Stall, Stall!!! How to Recover and Prevent a stall

By About2Stall


Stall spin accidents make up about 14% of all fatal accidents and is, therefore, an extremely important part of your training!

An aerodynamic stall is a condition where the angle of the wing exceeds the critical angle of attack, this angle being roughly 18-20 degrees relative to the oncoming wind. Understanding how a stall works and looks is a really important part of flying an aeroplane.

Your instructor will take you out to the training area and demonstrate what a stall looks like in different configurations namely: Clean/ zero flaps, and Landing configuration. These are the situations where a stall is most likely to occur and you must be able to recognize early symptoms of a stall to be able to prevent the stall from developing further and possibly causing the dreaded stall-spin!

Linked below is the dedicated video we made about stalls, following Carel's stalls training flight including some footage of our research into vortex generators which illustrates what it looks like from the outside when a stall occurs.

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