The My Aviation Life RAR ANR Rally Wonderboom 7 March 2021

By Willie Bodenstein

Four weeks ago, a number of young aviators with a vision and a passion had completed and were ready to launch their 'My Aviation Life' aviation network when one of them remarked; "Wont it be wonderful if we can have a race that will be live streamed as part of the launch?"

On Saturday 6 March, that dream became a reality when the network was launched at Wonderboom's Villa San Giovanni's restaurant.

My Aviation Life's Percy van Staden, Goitseoane, Moabi Ntlhaile…

…and Lesang Tshoke

My Aviation Life is an aviation focused network. The network offers a one-stop platform to aviation related activities, stakeholders and marketplace. The website features a fully functional navigational menu to help users explore all matters aviation.

Frank Eckhard and Rob Jonkers

They got SAPFA, the South Africa Power Flying section of the Aero Club of SA on board. SAPFA has been organising rallies for years and Frank and Cally Eckhard and Rob Jonkers, Chairman of the Aero Club, assisted with the planning of a short ANR (Air Navigation Race).

The teams and rally planners

Ten teams from various flying schools and some private entries entered. However, on race day only, five arrived, four teams from Grand Central Based Superior Pilots Services and one private team, Andre Burger and Laurie Hillhorst.

Teams hard at work with planning

The five teams that did not make it were the eventual losers as the event was brilliantly organised, a learning experience and an opportunity to compete in a serious race.

The first team to take of was that of pilot Andre Burger and navigator Laurie Hilhorst, who flew a Vans RV 10.

Next to be away was the Cessna 172P with pilot Jishkaar Singh and navigator Shelby van Popering on board.

Third away was the Cessna F172N piloted by Mathew Paton with Mohammed Vanker navigating.

Following them was the Cessna 172M with Sachin Amarath piloting and Darion Murphy navigating

Last away was the Piper Pa-28R-200 Cherokee flown by Wian Minne with Marno vd Westhuized navigating

The track

The course lay-out was based on an air navigation race track in which teams fly a corridor with turn points. Based on each team's speed, it was estimated that teams should complete the track in 30 minutes. The race culminated in a spot landing with teams being penalised heavier for landing short rather than landing after the line.

Teams anxiously awaiting the results

Percy van Staden, Goitse Diale, Lesang Tshoke with Wian Minne and Marno vd Westhuizen who finished first in the landing competition

Goitse Diale, Percy van Staden, Lesang Tshoke with Shelby van Popering and Jishkaar Singh finished second

Goitse Diale, Percy van Staden, Lesang Tshoke with Sachin Amarath and Darion Murphey who finished 3rd

Percy van Staden, Goitse Diale, Lesang Tshoke with Andre Burger and Laurie Hilhorst who was the oveall winners

Percy van Staden, Goitse Diale, Lesang Tshoke with Shelby van Popering and Jishkaar Singh who was second overall

Percy van Staden, Goitse Diale, Lesang Tshoke with Sachin Amarath and Darion Murphey who finished third overall

Judging by comments from those present there could be no doubt that the event was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all. We understand that the organisers are planning to hold regular events spread throughout the country and this initiative deserved the support of all with a passion for aviation

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Events 2021

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