By Marie Reddy

Thanks to fellow EAA members and aviation enthusiasts that made the effort to join us for the live broadcast Talk Show with Hugh Pryor.

Our sincere appreciation goes out to Hugh Pryor and Mike Brown for agreeing to undertake this first virtual EAA of SA Talk Show. Hugh Pryor, now a retired pilot with a very busy and colourful aviation career, discussed a number of his flying experiences with Mike. We are thrilled that it all turned out well and we were able to enjoy the many stories from the comfort of our own homes - maybe even over dinner and a glass of red wine, in the company of friends and family.

The Talk was recorded and this video has been uploaded to EAA of SA Youtube Channel and can be viewed HERE:

Please view the video, like it and feel free to share it!
Disclaimer: remember that we are EAA and not a movie production company and we aim to bring you the footage as experienced live.

We are working on future Talk Shows and hope to be able to bring more of these to you in the comfort of your own homes, while we are restricted from group gatherings.

Until the next time.

Marie Reddy
Hosted by: The team at EAA of SA Auditorium

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