Krugersdorp Flying Club Spot Landing and Festival, 2021

By Russell Dixon-Paver


Weather predictions for Saturday's Spot Landings and Airfield Festival at Jack Taylor Airfield was fair but getting very windy from the north towards the middle of the day. Vendors set up their gazebos and caravans and soon the smells of breakfasts of various types and coffee drew the participants and visitors to "fill-up" to start the day.

Vendor gazebos and caravans.

Club Chairman, Francoise Tolmay, gave the briefing for the spot landing competition.

Participants in the Spot Landing event had very challenging wind conditions from the start.

Those cockpits were very busy "offices"!

Neil Bowden starts his take-off roll for the spot landings in his Sling "Spirit of Oshkosh".

The variable wind made the landing accuracy more and more challenging testing the pilots' reactions. But the pilots did great work in the conditions. Some almost on the line, some whizzing by and others being lifted suddenly before the line.

The wind varied contentiously in intensity, but remained strong and roughly from the same direction.

Puma Energy Flying Lions team trailing their smoke as they approach over the hangars.

Flying Lions doing their break with the wind crossing the tar runway. Look at that windsock!

Flying Lions individual fly pasts down the tar runway.

By then, the wind had intensified and the committee decided to abandon the rest of the Spot Landing event to ensure pilot safety.

The sun-cooked and wind-blown Spot Landing judges - there were no official results due to the weather terminating the event, but those that were able to fly were to be given their results privately.

The folks behind the scenes that made it all happen.

As no prizes were awarded for the spot landing, the ever-adaptable committee decided that a draw will take place. Lucky pilots won a goodie-bag.

Helivate had their helicopter flips on hand and while booking was slow early on, they eventually flew eleven sorties. Flying in one of the flips was an one-month-old baby with his mother. How is that for being introduced to aviation at an early age!

Pilots Post thanks the organisers and those who officiated and worked hard behind the scenes to make a successful and enjoyable event for pilots, families and visitors.

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Events 2021

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