The SAA Museum Society's Airline Collectables Fair Nov 2021

By Alan Perring

Held at the SAA Museum at Rand Airport on Saturday 6 November 2021, the Society's annual Airline Collectables Fair was very well attended by both avid aviation enthusiasts and the general public alike. The fair also celebrated the arrival of Lebombo, a SAA Boeing 747, in South Africa 50 years ago.

On view and for sale on the tables in one of the museums immaculate hangars were a lot of memorabilia that included pilots' caps, small parts of aircraft, coffee mugs, clothing, military models, colourful paintings of SAA aircraft, model cars and even a small computer flight simulator, a veritable feast for the collector.

The 12 Cylinder Rolls - Royce Engine which was used in the Shackleton was also started and “Ground run” for the public and fans to see and hear the magnificent sound of this incredible motor.

There were plenty food stalls available for the crowd to enjoy something to eat and drink while savouring the various static aircraft display, like the Constellation, DC4, Maluti 747 and others.

The famous Lebombo tour, conducted by Mike Blackburn and Margaret Boshoff, who have a combined 81 years Cabin Crew service record with SAA, are always highly entertaining and informative and highly recommend for all young and old alike.

In the early evening, retired SAA Captains, Scully Levin and Dennis Spence attended the 50th Celebration of the Iconic 747-244 Lebombo's arrival in South Africa, the very first 747 to be put into service in 1971 by SAA/SAL. Certainly, a wonderfully memorial event and a great tribute, to this beautiful and historic Jumbo Jet affectionately known as 'The Queen of the Skies.'

A big thank you to the SAA Museum society for hosting Pilot's Post at the fair as well as to all who attended and supported this wonderful event.

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SAA Museum

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