Virtual AirVenture 2020 - A decade of Museum highlights

By Willie Bodenstein and Juri Keyter

When in Oshkosh, a visit to the museum is a must. This entry in the visitors book just about sums it up: "The Museum is absolutely amazing! The displays are breath taking and like no other anywhere in the world! Where else can you touch a moon rock and an asteroid chunk while surrounded by the biggest display of great experimental aircraft, the pioneers of flight and legendary Warbirds? Some may have failed, others succeeded. However, all contributed to the history of flight."

Entry to the Museum that is situated on the western boundary of the grounds close to Highway 41 is free for visitors to AirVenture. The Museum is dedicated to the pioneers of aviation and the homebuilder's movement and the displays focus on historical and experimental aircraft.

The Museum was proposed by Paul Poberezny, the founder of the EAA and was founded in 1962. The current buildings at Wittman Airport was erected during 1982 and opened in 1983. Consisting of a lower and upper level with numerous halls highlighting various sectors of aviation, one needs almost a full day to explore the museum in its entirety.

With more than 200 historic aircraft, four movie theatres, a library with nearly 11,000 books, a photo archive that has more than 100,000 images and with displays varying from the Wright Flyer to SpaceShipOne, the EAA Museum is a magical place that will thrill and amaze any visitor that takes the time to explore its capacious hallowed halls.

The Homebuilt Section features everything from the world's smallest airplanes, early plans build designs that are household names today, the early kit build designs and today's easy build kits and includes a number of Van's early RV designs.

In 1986, the adjoining Pioneer Airfield, an authentic recreation of a 1930's aerodrome was added to the museums already world class facilities. Pioneer Airport is styled as a typical airport of the 1930s and portrays a time when the magic of flying charmed the world.

Tomorrow is the last day of our 2020 virtual visit and since glorious weather has been forecasted, we will be spending the day at one of AirVentures most popular attractions, the Warbirds Area.

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Oshkosh 2020 Virtual

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