2010 power plant options of the 180 hp Avgas/Mogas and 215 hp Avgas engine. This latest engine pairing brings the aviation market unbeatable fuel efficiency and performance: The Turbo Diesel/JetA1 power plant offers an outstanding cruise-fuel burn that ranges from 4.5 USG/hr (17 litres/hr) at 55% power, to 7 USG/hr (27 litres/hr) at 75% power. This provides consistent performance up to 8,000ft and allows operations up to 18,000ft, allowing the P2010 to "soar higher" (for which an optional oxygen system is available). The standard P2010 fuel tanks ensure an unrivalled range in excess of 1,000 NM and endurance of up to 12 hours, all monitored through the state-of-the-art standard Garmin G1000Nxi avionics package.

TECNAM and Continental are working on the latest improvement of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, for a real commitment for greener future with SAF.

"The addition of the Continental Diesel Engine is more proof that Tecnam is dedicated to the General Aviation Marketplace by providing safe, efficient, innovative aircraft for today's pilots." says Tecnam's Director of Sales, David Copeland.

The TECNAM Engineering Team paid particular attention to maintaining the P2010 series design characteristics that provide cabin comfort, low noise and minimal vibration. The GFC-700 autopilot with ESP Electronic Stability and Protection, which ensures smooth and precise autopilot operations in now included in the Standard Package, while some of the many options available include Premium Italian Leather interiors with electric seats and additional safety that can be provided by the Garmin GTS-800 TAS system.

The P2010 TDI is a culmination of all the very latest technologies, where Tecnam's ability to manage both metal and composite components have shaped a unique solution in terms of efficiency, load-carrying structure and unique Italian style. The fuselage and vertical fin, entirely made of pre-peg carbon fibre, provide the best use of space, while wings, horizontal tail and rudder, as well as all the load-carrying structures, are built with 70 plus years' experience of light alloy structures.

Flight safety is self-evident in the latest certification requirements, followed by the electrically operated, adjustable-height seats with 26G-capable crashworthiness. Flying experience is the ultimate with the Garmin® G1000® NXi glass cockpit and GFCTM 700 autopilot, entirely integrated and tuned around the Continental® CD-170 engine.

Continental's JetA1/Diesel-powered 170 HP engine offers ease of flying with its single-lever control, full FADEC, electronic engine monitoring and redundant safety features. The CD-170 is the newest design and also the highest-horsepower engine in the CD-100 series, well-proven with more than 7,500 engines delivered and over 8.5 million service flight hours.


Sydney Flight College (SFC), recently took delivery of the first of six-brand new Archer TXs. The new aircraft was unveiled in November and is part of a fleet order for six factory new Piper Archers TX's and will be added to their fleet of Piper trainers bringing the total operational PA-28s to thirty-eight.

SFC's investment comes twenty-five years to the day when they purchased their first new Archer in 1996. This purchase represents SFC's continued commitment to the Piper brand and is one of the largest recent fleet orders for Australia.

SFC, originally Schofields Flight College, started at the Schofields Airfield strip over fifty years ago and is located in a suburb of Sydney, Australia. Today, SFC has grown into a flying club offering four classes/cohorts per year for the Commercial Pilots License and Diploma of Aviation.

Nick Jones, VP Aircraft Sales Airflite, Piper's dealer partner in Australia, was at the unveiling and reflected, "It has been quite some time since Airflite delivered this number of new Archers at one time in Australia. This is a really significant event and an exciting milestone for Airflite, SFC and Piper Aircraft."

Frank Peronace, President of SFC, commented, "In the past few months, the whole world has been upside down with the pandemic, yet here we are, at its emergence, doing what we are doing today - unveiling the first of six brand new Archer TXs." He continued, "This new generation of fuel-injected training aircraft, equipped with Garmin G1000 NXi, will allow our members to gain valuable flying experience with an advanced glass cockpit. Our students will graduate as commercial pilots with a strong flying foundation on which to build their aviation careers."

Written by Guy Martin

Mali's military has officially taken into service the four Mi-171 helicopters it received from Russia at the end of September. The four helicopters, along with weapons and ammunition, arrived in Mali from Russia on 30 September as part of a December 2020 contract.

The aircraft were officially handed over to the armed forces by transitional president Assimi Goita at a ceremony on 26 November at Air Base 101. Also in attendance were Russian representatives and senior government and defence officials.

Defence minister Sadio Camara said the acquisition was proof of the Malian military being strengthened and would help ensure the country does not "sink into the abyss of history." He added that the helicopters' baptism of fire took place on 1 November when they helped secure the release of three Chinese hostages.

The helicopters and training were acquired for 36 billion CFA ($61 million).

The new aircraft will be used to support Mali's counter-insurgency and terrorism efforts. The country has been in turmoil since 2012, when Tuareg rebels took over the north and advanced towards the capital, Bamako.

The rotary wing acquisition follows on from four Mi-35 attack helicopters acquired by Mali from Russia in recent years.



The contract marks the entry of the AW169 into the African market with the first purchase from a major local operator. Orders and options for nearly 290 AW169 helicopters have been signed by over 90 customers in more than 30 countries around the world to date for a wide range of applications, exceeding 90,000 flight hours.

The Leonardo AW169 light intermediate twin engine helicopter further reinforces its global market presence and its success in the energy industry sector with the sale of four aircraft to Bestfly of Angola. This contract marks the entry of the AW169 into the African market with the first purchase from major local operator.

The introduction of the 4.6/4.8 tonne AW169 is a significant boost to Bestfly's air operations in Angola. It will be conducting passenger and equipment transport in the energy industry by leveraging latest technology and navigation/mission avionics, latest certification and safety standards, outstanding performance, the largest cabin in its category and a modern maintenance approach.

"This contract is a great milestone for BestFly in its sustainable growth strategy. We would like to thank Leonardo for its great support in putting this deal together. We are confident the AW169 will be a great addition to our fleet, enhancing the capabilities of our off-shore and on-shore operations. We would like also to thank our customers for their continued support and trust, allowing us to continue to grow stronger in the future" said Bestfly.

Orders and options for nearly 290 AW169 helicopters have been signed by over 90 customers in more than 30 countries around the world to date for a wide range of applications, including air ambulance, law enforcement, executive/corporate and offshore transport, electronic newsgathering, training, military and utility roles. In the energy industry sector, by supporting oil and gas or wind farm, the AW169 has already proven successful in Europe and the Middle East. More than 130 units have been delivered worldwide and have logged more than 90,000 flight hours.


The 300th Kodiak delivery marks a new milestone for this rugged and capable multi-role workhorse, underscoring Daher's commitment to its future as part of the company's single-engine turboprop-powered aircraft product portfolio.

The Kodiak was introduced in 2007 as a new-generation short take-off and landing aircraft capable of bringing services and heavy supplies to the most remote regions on the planet. Today, Kodiak has earned its reputation as an ultra-modern, ultra-safe and extremely versatile aircraft with applications across the business and general aviation sectors, as well as in a wide range of duties that include humanitarian, medical evacuation and in the utility, governmental and special mission sectors.

Capable of taking off from unprepared strips of 1,000 feet and flying 1,000-plus miles with excellent operating economics, the Kodiak fills a niche between a helicopter and a business jet - able to haul passengers in refined luxury and integrating the capability of quickly converting the cabin to carry cargo, accommodate stretchers for air ambulance service, deploy skydivers and many other applications.

Daher acquired the Kodiak product line in 2019 and Chabbert reconfirmed the company's commitment to evolving and supporting the aircraft by further improving its capabilities and reinforcing the worldwide services network. With the acquisition, Kodiak joined Daher's TBM family of very fast turboprop aircraft, positioning the company as a leading manufacturer of general aviation airplanes and one of the world's three airframe producers with final assembly lines on two continents.

"This milestone delivery comes as the Kodiak program is on the rise following its acquisition by Daher in 2019. Having been with Kodiak for eight years, the improvements made since 2019 in terms of manufacturing enhancements, production efficiencies and the product support integration is remarkable. These are exciting times and I'm really proud to be part of the team at Daher's Aircraft Division." Mark Brown, Kodiak's Sales & Marketing Director and chief demo pilot.

Kodiak aircraft are in service around the globe, with more than half of them registered in North America, followed by Asia, the Pacific region, Europe, Africa, Latin America and South America. The global fleet has logged a combined total of more than 278,700 flight hours.

The standard package for Kodiak 100 Series III aircraft also provides an all-inclusive four-year Kodiak Care maintenance program, which covers scheduled maintenance up to the fourth annual inspection or a total flight time of 1,000 hours - whichever comes first. Pratt & Whitney Canada's Gold-level ESP™ Maintenance Program for the PT6A-34 turboprop engine is included as well, along with one year of CAMP Systems maintenance tracking and a year's subscription for Garmin's NavData electronic database.


Airbus Helicopters has delivered the first H225M in naval combat configuration to the Brazilian Navy. Stationed at the naval base in São Pedro d'Aldeia, the aircraft will boost the Brazilian Navy's mission capabilities including anti-surface warfare and maritime surveillance.

Developed by the engineering team at Helibras (the Brazilian subsidiary of Airbus Helicopters), this naval version of the H225M aircraft is the most complex configuration that has ever been produced for this multirole helicopter. The aircraft's embedded systems include the EWS IDAS-3 (countermeasure system), MBDA Exocet AM39 B2M2 missiles, the APS143 tactical radar and the naval mission system N-TDMS (Naval Tactical Data Management System) developed in partnership with Atech and Airbus Defence and Space, which is responsible for making the command and control of all embedded systems, including the missile system.

"We are very proud of this achievement, which proves the industrial and technological capability of the Airbus Helicopters teams in France and Brazil to deliver one of the most modern solutions in the world to the Brazilian Armed Forces," said Alberto Robles, Head of Latin America at Airbus Helicopters. "Designed to meet the most demanding requirements of the Brazilian Navy, the advanced anti-surface warfare and tactical capabilities opens new mission capabilities for the H225M utility helicopter."

The last stage of the firing campaign with the Exocet AM39 B2M2 missiles was successfully carried out last June, representing a major milestone in the programme, which led the way to qualification and delivery.

The naval H225M is part of the contract signed by the Brazilian government in 2008 and which includes 50 H225Ms to be operated by the three armed forces. So far, 39 H225Ms have been delivered to the Brazilian Armed Forces, all of them assembled locally by Helibras.


Boeing [NYSE: BA] will build six more MH-47G Block II Chinooks for the U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Command as part of a $246.48 million contract.

Delivery of these aircraft are scheduled to start in 2023. With this additional order, Boeing is now under contract for 30 MH-47G Block II Chinooks, four of which have been delivered to date.

These aircraft will be the first to include the new Active Parallel Actuator Subsystem (APAS), a mission system that helps pilots execute more difficult manoeuvres while improving safety and reliability of flight.

"APAS is one of many next-level capabilities that allows the Chinook to deliver more payload - faster, farther and smarter," said Andy Builta, Boeing vice president and H-47 program manager.

The MH-47G Block II Chinook also features improved structure and weight reduction initiatives like new lighter weight fuel pods that increase performance and efficiency.

Boeing has more than 4,600 Boeing employees in Pennsylvania supporting H-47 Chinook, V-22 Osprey, MH-139A Grey Wolf and a number of services and engineering efforts. Boeing's presence, including suppliers and vendors, supports an estimated 16,000 total jobs in Pennsylvania.


The upgraded Ka-32A11M firefighting helicopter produced by the JSC Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation) took off for the first time recently and began flight tests. The machine fitted with new engines, radio-electronic equipment and fire-extinguishing system is to undergo preliminary and certification tests in 2022-2023, after which it will be available for Russian and foreign customers.

Ka-32A11M was first presented at the MAKS-2021 Aviation and Space Salon. The modernization program of Ka-32 includes equipping it with a "glass cockpit" with an onboard avionics system, more powerful VK-2500PS-02 engines and a new fire extinguishing system. VK-2500PS-02 engines will significantly improve flight performance of the helicopter in hot and mountainous conditions. According to designers' calculations, helicopter load-carrying capacity in such conditions can increase by the value of about 1600 kg.

Technical solutions used in the "glass cockpit" of the Ka-32A11M helicopter have already been tested on the civil multipurpose Ansat and Mi-38 helicopters; they will greatly facilitate the operation of additional navigation, optoelectronic and search equipment, which can be installed on the helicopter. It will also be possible to work with night vision goggles.

A new SP-32 fire extinguishing system developed by specialists from NHC Mil and Kamov and KumAPE has a number of significant advantages. A new tank holds 4 tons of water and is divided into four compartments. The patented flap system with digital control allows opening the flaps in pairs or alternately, as well as adjusting the opening angles of the flaps, thereby increasing the water discharge time.

The fire extinguishing system can automatically draw 4 tons of water in 60 seconds and add up to 400 litres of foam agent and is adapted for the use of a water cannon. In addition, all SP-32 systems are electrically heated and that is why SP-32 is the first system in the world that can be used in winter conditions at temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius.

Coaxial design of the Ka-32 helicopter provides stability in hover mode and excellent directional stability even in crosswinds. In addition, the absence of a tail rotor reduces the size of the helicopter, making it more manoeuvrable. These features give special advantages for work in mountain and forest areas, as well as in dense urban environment. Ka-32 is capable not only of extinguishing fires, but also of performing high-precision construction and installation operations, medevac, search and rescue missions and of transporting cargo. It is well suited for high-humidity conditions and is particularly resistant to aggressive marine environments. Ka-32 features allow it to fly in high turbulence and storm winds.

Mass production of the Ka-32 helicopters has been established at Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise (KumAPE). Today, more than 240 machines have been built and operated in more than 30 countries, including Austria, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Indonesia, Spain, Canada, Kazakhstan, China, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, Switzerland, South Korea and Japan.


The Helicopter Company (THC), established by the Public Investment Fund (PIF) as the first and only helicopter services provider licensed to operate commercial flights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has announced that it has signed a second purchase agreement with Airbus Helicopters.

The agreement was signed by Raid Ismail, Chairman of the Board of THC and Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters, in the presence of His Excellency Khalid Al Falih, Minister of Investment and His Excellency Franck Riester, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness.

The partnership will contribute to the ongoing expansion of THC's regional fleet ahead of announcing an exciting new journey as a General Aviation champion, with twenty orders of the newly launched five bladed H145 and six ACH160 models. All aircraft feature cutting-edge technologies and biofuel-compatible engines, marking a significant milestone in developing alternatives to conventional aviation fuels and achieving decarbonization of helicopter flights.

Launching its services in 2019, THC was established by PIF as part of its strategy to activate new sectors in Saudi Arabia that support the realisation of Vision 2030 and generate long-term commercial returns, while meeting the growing demand for luxury tourism and air travel services. THC previously signed an agreement to buy 10 Airbus H125 helicopters to increase access to domestic tourism destinations and provide services such as filming and aerial surveying - and is now further expanding its services with the addition of the H145 and H160 to its fleet.

"Our mission is to create a world-class National Aviation Champion and by signing this agreement with our trusted partner Airbus, we mark an important milestone in our journey to grow together with the nation in focus to fulfil Saudi Vision 2030. This deal comes as part of THC's commitment to introduce new services with advanced technology that fulfil market demand and support the development of the Kingdom's wider aviation sector," said Raid Ismail, Chairman of the Board of THC.

"We are honoured by the trust that THC is placing once again in our products and our teams and I am personally thrilled with this expansion of our partnership", said Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters. "THC will be taking full benefit of Airbus' latest innovations with the five-bladed H145 and the ACH160, which we are certain will be valuable assets in their portfolio, enabling them to develop operations in the country," he added.

Commenting on the partnership, Captain Arnaud Martinez, CEO of THC said, "We are extremely proud to sign this deal with a world-leading aircraft manufacturer like Airbus. This important milestone is indicative of our growth as a business since our inception and of our positive contribution to the delivery of Saudi Arabia's 2030 Vision in terms of stimulating new sectors. Moreover, it is a commitment to the recently announced goals of the Saudi Green Initiative to not only grow our business and industry, but to do so in a sustainable manner."

The purchase agreement forms part of THC's ongoing strategic regional alliances with industry leaders, including a recent partnership with The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC), the developer behind the world's most ambitious regenerative tourism project. The contract for the provision and operation of a twin-engine helicopter, crew and maintenance technicians, facilitates TRSDC emergency medical services (EMS) with alternate configuration change capability for passenger utility transport at TRSDC's site on the west coast of Saudi Arabia.

John Pagano, CEO of TRSDC said, "As we strive to lead the way in creating a smart and sustainable mobility network for our destinations, we are thrilled to witness the growth and expansion of our partner, The Helicopter Company, who are paving the way to a sustainable future for aerospace in Saudi Arabia. It is imperative that the full aviation ecosystem continues to come together to build a resilient, stronger and greener future."


On Monday, 5 July 2021, a pilot accompanied by a passenger on-board a Sling 2 aircraft with registration ZU-WCG took off on a private flight from Mossel Bay Airport (FAMO) in the Western Cape province to Port Elizabeth Airport (FAPE) in the Eastern Cape province.
The pilot stated that when they were overhead the Tsitsikamma area flying at 1500 feet (ft), the engine started to run rough. The pilot then decided to climb to 3000ft; once at the desired height, he reduced the engine power and opted to continue with the flight.
Approximately 60 nautical miles (nm) from FAPE, both occupants noted a smell of something burning which appeared to be from the electrical wiring. Shortly thereafter, both alternator warning lights, (lane "A" and "B") illuminated on the instrument panel.
Following an assessment of the area they were flying in, the pilot decided to shut down the engine and glided the aircraft to Seaview Airfield, which was within a gliding range where an uneventful landing was carried out. The aircraft sustain no damage and both occupants were not injured during the incident.
Following the incident, the aircraft was inspected by an aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) who found that the "A" lane regulator had failed. This led to an additional fault in the engine control unit, which resulted in the damage of the "B" lane engine control unit.
After the replacement of the "A" and "B" lane regulators, as well as the fuse box, the engine was subjected to a ground run. The engine met all the required parameters associated with normal engine performance. The aircraft was flown back to FAPE without further incident.
The rectifier regulator, which is in the engine bay, has the function of transforming energy of the power from the engine so that it could be used for aircraft instruments and electrical equipment in the cabin.
Probable Cause:
The rough-running engine was caused by the "A" lane regulator that had failed, which led to a secondary fault in the engine control unit, resulting in the damage of the "B" lane engine control unit.

Morocco, El Aouama, near Tangier: A pilot transporting drugs in a light plane crashed the plane into a lorry on a road while performing an emergency landing. He was arrested.

Venezuela: According to Venezuela's FANB Strategic Operational Commander's Twitter account, a "TANCOL" (terrorists, armed, drug traffickers of Colombia) aircraft was shot down by Venezuelan military after illegally entering Venezuelan airspace.

Japan, Aomori Airport: A US Air Force General Dynamics F-16C Block 50D Fighting Falcon of 13th Fighter Squadron, 35th Fighter Wing, USAF based at Misawa Air Base (MSJ/RJSM), Japan, made an emergency landing at Aomori Airport, due to a low engine oil pressure warning while heading to a training area with another F-16. The F-16 was stuck on the runway and the runway was closed until next early morning. Seven commercial flights were affected. The F-16 dumped two external fuel tanks prior to the landing and one of them was found on the national road #101 in a residential area near the Fukaura town office. It damaged a fence and spilled fuel. The second tank was located at a mountain in Fukaura town on 2nd December.

Australia, 30km S of Condobolin, NSW: An ICP Savannah XL experienced a wing stall on take-off. There was a sudden yaw to the left and the right wing contacted the ground. The nose gear collapsed while landing resulting in a propeller strike. The aircraft suffered minor damage and the occupant received minor injuries.

USA, Lakeport, California: A Sport Copter Vortex with one on board sustained unreported damage subsequent to impact with marshy terrain on the shoreline of Clear Lake at Lakeport, California. The aircraft was found by deputies, about an hour later near Konocti Vista. The sole pilot onboard the airplane was fatally injured.

Australia, Brisbane-Archerfield Airport: A PZL TS-11 Iskra with two on board overshot the runway at Brisbane-Archerfield Airport (ACF/YBAF), Queensland, due to an engine failure after which it hit a fence coming to rest in a paddock near the airport. The two occupants were assessed by paramedics at the scene and escaped serious injury.

Canada, Flora Lake southeast of Wabush-Labrador Airport: A Murphy Rebel with two on board crashed into Flora Lake, just east of Wabush under unknown circumstances. Both occupants died in the crash.

Germany, near Thaleischweiler-Fröschen: A PZL-110 Koliber 150 (a Polish licence built SOCATA Rallye) sustained substantial damage after it was struck by a lorry on the A62 motorway near Thaleischweiler-Fröschen. The aircraft had made a forced landing on a fog-shrouded bridge (Schwarzbachtalbrücke) after an engine failure and the lorry was unable to stop in time to avoid a collision. The pilot sustained minor injuries.

3 December 1945

A Mk5 Sea Vampire became the first jet aircraft to take off and land from an aircraft carrier, HMS Ocean.

The de Havilland Vampire is a British jet fighter which was developed and manufactured by the de Havilland Aircraft Company. It was the second jet fighter to be operated by the RAF, after the Gloster Meteor and the first to be powered by one jet engine.

Development of the Vampire as an experimental aircraft began in 1941 during the Second World War, to exploit the revolutionary innovation of jet propulsion. From the company's design studies, it was decided to use a single-engine, twin-boom aircraft, powered by the Halford H.1 turbojet (later produced as the Goblin).

On 13 May 1944, an initial production order for 120 Vampire Mk I aircraft was received and quickly increased to 300 aircraft.[10] The production Vampire Mk I did not fly until April 1945

On 8 June 1946, the Vampire was introduced to the British public when Fighter Command's 247 Squadron was given the honour of leading the flypast over London at the Victory Day Celebrations.[18] The Vampire was a versatile aircraft, setting many aviation firsts and records, being the first RAF fighter with a top speed in excess of 500 mph (800 km/h).[19] On 3 December 1945, a Sea Vampire piloted by Captain Eric "Winkle" Brown became the first pure-jet aircraft to land on and take off from an aircraft carrier.

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