Compiled by Willie Bodenstein



Regulatory Feedback: -

Cats 62. At the last CarCom a proposal was tabled for an amendment to Cats 62. It has been published for comment and we would like all members that might be affected to forward comment to the vice chairman (marthinus@aeroclub.org.za) so we can respond with a collective comment. We believe that it will affect flying schools and do not agree with the motivation as it was an ICAO finding. Cats 62 is not in the ambit of ICAO as it references NTCA, thus not relevant.

Part 66, Subpart 4 - Approved Persons Certificate During the second half of May 2021 the complete rework of Part 66, Subpart 4 will commence. To make this as inclusive as possible we would like to call on all members to submit the name and contact detail of their Approved Person working on their aircraft or any AP's you know to office@aeroclub.org.za (Sandra) so we can update our database of AP's. We have tried to obtain this information from SACAA but it was declined, due to POPI restrictions. All AP's who are interested will be invited to participate in this process. I believe to speed the process up that different groups will be formed working on different sections of the subpart. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated.

New ATF CAA Form. - A new ATF form is available on the CAA website which is to be used henceforth. The form now caters for the different applications (eliminates confusion between, new ATF, Re-Issue, Renewal, Amendment etc). It also allows for representative to co-sign as well so that personal information can be shared with the knowledge of the owner to be in compliance with the POPI act.

Writing of PPL Examinations with a National Pilot Learner's Certificate - This General Notice serves to address the problematic situation in which holders of an NPLC have in the past entered for and attempted PPL theoretical knowledge examinations without holding a valid or recent South African SPL or NPL, where this practice will be terminated.

GASS. - The focus groups of the General Aviation Safety Strategy are on-going, in particular the FG of the Devolution of Powers, options are being considered with fairly robust discussions so far, which should start to converge to solutions in the short term with ideas being formulated how the world of GA and RA can be managed in terms of more self-governance.

ATFs - The turnaround times of ATF renewals still remains to be the biggest issue within our recreational aviation sector, and we continue to work with the regulator in this regard. The Aero Club also continues to support owners and APs in renewal applications to ensure consistency and completeness of information supplied. Further to this, the Aero Club will be starting work on a more automated ATF renewal system, which should be beneficial to the industry, and allow more capacity to process, with the added benefit of ensuring data provided is complete to avoid delays. We will also be shortly holding training seminars to demonstrate how to compile an ATF pack for submission.

Aero Club Airweek 2021

The Centenary Airweek is behind us and hopefully those that joined and attended this event had a great time. The event for sure upheld the idea postulated back in 2016 for a centenary level type get together, which even though it was dampened by the fallout of 2020 (which was the Centenary Year) - the 2021 event more than made up for it. Thanks go to the Middelburg Aero Club with whom we had partnered to hold this event who kindly set up all the required facilities and thanks also to all who participated, with many of our sections holding demonstrations. This was a true Fly-In with camaraderie between everybody and harks to having been a mini-Oshkosh in SA.

For a review on Airweek, go to this link: - www.pilotspost.com/arn0002430

If you are not a member and wish to join the Aero Club and any of its sections feel free to do so member-renewals-and-new-memberships



Virtual Zoom Gathering on 25 May 2021 at 18h30

Further to the Notice of the AGM issued on 14 April 2021, nominations were requested for the Exco. Members of EAA of SA National are reminded to please ensure that they have nominated their preferred Exco members for the year 2021/2022 by no later than Tuesday 24 May 2021. Once nominations are confirmed, online voting will open.

Please diarise to join us for the Annual General Meeting on 25th May at 18h30. A zoom link will be circulated to all paid-up members.


The following events will to take place under the rules controlling the number of people congregating together and are therefore not open to the general public.

20 TO 22 MAY
SAPFA President's Trophy Air Race at Ermelo Airfield. Website: www.sapfa.co.za E-mail: Race@sapfa.org.za Contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: chairman@sapfa.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

22 - 23 MAY
Grasslands camp and fly weekend. Booking entry fee R150.00 per person and includes Saturday night braai pack and extras. RSVP before 14 May patricklab@wol.co.za.

22 MAY
A gathering of Chipmunks at Springs Airfield. We invite all to join the celebration at Springs Airfield. The ERFC will be hosting their annual Breakfast Fly-In on the day too. Breakfast will be available for all who fly in.

25 MAY
EAA South Africa Annual General Meeting via Zoom at 18h30. Contact Paul Lastrucci AGM co-ordinator rsvp@eaa.org.za

29 MAY
Harvard day at Brakpan Airfield. From eight till late. R3,800 per flight. Restaurant will be open. Contact Clarissa 074 953 7144

28 TO 30 MAY
RC Jets over Utopia. For more information contact Dave 082 455 1071 or Clint 082 894 2068

29 MAY
SAA Museum Society Airline Collectables Fair - Rand Airport. Contact E-mail: info@saamuseum.co.za Cell: 076 879 5044

30 MAY
Fly-Mu breakfast Fly-In and music festival at Springs airfield. Contact Fanie E-mail: ansan@tiscali.co.za Cell: 083 789 5507

EAA Chapter 322 monthly virtual meeting and Dickie Fritz MOTH hall. Contact Neil Bowden E-mail: neil1@telkomsa.net Cell: 084 674 5674

Newcastle airshow at Newcastle airfield. Contact Johan Pieters E-mail: Johan@champ.co.za Cell: 082 923 0078

Kroon Airfield Fly-In. Contact Marius 083 419 6613 or Kevin 061 008 9561. Food and refreshments will be available as well as a farmers' market, flips and more.

SAPFA Silver Queen Rally at AFB Zwartkops. Contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

RV Fly-In day at Kitty Hawk airfield.Contact Frank van Heerden E-mail: frankvh@mweb.co.za

30 JUNE - 3 JULY
Sport Aerobatics Club National Aerobatics Championships Phalaborwa Airfield. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za or Natalie Stark natalie@stark.co.za

Written by defenceWeb

The 120 mm M5 heavy mortar is the primary long-range, indirect fire, artillery weapon for the Steve Biko Artillery Regiment (formerly Light Regiment) of the South African Army Artillery Corps. This tried and trusted mortar is capable of firing a range of explosive, smoke and illumination rounds over considerable distances. The M5 mortar has been in service with the SA Army for many years and has seen extensive combat service.

The Steve Biko Artillery Regiment deploys the M5 with a crew of four members per mortar system, together with the laying equipment (sighting system), containers for the equipment and accessories, camouflage nets and ammunition.

This considerable mass requires air lift deployment by the Oryx Medium Transport Helicopter, using specially designed and manufactured airlift equipment.

The airlift equipment comprises two self-contained kits - a 1 500 kg capacity cargo net and a larger 2 000 kg capacity cargo net. Each kit comprises a 5 000 kg lifting sling, a cargo net and protective equipment for a handler (gloves, goggles and ear protection), all of which are carried in a special bag. To prevent tampering, once the equipment is inspected and certified, the carrying bag is sealed and a reference tag and log card are attached.

The South African Air Force requires that all lifting equipment used with a helicopter must be annually certified as being safe and the equipment log card must be inspected by the pilot before lifting commences. In addition to annual certification, according to the OEM's recommendations the slings and cargo nets must be replaced every 10 years.

To inspect and replace the equipment manufactured in 2009, in 2019 Armscor awarded the repair and maintenance contract for the airlift equipment to Sigma Logistic Solutions. To save costs, the replacement contract requires the reuse of the metal fixtures salvaged from the existing equipment. These are removed during the destruction process and are examined, crack tested and recertified as being safe for use.

To maintain force capability, a phased approach was employed where some equipment remained in service while others were withdrawn from service for destruction and replacement. During the examination and disassembly of the equipment, Sigma personnel identified that most of the equipment was actually still in very good condition. Some of it had in fact, never been used. Sigma then proposed that the Army could extend the life of the 2009 lifting slings and cargo nets if samples of the existing equipment could be laboratory tested and recertified. This would provide additional capability as more equipment would be serviceable thereby increasing the capacity for training, local deployment and overseas deployment.

Sigma's Project Manager approached the OEM - Avilog, Armscor, Armscor QA, and the end-user with the proposal, which was enthusiastically received. A feasibility study was then drawn-up, together with a plan to test to destruction one sling and one of each net, so that the OEM could certify that the remaining equipment was still safe for use. The lab-approved recertification would also approve the equipment as being safe for use for a further two years, after which the process would be repeated every two years, in addition to the annual inspection and servicing.

All the slings and nets were thoroughly examined and any unserviceable ones were rejected. Test subjects with up-to-date documentation were then selected and tested at the accredited Denel Dynamics testing laboratory.

Both cargo nets were tested according to a documented procedure and passed achieving a safety load factor of 4:1, meaning that the equipment could safely carry 4 x its rated load. The sling which was rated at 5 000 kg was tested in a similar manner and achieved a safety rating of 7:1.

The main objective of the testing and recertification of the equipment was to prove that the equipment manufactured in 2009 was still serviceable and safe for use. This was proven, thereby saving the cost of destroying and replacing all of the equipment, Sigma Logistics said. Although there is a cost to the mandatory annual inspection, when this is compared to the replacement cost, the cost saving is in the region of 92%.

As there are a large number of slings and nets in service, the testing and recertification process can be repeated multiple times until a full replacement is necessary due to attrition or serviceable stock levels. Extending the shelf-life of the equipment means that both the end-user and the tax-payer save money, and the end-user gains additional capacity in terms of the quantity of serviceable equipment, without compromising safety in any way - a win-win situation for both parties, Sigma Logistics concluded.



Royal Mail and partners have delivered two more UK firsts. As part of a specialist consortium, Royal Mail becomes the first UK parcel carrier to deliver mail to a UK island in a 70 mile out-of-sight, autonomous flight to the Scilly Isles. Royal Mail has also trialled the first inter-island drone flights with a smaller vertical take-off and landing drone.

This week, Royal Mail announced a trial of the first out-of-sight, autonomous scheduled drone flights between the UK mainland and an island. The trial will see the Company use Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flights to deliver Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), COVID testing kits and other mail to the Isles of Scilly.

Royal Mail has also become the first to execute inter-island parcel deliveries across the Scillies, as part of the trial.

The Government-funded project which has been developed in partnership with DronePrep, Skyports, Consortiq Limited, University of Southampton, Excalibur Healthcare Services and Windracers Limited, will initially have a particular focus on helping to fight the pandemic by delivering crucial PPE and testing kits to the islands' most vulnerable and remote communities.

The Windracers drone is also able to accommodate mail of most shapes and sizes, enabling more general mail to be transported to the islands as part of the trial.

The project unites two pioneering companies that have previously acted in response to the UK COVID-19 challenge - Windracers and the drone delivery arm of air mobility company Skyports - for the first time. It will showcase how UAVs of different sizes could be used to complement each other in future.

Parcels will be flown to the islands' airport in St. Mary's, by a UK-built twin-engine Windracers UAV, which can carry up to 100kg worth of mail at a time - equivalent to a typical delivery round. A smaller VTO drone, operated by Skyports, will then be used to transport items to a number of delivery points throughout the islands.

The autonomous flight route that the UAV takes involves being roughly 70 miles out of sight before it reaches its destination.

The UAVs will complement existing forms of transport for mail to the Isles of Scilly. They are able to fly in poor weather conditions - including fog - as they are uncrewed and not dependent on tides. This could potentially make them well suited to help Royal Mail better service remote island communities.

If the trial is successful, the technology will be considered by Royal Mail to help identify opportunities to support postmen and postwomen in delivering to very remote areas and addresses across the UK.

In December, Royal Mail became the first nationwide UK parcel carrier to deliver a parcel for recipients via drone to a remote lighthouse on the Isle of Mull in Scotland. In coming months, a consultation will be undertaken with residents on the use of drones to deliver to rural communities on the island.


Cirrus Aircraft announced an impressive year of new aircraft deliveries in 2020, with the SR Series continuing to be the best-selling high-performance piston aircraft for the nineteenth year in a row and the Vision Jetä also continuing as the best-selling jet in general aviation for the second year in a row. In addition to delivering 346 SR Series aircraft and 73 Vision Jets in 2020, Cirrus Aircraft certified and began delivering the Safe Returnä emergency autoland system on the Vision Jet and introduced the comprehensive VisionAir™ jet-ownership solution for new entrants into personal aviation.

"This past year has been an extraordinary demonstration of our team's ability to persevere during unprecedented challenges," said Zean Nielsen, CEO at Cirrus Aircraft. "In addition to executing on our plans, we have continued to introduce new people to aviation around the world as demand grew throughout the year for our products and services. We are committed to continue delivering a world-class aviation experience to our over 8,000 SR Series owners and more than 245 Vision Jet operators worldwide."

This last year marks the seventh consecutive year that Cirrus Aircraft has delivered more than 300 SR Series aircraft. Additionally, the Vision Jet continues to deliver into new global markets and has now surpassed 245 Vision Jets in service around the world. Over 450 pilots have now earned their FAA type rating in the Vision Jet. Expansion of Cirrus Services™ also fuelled enterprise growth, including the introduction of new Cirrus Certified offerings from Cirrus Direct™ and the expansion of Cirrus Finance™ into international markets.

The SR Series reaches a new milestone with more than 8,000 aircraft worldwide

In January, the company unveiled a new Limited Edition aircraft to commemorate the delivery of its 8,000th SR Series aircraft later this year - the 8000 Limited Edition SR Series. Inspired by the company's rich history of designing and building aircraft that inspire people to experience the world through personal aviation, the new design features bold colours and unapologetic accents on the exterior and interior.

Cirrus Aircraft's first high-performance SR Series airplane - the SR20 - was first delivered in 1999 and transformed general aviation with intuitive avionics, game-changing performance and revolutionary safety systems, including the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®). The SR Series has been the world's best-selling single-engine piston for 19 years in a row, with a portfolio that includes the SR20, SR22 and the turbocharged SR22T. The SR Series worldwide fleet currently exceeds 11 million total SR Series flight hours in more than 60 countries around the world.

Last year, the company announced the launch of the 2020 G6 SR Series, the most technologically advanced models ever of the world's best-selling SR20, SR22 and SR22T high-performance piston aircraft. The highlight of the new model year included the introduction of the Cirrus Aircraft mobile app powered by Cirrus IQTM - providing a real-time digital connection to the airplane from virtually anywhere in the world. Further enhancements included re-imagined interior and exterior aesthetics featuring a line of bold new colours.

These new features alongside additional upgrades to the industry-leading Cirrus Perspective+TM by Garmin® flight deck make the G6 SR Series the most comprehensive, integrated and intelligent flight experience available today, enabling a smarter aircraft, a smarter pilot and smarter flying.

The Vision Jet Reaches New Heights with Certification of Safe Return Emergency Autoland

Continuing to redefine transportation as the world's first single-engine Personal JetTM, the Vision Jet experienced further evolution with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification of Safe Return emergency autoland - a revolutionary system enabled by Garmin's autoland technology that allows passengers to land the Vision Jet with just the touch of a button in emergency situations. The Safe Return certification followed tremendous growth of the Vision Jet, including it becoming the world's best-selling jet in general aviation and delivery of more than 245 Vision Jets, with more than 450 FAA Type Ratings worldwide. Now, with Safe Return and the Collier award-winning Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS), the Vision Jet provides the most comprehensive, must-have total safety solution in general aviation.

The company also announced VisionAir in 2020, a revolutionary ownership program for the Vision Jet. Designed as a completely turnkey program, VisionAir includes everything needed to own, operate and manage a Vision Jet, making the reality of owning the world's first Personal Jet? more accessible than ever. The new program is a bold new step following tremendous growth of the Vision Jet.

Additionally, in 2020, charter service operator Verijet began operations with an all-Vision Jet fleet to provide convenient point-to-point short haul flights for customers in the Southeastern region of the United States and flies to over 5,400 smaller, less-congested airports. Chosen for its safety, comfort and overall efficiency, the Vision Jet is the perfect aircraft for Verijet's regional missions.

In early 2019, the company announced the launch of the next generation Vision Jet- "G2" - with enhanced performance, comfort and safety. Evolutionary features include increased cruise altitude, speed and range, along with a newly upgraded Perspective Touch+ by Garmin flight deck. In addition to the upgrades, several innovative technologies were added to the G2 Vision Jet, including a category-first Autothrottle, Flight Stream connectivity and more. Interior amenities further enhanced the passenger experience with new executive seats, thoughtfully engineered noise reduction and a passenger productivity console.

Launched in 2016, the Vision Jet defined a new category in aviation - the Personal Jet - with its spacious pilot and passenger-friendly cabin featuring panoramic windows, reclining seats, comfortable legroom for five adults and two children and the only turbine aircraft with a whole airframe parachute system as standard equipment. A new milestone in the journey of the Vision Jet was reached in 2018, with the historic win of the Robert J. Collier Trophy from the National Aeronautic Association.

Fleet and Special Mission Expands Around the Globe

Professional flight training organizations continue to grow their fleets with the technologically advanced, industry-leading TRAC Series aircraft as they prepare the next generation of airline pilots. This year, Marshall University added a new fleet of TRAC aircraft as the flagship of their aviation program. Other world-renowned flight training academies using Cirrus aircraft include Emirates Airlines, Lufthansa, Southern Utah University, Oklahoma State University and Vincennes University.

In 2019, Cirrus Aircraft announced the TRAC Series, a purpose-built configuration of the best-selling SR Series line of aircraft developed specifically for flight training institutions. The TRAC Series is thoughtfully crafted with reliability, durability and economy in mind to meet the rigors of high-tempo flight operations, while providing industry-leading safety and performance for both the student pilot and flight instructor. Combining the Perspective+ flight deck along with the unrivaled performance and safety uniquely found in the SR Series, the TRAC Series includes tailored features such as rear seat push-to-talk functionality and a landing gear simulator aimed at increasing training productivity.


Dassault Aviation today announced an all-new Falcon jet that will deliver a level of comfort, versatility and technology unmatched by any purpose-built business jet. Featuring a range of 7,500 nautical miles, the Falcon 10X will fly nonstop from New York to Shanghai, Los Angeles to Sydney, Hong Kong to New York or Paris to Santiago. Top speed will be Mach 0.925.

"Today we are introducing a new benchmark in business aviation," said Dassault Chairman and CEO Eric Trappier. "The Falcon 10X will offer an unrivalled passenger experience over both short- and long-duration flights, along with breakthrough safety features from Dassault's frontline fighter technology. We have optimized every aspect of the aircraft with the passenger in mind and established a new level of capability for ultra-long-range aircraft."

The Falcon 10X will enter service at the end of 2025.


Bombardier is proud to announce the 15-year anniversary of its world-class manufacturing operations in Querétaro, Mexico. The achievement is further highlighted by the site's recent completion of the 100th rear fuselage for the industry flagship Global 7500 business jet, underscoring the talent and skill of its dedicated employees.

Since establishing a manufacturing facility in Mexico in 2006, Bombardier has demonstrated its commitment to the country, helping develop and grow its aerospace industry. Today, Mexico's reputable aerospace cluster makes it an important player on an international scale. Bombardier's state-of-the-art facility in Querétaro employs highly skilled teams to manufacture key structural components for the company's leading business jets, including the rear fuselage for all Global aircraft. This important mandate is a source of great pride for the talented local workforce.

"We are very proud to commemorate this important anniversary. Bombardier has played a significant role in the development and growth of Mexico's aerospace industry," said Paul Sislian, Executive Vice President, Operations and Operational Excellence, Bombardier. "I would like to thank our teams in Querétaro for all they've accomplished in the last 15 years. It's through their hard work, commitment, and ingenuity that they have contributed to building the world's leading business jets."

Bombardier is sharing this celebration with various organizations that have supported the aerospace industry in Mexico, including: the Aeronautical University in Querétaro (UNAQ), the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industries (FEMIA) and the Aerocluster Querétaro (ACQ).

Beyond the company's pledge to the aerospace industry in Mexico, Bombardier and its Querétaro employees are also very committed to the local community. Among its social initiatives, the company has a long-standing alliance with the Sierra Gorda World Biosphere Reserve, one of Mexico's most important protected natural environments, through the responsible use of natural resources and the support of specific projects impacting the environment globally and locally. Bombardier also funds social projects implemented by an employee-led group called the Causa Querétaro.

At the heart of Bombardier's site in Mexico are the approximately 1,200 highly skilled and dedicated employees who play a key role in the manufacture of world-class aircraft components and complex systems for Bombardier's Challenger and Global business jets, including the rear fuselage for the Global 7500 aircraft. With the completion of another major structure for the 100thGlobal 7500 business jet, the Querétaro site is contributing to the progression of the program's learning curve.

The completion of the 100thGlobal 7500 aircraft rear fuselage follows the 100th manufacture of the Global 7500 aircraft wing and the 50thGlobal 7500 business jet delivery in the first quarter of 2021, outlining strong interest for the industry's flagship business jet and its remarkable performance since entering service.


Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced it delivered a special missions Gulfstream G550™ to the Israeli Air Force to support and enhance their mission-critical surveillance operations.

"Israel has been a Gulfstream special-missions customer for many years, and we are grateful for their continued confidence in us," said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. "With unparalleled performance capabilities, our modified aircraft can fly the demanding missions' governments and militaries conduct around the world. Combined with the exceptional reliability our platforms provide and the expertise of our dedicated teams, Gulfstream's special-missions service is second to none."

Gulfstream's engineers designed the adjustments to the aircraft's exterior and flight deck, and its production team built the surveillance platform in the dedicated special-missions modification facilities in Savannah.

Gulfstream has been producing special-missions' aircraft for over 50 years, with more than 200 aircraft delivered to governments and militaries in more than 40 countries. Capabilities include airborne security operations, advanced medevac, airborne research and priority transport missions. Gulfstream Customer Support also offers tailored contractor logistics support for special-missions' customers around the world.


A prototype of the modernized Ka-32A11M will be on display at the MAKS-2021 air show and Russian Helicopters plans to start supplying the aircraft as early as 2022. Ka-32 modernization program includes a glass cockpit with an avionics system, more powerful VK-2500PS-02 engines and a new fire extinguishing system.

"Ka-32 is recognized all over the world as one of the best helicopters for firefighting work. Nevertheless, even the best models need timely modernization. We have managed to preserve the outstanding flight performance of the model, supplementing it with modern avionics and a new, more efficient and multifunctional fire extinguishing system. A prototype of Ka-32A11M will be present at the MAKS-2021 air show and we are planning to start supplying the aircraft as early as next year," said Director General of Russian Helicopters Andrey Boginsky.

The technical solutions used in the new glass cockpit of Ka-32A11M have already been tested on Ansat and Mi-38 civil multipurpose helicopters, and will facilitate the work with additional navigation, optoelectronic and search equipment that can be installed on the helicopter. Pilots will also be able to use night vision goggles.

With the new VK-2500PS-02 engines, the rotorcraft will perform significantly better in hot and mountainous environments. According to design calculations, its load capacity in such conditions will increase by 1600 kg.

The new SP-32 fire extinguishing system, developed by specialists from the National Helicopter Center ?il&Kamov and KAPE, has received a number of significant advantages over foreign counterparts. The new tank holds 4 tons of water and is divided into four compartments. The patented digitally controlled discharge system allows the flaps to be opened in pairs or alternately, and to adjust the opening angles, thereby increasing the water discharge time.

The system automation allows to accurately take in 4 tons of water in 60 seconds, as well as add up to 400 liters of foam agent. It has also been adapted to use a water cannon. In addition, all SP-32 systems are electrically heated, which allows it to be used in unprecedented winter conditions at temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius.

"The coaxial design of Ka-32 has a number of serious advantages. Above all, it provides stable hover mode and excellent crosswind stability. Due to the absence of a tail rotor, the helicopter dimensions are reduced, which makes it more maneuverable. In Switzerland, Ka-32 is used as an air crane in the mountains. Equipping the helicopter with new, more powerful engines will benefit it by improving flight performance at altitudes above 2000 meters of sea level," said Responsible Engineer Kamov Project of HeliSwiss International AG Emil Hristov.

Serial production of Ka-32 machines is carried out by JSC Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise (KAPE). Currently, over 240 machines have been built, which are operated in over 30 countries all over the world.


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Bell Textron Inc., a Textron Inc. company, has announced the 300th Bell 505 Jet Ranger X delivery to the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF). The first Bell 505 was delivered in 2017 and today there are 300 aircraft in operation across six continents, with customers logging more than 70,000 global fleet hours.

The Jamaica Defence Force's sixth Bell 505 will support public safety missions to serve the citizens of Jamaica and be operated by its Caribbean Military Aviation School (CMAS). Bell Photo

"The Bell 505 is one of Bell's fastest growing commercial programs to date, surpassing several significant milestones since its inception," said Michael Thacker, executive vice president, innovation and commercial business. "As we continue to see interest for the aircraft in public safety, utility and corporate transport, Bell has invested in new products and technologies to expand the Bell 505's capabilities."

The latest Bell 505 platform advancements include the Garmin G1000H NXi avionics suite, Flight Stream, Autopilot, lightweight EMS interior, Bell Public Safety configuration, Pulselite, FliteStep, LHS baggage door and moveable ballast.

"We are proud to take delivery of the 300th Bell 505 and expand our fleet capabilities." said Lt. Col. Brian Lundy, commanding officer of the JDF Air Wing. "JDF and Bell have a strong history together and this delivery marks another milestone in our relationship." The Force's sixth Bell 505 will support public safety missions to serve the citizens of Jamaica and be operated by its Caribbean Military Aviation School (CMAS) to train the international rotorcraft pilots of tomorrow.

With a speed of 125 knots (232 km/h) and useful load of 1,500 pounds (680 kg), the Bell 505 is Bell's newest five-seat aircraft designed for safety, efficiency and reliability using advanced avionics technology. Its similarities with the Bell 429 platform allow for a smooth pilot transition as JDF begins training operations. With a Garmin G1000, the platform shares similar avionics with JDF's Fixed Wing Trainer aircraft and reduces pilot workload, enhancing the students' learning experience.


In one historic moment, the front fuselage of the first Boeing [NYSE: BA]-Saab T-7A Red Hawk advanced trainer was joined perfectly with its aft section in less than 30 minutes - a testament to the digital heritage of the U.S. Air Force's first "eSeries" aircraft and witness to the benefits of model-based engineering and 3D design.

The digital splice was completed in 95% less time than traditional splices and with substantial quality improvements.

"This moment marks a key stage in the evolution of the T-7A Red Hawk," said Chuck Dabundo, vice president and program manager of Boeing T-7 programs. "Employing digitally advanced manufacturing and build techniques developed by Boeing over the past two decades, we are bringing this trainer to future pilots sooner than ever before possible and with greater quality."

The aft fuselage was designed and built by Saab in Linköping, Sweden, under a joint development agreement with Boeing. After making the journey of more than 4,500 miles (7,200 kilometers) to St. Louis, the aft section was lined up perfectly to the forward fuselage by Boeing aircraft mechanics.

The aircraft, which will be used for static test, is the first engineering and manufacturing development test asset to be spliced. It will be followed by five engineering and manufacturing development jets as part of 351 T-7A Red Hawk trainers to be produced for the U.S. Air Force.

"What we're seeing in this new evolution of digitally designed, engineered and manufactured aircraft is a 50% improvement in overall production quality and as much as a 98% reduction in drilling defects," said Andrew Stark, Boeing T-7A Red Hawk production director. "It's a new way of producing airplanes with improved quality throughout the whole journey."

New Zeeland

A Wanaka-based helicopter company, the Alpine Group, will face two charges over a crash that killed the pilot and two Department of Conservation workers. The company has been charged twice with failure to comply with its duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act in October 2018 when there were three incidents in which doors on the same Hughes 500 helicopter opened in flight.
Pilot Nick Wallis and Department of Conservation workers Paul Hondelink and Scott Theobald died when the helicopter crashed as it took off from Wanaka Airport.
An interim report from the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) in December 2018 found evidence that a pair of over-trousers had flown out of helicopter's cabin and become tangled in the tail rotor and that the left rear door of the helicopter had opened and separated from the helicopter in flight. Paint marks found on the over-trousers matched the colour and profile of the tail rotor blades and marks on a tail rotor blade matched a zip and dome connector on the over-trousers.
The report said that less than a minute after leaving the airport, several witnesses saw the helicopter descending near vertically, with items trailing behind it, and the helicopter rotating at various angles.
However, it recommended further investigations. These are ongoing.

South Africa, KwaDweshula, Kwazulu province: A Piper PA-32RT-300T Turbo Lance II with three occupants enroute from Port Elizabeth Airport to Pietermaritzburg Airport suffered an engine failure and a forced landing was carried out on a gravel road. Both wingtips were damaged as a result due to the width of the road. The occupants were uninjured.

South Africa, Vaal Dam Reservoir, Gauteng/Free State: A Robinson R44 with two on board impacted the waters of the Vaal Dam, Gauteng/Free State. The helicopter sustained unreported damage and the two occupants onboard received fatal injuries.

USA, 2,3 nm N of Denver-Centennial Airport, CO: A Key Lime Air Swearingen SA226-TC with the pilot on board and a Cirrus SR22 collided on approach to Denver-Centennial Airport, Colorado, USA. The Cirrus pilot activated the CAPS rescue parachute. The Key Lime flight reported issues with the right-hand engine and continued the approach for a safe landing on runway 17L. None of the occupants suffered and injuries. The Swearingen suffered severe damage while the Cirrus was damaged beyond repair.

UK, RAF Mona, Bodffordd, Anglesey: A gyrocopter with only the pilot on board crashed at RAF Mona (EGOQ), Anglesey under unknown circumstances. The pilot survived the crash and was taken to Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor.

Austria, Lichendorf: The pilot of a Comco Ikarus C22 with two on board suffered engine failure and performed an emergency landing in a field near Lichendorf Airfield. Both occupants were unhurt. The aircraft was substantially damaged.

Papua New Guinea, Gobo: A Captston Aviation Mil Mi-8MTV-1 operated by Hevilift PNG with four on board flying from Gobo, Jiwaka Province, performing a cargo flight to Mount Hagen, there was a low rotor RPM indication, causing the flight crew to bring the helicopter back to the ground after take-off to hover. Upon contact with the ground, the helicopter rolled over, impacting its tail boom and main rotor blades with the ground and came to rest in an upside-down position. The four persons on board the aircraft, two flight crew, one flight engineer and one load master were uninjured except for one who suffered minor injuries. The helicopter was destroyed.

USA, Kettle Moraine State Forest, Kewaskum, WI: A Cirrus SR22 with three occupants, the aircraft experienced the deployment of the CAPS rescue parachute system following a loss of engine power and a subsequent landing in heavily wooded terrain in the Kettle Moraine State Forest, Kewaskum, Wisconsin. The airplane came to the rest on top of treetops, sustaining substantial damage while the three people onboard were not injured.

Italy, 1,4 km S of Ravenna Airport: A Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 Turbo Porter operated by Skydive Pull Out Ravenna with two onboard crashed while trying to make an emergency landing during a training flight related to the hours required to renew the license of the pilot. There was a post impact fire. Both occupants died.

Brazil, 141 km from Campo Grande: A Van's RV-9A that took off from de São Gabriel do Oeste Airport on a flight to Passo Fundo became lost. A search was initiated and the aircraft and bodies of two on board were located later in the afternoon by the Brazilian Air Force and fire engine of Coxim.

13 MAY 1912

A Flanders Monoplane crashed at Brooklands, Surrey, United Kingdom, killing the pilot and his passenger. The accident was investigated by the Royal Aero Club, which issued the first-ever report into an aviation accident and established the science of aviation accident investigation.

The aircraft took off from Brooklands Aerodrome on 13 May 1912 with the pilot and a passenger on board. Two circuits of the aerodrome were flown before the aircraft was seen to side-slip, stall and crash from an altitude of 200 feet (61 m). The pilot was thrown clear, but the passenger remained in the wrecked aircraft, which caught fire. Both were killed. The aircraft had been flying in a tail-low attitude before the turn was initiated.

The accident was investigated by the Public Safety and Accidents Investigation Committee of the Royal Aero Club. The committee had been established on 27 February 1912. The cause was determined to be pilot error. The committee published its report on 4 June 1912 and recommended that the main committee of the Royal Aero Club publish the report in extenso. Thus, the first report into an aviation accident was published in Flight on 8 June, marking the start of the science of aviation accident investigation. The report established a format of facts, analysis, conclusions and recommendations that is still in use a century later.

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