A summary of MAKS 2021, Russia's premier aviation exhibition


Compiled by Willie Bodenstein

The 15th International Aviation and Space Salon, MAKS-2021 was officially opened by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation. He welcomed the organizers, participants and guests of the Salon, visited the exhibits of leading companies and watched flight demonstrations.

MAKS-2021 was officially opened by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The media platform is four metres off the ground and is stable enough to include videographers.

In his speech at the official air show opening ceremony, President Putin emphasized that MAKS 2021 fully meets its high international status despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic. "In total, over 250 foreign companies from more than 50 countries are represented here, directly or remotely", he said.

The Russian Knights operates Su-35S and Su-30SM single-seat and two-seat multi-role fighters of the 4++generation.

The new warplane, marketed under the project name Checkmate, has one engine and is designed to be smaller and cheaper than Russia's latest Su-57 two-engine stealth fighter, also built by Sukhoi was revealed to the public for the first time.. It can fly at a speed of 1.8-2 times the speed of sound, has a range of 3,000 kilometres (1,864 miles) and a payload of 7,400 kilograms (16,300 pounds), Sukhoi, the jet's makers said.

During the presentation of the new fighter aircraft Yuri Slyusar, Director General of UAC, told the President of Russia about the design flight characteristics of the aircraft, its major advantages, including the adaptive capacity with consideration of the needs of a particular customer, low operating costs and extensive combat capabilities. According to the press service of Rostec State Corporation, the light tactical aircraft is a single-engine fighter of the fifth generation, which combines innovative solutions and technologies, including support for the pilot control activities by means of artificial intelligence and proven solutions. The new aircraft has stealth capability and high flight characteristics. Mass produced supplies of the aircraft may start as early as 2026-2027.

The Swifts is an aerobatic team of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The group's pilots perform single and group aerobatics on MiG-29 multi-role fighters.

Some new orders were received for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft.

The first day of MAKS-2021 was also marked by the signing of a number of cooperation agreements. In particular, some new orders were received for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft: PSB Leasing has signed a firm contract for the delivery of 15 aircraft for Rossiya Airlines, Irkut Corporation signed memoranda for the delivery of 25 aircraft with Red Wings, 10 - with Azimut and 8 - with GTLK and Auror.

The Russian Falcons was formed in 1993 to demonstrate the manoeuvrability of Su-27 aircraft and professional training of pilots.

UTair Helicopter Services airline ordered 50 Mi-8AMT helicopters.

UTair Helicopter Services airline ordered 50 Mi-8AMT helicopters from the Russian Helicopters Holding company. Supplies will start in 2022. Leases for two Ansat helicopters were signed with Russian Helicopter Systems by Avia Capital-Service.

SARANG, the air display team of the Indian Air Force, flies four versatile advanced light helicopters developed by Indian National Company HAL.

The IL-114-300 highlighted the major domestic new achievements in the field of civil aircraft.

An abbreviated demonstration program featuring the latest civil and combat aircraft was presented on Tuesday, July 20. It opened with a parade of aircraft produced by Russian Helicopters, as well as a solo helicopter display. Group and solo displays of the MS-21-300 and MS-21-310 aircraft, as well as the IL-114-300 highlighted Russia's major new achievements in the field of civil aircraft. In turn, the Su-57 and MiG-35 aircraft demonstrated achievements in the field of combat aviation.

Pilots of the Berkuts aerobatic team perform in six or four helicopters, as well as demonstrate single aerobatics on Mi-28N and Ka-52 helicopters.

On Its second day, 16,570 people visited MAKS-2021. The website of the exhibition was visited by more than 73 thousand users. About 30 conferences, round tables, briefing meeting and press events were organized as a part of the official program on Wednesday. The key topics of the business program included unmanned technologies, building cooperative chains and attracting young talents for the aerospace industry.

The First Flight is Russia's first professional aerobatic team on piston-powered aircraft. The team performs complex sport and artistic manoeuvres in six yellow-red Yak-52's and Yak-54's.



Russian helicopters also had on show an example of its newest modification of the Ka-226T helicopter.

The Russian Helicopters holding company of Rostec State Corporation held several premieres of civil helicopter during MAKS-2021. During the day, the public was treated to demonstrations of the Mi-171A3, Ka-32A11M and Ansat-M helicopters.

A presentation of the LMS-901Baikal aircraft attracted attention of the operators of An-2 aircraft, which is to be replaced by this new aircraft.

Russian Helicopters signed an agreement with Gazprombank Leasing Group on cooperation in delivery of three Ka-62 helicopters. Another agreement signed by the parties provides for the transfer of the Ka-32A11BC firefighting and search-and-rescue helicopter on terms of a financial lease for to the Republic of Bashkortostan.

A large number of agreements were signed by the United Aircraft Corporation on the side-lines of the MAKS. These include an agreement on strategic cooperation with the Moscow Aviation Institute, which aims to create a joint training centre for training of various categories of aviation personnel: engineering, ground, air staff and cabin crew members.

Domestic manufacturers are not the only companies that used MAKS-2021. Airbus and Azimut Airlines announced the delivery of six A220-300 aircraft in 2022-2024.

A portion of the flight line.

A food outlet and attendants at a conference.

The conference centre.

Another international cooperation agreement was signed by GTLK, Industrial Drones LLC and the Brazilian company - BirdView Drone BioControl. The parties affirmed their intentions to export unmanned aerial vehicles manufactured in Russia. Glavkosmos Launch Services signed a contract with Orbital Express to launch a small spacecraft into space, which will carry on board an experimental space server of RuVDS company. The launch is scheduled for 2022.

Thursday July 22 and the weather was great as guests and visitors had an opportunity to fully enjoy the demonstration flights. It was the busiest day in terms of the number of agreements signed. Rosoboronexport took full advantage of MAKS-2021 by signing 13 export contracts for the delivery of Russian military products worth more than EUR 1 billion.

Russian Helicopters Holding signed a contract for the supply of nine Mi-38PS helicopters for the Russian Emergency Ministry. The Arctic version of helicopter features unprecedented capabilities: it is able to fly up to 750 kilometres with a crew and three rescuers, evacuate people in distress and fly back to the base. Using a special purpose equipment Mi-38PS will be able to extinguish fires and eliminate consequences of accidental oil spills. They are supposed to be delivered by 2024.

The day's 16,830 visitors were treated to an action-packed flying program that included domestic passenger aircraft the MC-21, Sukhoi Superjet 100 and Il-114-300, as well as the European Airbus A350-1000. On the military side, Su-57s, Su-30SMs and MiG-35s displayed together with other combat aircraft.

Day 4 at MAKS is students' day, held at MAKS since 2015, full-time students of higher and secondary educational institutions are allowed to visit the exhibition for free. In 2021, more than 4,000 young men and women took advantage of this opportunity.

The "Lift to the Future" flagship project included a volunteer program, career guidance events, including meetings with aircraft creators, test pilots, aerobatic team leaders and aerospace industry communicators. The event participants learned what professions are much needed now and those which will be relevant in the coming 10 years, got the information about the competencies required for a successful job search and learned about employers in the aerospace industry.

Starting on Friday, the show's visitor profile changes, with more and more spectators arriving at the site. MAKS-2021 welcomed 22,740 visitors. More than 54 thousand visitors followed the event 0n the official web-site of MAKS, 233 thousand more people read the news and watched the key events of MAKS using the official accounts on social media.

MAKS-2021 became truly large-scale, rich in premieres and productive for the industry community. Rostec presented about 500 products at the air show, including about 50 exhibits of aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, aircraft electronics, engines, Sukhoi's new Checkmate tactical aircraft and much more. MAKS 2021, despite Covid 19, truly was a global scale event and exceeded all expectations. Exhibitors did brisk business and signed agreements for more than 230 billion Ruble.

The next MAKS is scheduled for 2023.

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Events 2021

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