EAA On Display At The Hobby-X Exhibition 2012 (Northgate Coca-Cola Dome)
By Paul Lastrucci
The Experimental Aircraft Association of South Africa has secured a 10m by 10m stand at the Hobby-X exhibition hosted in the Northgate Coca-Cola Dome to create aviation awareness, promote the EAA and to introduce the general public to some of the sections of the Aero Club of South Africa.
The stand is awesome with all things aviation, a huge EAA Banner and a windsock hanging from the mezzanine above. It's quite impressive, especially the 48% Scale Super Cub, a beautifully built SkyWorx Teddy fuselage and a rebuilt Stampe wing on display. The uncovered fuselage and wing are perfect examples of superb workmanship for everyone to see.
Bob Skinner and Peter Joffe of the South African Model Aircraft Association (SAMAA) have some great models to create a buzz for young and old. Even two 1950 examples are on display and still in excellent condition.
Dale de Klerk of Alpi Aviation brought along a new Honda Viking HF-110 1500cc aviation engine to exhibit and it sure is a work of art. Aero Engineering and Powerplant also provided a Continental IO-520 display engine. The big Continental has a cut display propeller allowing demonstrations of constant speed propellers, CSUs, fuel injection etc. to the visiting folk.
The exhibition is still on until Sunday the 4th of March so spread the word and come along. We are looking forward to a great show.