Compiled by Willie Bodenstein


The Aero Club of South Africa NPC
Hangar 50, Hurricane Rd, PO Box 18018
Reg No; 1936/007537/08 Rand Airport, Rand Airport, Germiston Tel No: 087 702 5270 Email: office@aeroclub.org.za

25 May 2020

Dear Danie,

Just some information on what the Aero Club of South Africa (AeCSA) has been busy with regarding General Aviation and Recreational Aviation over the last couple of weeks. The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA), The SAMAA and The AeCSA are merely gatekeepers and respond to relaxations announced by the Minister of Transport, Mr Fikile Mbalula.

The AeCSA Executive have from the start of the Covid 19 lockdown engaged the Minister via several officials in his department to negotiate certain relaxations. Our initial aim was to get essential maintenance flights approved.

We succeeded in getting Recreational and General aviation with type certified engines back in the air last week under the auspices of documented maintenance flights. One 60 minute flight per 28 days not further than 3nm from the airport. We developed a software platform in 3 days that provides real time information to SACAA, ATNS, SAPS and the AIRFORCE as the South African Air Space is currently under disaster management. This platform is also the application channel for such flights and also issue the approvals via interaction from SACAA.

On Wednesday, 20 May when the system went live we had 300 applications and approved 190 with some pending additional information and some pending SACAA approval. As for today 25 May there has been more than 500 flights processed and approved. This weekend we formed a technical committee from experts in aviation and developed maintenance flight protocols for Non-Type Certified engines. It was submitted to SACAA today 25 May and we hope to start processing them from tomorrow.

I will later in the week submit to SACAA a proposal and process to accommodate Powered Parachutes as maintenance flights are also essential for them.

Another initiative that took place during this period was a joined proposal by all aviation sector leaders and was spear headed by Mr Chris Zwiegenthal the CEO of the Airlines Association of South Africa. This proposal covered all forms of aviation and was personally supported by the Director of SACAA, Dr Poppy Khoza and submitted to the Minister of Transport. It is in this proposal where we detailed and outlined the release of activities in relation to lockdown levels. A submission was included for the approval of Radio Control Models under specified terms and conditions.

As you are aware the President of South Africa announced that the lockdown level will be lowered to Level 3 on 1 June 2020. We are of the opinion and believe that during this week the Minister or the Director General of Transport will announce more relaxations regarding aviation. At this point we do not want to speculate on what they might be as we have no intentions to create expectations that will not materialize. We have seen during this period 180 degree U Turns on policy decisions.

I will keep you informed on a regular basis of what the status is. I also want to assure you that I will do everything possible to get RC Flying going although there might be some restrictions. It is very important that all the SAMAA members remain patient and refrain from rumour mongering and spreading false news.

Best Regards,

Marthinus JF Potgieter
082 377 6493



With reference to the granting of flight requests related to maintenance activities since the 1st of May, the initial General Notice covered three scenarios, position flights for valid and expired CRS, and Continued Airworthiness Flights for those aircraft having engines and systems with a maintenance preservation protocol. The latter has resulted in a large demand on the CAA to process formal applications, to an extent that an opportunity was seen to streamline and simplify the process, to which the Aero Club together with CAASA and industry collaborated with the CAA to develop in record time a web based application to facilitate granting of flight requests with quick turnaround times.

Since the idea was brainstormed on 14th May, development started on 16th May on a web based application tool with a working demo on the 19th May, to a final sign off and demo between all our collaboration partners on the 20th May, and now going live on the 21st May - this is in true spirit of finding a way to a solution in support of all GA & RA and a small step forward in re-opening the skies for us all. Given that the airspace is still governed under the rules of the National Command Council, we needed a way to ensure that the airspace is managed for our type of flights.

Thus a procedure was developed to allow us to carry out Continued Airworthiness flights at our home base to be flown within 3 nm of the airfield ( essentially circuits ) for +/- 60 min which can be done without a flight plan being filed, those aircraft required to stretch their legs for a longer distance that will find 3 nm to be constrained will need to file a flight plans with a defined route. The procedure has been written up and made available on the Aero Club of CAASA websites, with a link to the application tool. This will be live from the morning of the 21st May 2020.

This will be a no cost service to everybody in GA & RA, facilitated by the Aero Club and CAASA, and everybody is welcome to use it, the CAA however will still facilitate flight requests via their standard process should that be preferred. The application registers users (owners/pilots) to provide details of aircraft to be flown, upload documentation, whereby the Aero Club and CAASA staff will assist in checking validity prior to submission to the CAA who will provide approvals. Each step of the application process will keep the user informed on the status of the application by email and sms, where once approved, flight activation takes place within a 7 day window of approval date, whereby flight start and end is to be recorded which will reflect as a live link for the CAA & ATNS to observe. Please ensure that your Engine / Systems preservation maintenance protocol forms part of the documentation pack, and be in contact with your AMO / AP for expert input in this regard.

We trust this process will work out for all of us, and let us know if you have problems / issues - as you know a software system is never perfect or finished.



With reference to the launch of the Aero Club / CAASA Continued Airworthiness flights on Thursday, it is now 3 days since it was started and so far, the system is working well. By Saturday afternoon there had been over 400 registrations with close on 300 approvals issued, remarkable in such a short space of time. I am sure those with these approvals are enjoying the great weather this weekend to carry out these flights.

As noted in Communique #5, as part of the submission, an Engine / Systems preservation maintenance protocol needs to be in the application documentation pack, which has been fairly easy for Lycomings & Continentals, as their manuals have specified protocols, but less so with other engine types, which may not have anything in their published documentation. We all know, however, that similar preservation protocols are applicable to any engine type.

In this regard, the Aero Club launched an engine / systems panel workgroup, made up of Approved Persons as experts in their field of engine and related systems. These experts form the technical foundation of our Aero Club Sections / AROs knowing that especially in the field of recreational aviation, there is a wide variety of aircraft and engine/system combinations. Their task is to provide the relevant source material acceptable to the CAA to support the various engine/systems types we have and which will be provided on the Aero Club website as they come to hand, in support of providing documentation with applications. This will then at least standardise the submissions with an acceptable protocol without having to hunt the internet for documents. We thank these experts and the support they given have from their respective AROs and also for the time they have made available to put this together over a short period.

Please visit the Aero Club website www.aeroclub.org.za or your section website for information on your engine/systems protocol. If you have any queries regarding this system, contact the Aero Club at office@aeroclub.or.za.


As you will know since the last communique in March, the world has fundamentally changed, where thoughts of returning to flight after the 16th April was an assured thing, albeit with additional safety measures. It was not to be, first with an extension to the lockdown and then the implementation of level restrictions from the 1st of May, where it has made it difficult to predict when some form of normality will return to GA & RA.

Since the announcement of the level restriction plans, the Aero Club has been providing inputs to the CAA and the DoT on proposals for the return to flight in line with the level protocols. These proposals are already included within level 4 in that flight school operations and solo flights within provincial borders were to be considered. So far, this has not been successful given that we are nearing the end of May and the possibility of level 3 is around the corner. It is still unknown what limited flight protocols would be allowed. At least from the 1st of May, maintenance related flights could take place and a special application system hosted by the Aero Club and CAASA was rolled out in very quick turnaround times to specifically address Continued Airworthiness type flights. These commenced on the 21st of May - see details on the Aero Club website.

As far as SAPFA events goes for the remainder of the year, a committee meeting was held on Monday the 18th May to review the status. Given the outlook in aviation this year and the level restrictions, we have as a committee, decided that no events for 2020 are likely to be possible and will hence be marking this up as such on the calendar. This also includes the Rally Nationals as planned for July and in particular the World Rally Flying Championships, planned for November in Stellenbosch. We have doubts that international travel will resume to any great extent for our international competitors to be able to get to SA. It will be postponed to the same period in 2021 by agreement with the GAC (International Commission affiliated to the FAI). In effect all International power flying events will index one year in advance as if 2020 never existed.

This past weekend would have marked the President's Trophy Air Race (PTAR) planned at Ermelo, with pristine weather conditions and as you can see below, such a missed opportunity with the airfield silenced. We'll be back next year at the same venue. For now, we need to focus on keeping our machines healthy and validating our flying proficiencies, which is being advocated by the Aero Club and CAASA to the CAA as important to maintain flight safety. Will keep you informed of our progress.


• The first of its kind Webinar: Leaning on previous in-person safety events
• This event is about getting Industry-leading thoughts, hints and tips about what to do, look out for and make you 100 times safer before you go flying again.
• We are all rusty; the skies have been silent while we've been at home waiting for the second that we can get back into the cockpit.
• This Webinar is an informal approach to safety in aviation, a conversation between like-minded aviators about safety as well as very keen insights into what the CAA and Aeroclub are doing in the back end.
• We will have a QNA session afterward, so please sign up, join in and let's have some fun talking about flying.
I look forward to welcoming you onboard.

• Neil De Lange - Senior Manager, General Aviation CAA
• Santjie White - Head of Search and Rescue (She knows all about the unhappy endings)
• Rob Jonkers - Chairman of Aeroclub (The man behind the Improved app to get us in the air faster)
• Derek Hopkins - Mr Aviation - The nicest, most gentle soul in aviation with a lifetime's experience in all things flying
• Andre Middel - Career Instructor (25 000 Hours TT, of which 18 000 Instruction)
• Liana Petersen - Aviation business, flight school owner and passionate about aviation culture


Thursday 28th May 2020 at 18h00
Please follow this link to register and receive your (free) ticket to the event:

Please also share the link above on all platforms.
Host: Franz Smit - (www.pilotinsure.co.za)


Scheduled to be held at EAA's Auditorium at Rand Airport, but due to current Level 4 Lockdown the AGM was held 'virtually' instead. Outgoing EAA National President, Sean Cronin welcomed some 51 virtual participants to the AGM, which was a very smooth and slick function that was all over within the hour.

Elected at the meeting the team that will take the EAA forward are David Toma, President, Mark Clulow and Brad Stephenson, Treasurers and Marie Reddy, Secretary.


Due to Covid 19 aviation events advertised on Pilot's Post will most likely be cancelled or postponed. Those planning to attend or participate in any of these events are advised to contact the event organisers direct for confirmation.

3: EAA Chapter 322 Monthly Meeting. Dickie Fritz Moth Hall, Edenvale
This meeting will be held on line. Details to follow.

5 and 6: Newcastle Airshow. Contact Johan Pieters E-mail: Johan@champ.co.za Cell: 082 923 0078
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been re-scheduled to 3 and 4 October 2020.

3 to 7: Zim Navex Prince Charles Airport, Harare. Contact Marion Kalweit E-mail: zimairrally@gmail.com Tel +26 377 257 0009

6: SAAF Museum AFB Zwartkop Open and practice day

9 & 10: Aviation Mena 2020 Hilton Cairo Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. Contact Alison Weller E-mail: alison@accessgroup.aero Web: www.aviationmena.aero
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been re-scheduled to 18 and 19 October 2020.

13: Maputo Air Land and Sea Airshow. Contact Gavin Neil E-mail: airshow@acm.co.mz

13: SAPFA Silver Queen Air Rally AFB Zwartkops. Contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

15 to 19: SAC National Championships New Tempe - Bloemfontein. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

20: SAC full day Airshow New Tempe - Bloemfontein. Contact Conrad Botha E-mail: rowco24cc@mailbox.co.za Cell: 082 465 4045

1: EAA Chapter 322 Monthly Meeting. Dickie Fritz Moth Hall, Edenvale

1: CAASA Symposium venue TBA. Sam Keddle E-mail: office@caasa.co.za Tel: 011 659 2345

4: SAAF Museum AFB Zwartkop Open and practice day

2 to 4: AERO South Africa Wonderboom National Airport, Pretoria. Annelie Reynolds Tel +27 10 599 6150 Website: www.aerosouthafrica.com or Amanda Dube: E-mail: Amanda.Dube@za.messefrankfurt.com
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled for 2020.

10 - 11: EAA Taildraggers at Warmbaths airfield. Richard Nicholson E-mail: flybenchmark@gmail.com Cell: 082 490 6227

12 to 17: BAFSA South African Hot Air Balloon Championships.Bill Harrop's, Skeerpoort, North West Province. South Africa. Contact Richard Bovell e-mail: chairman@bafsa.co.za

11- 12: Flying Legends United Kingdom. Website: www.flyinglegends.com Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled

17 - 18: SAPFA Speed Rally at Thabazimbi airfield. Jonty Esser E-mail: jonty@promptroofing.co.za Cell: 082 855 9435.
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

17 to 19: Royal International Air Tattoo United Kingdom. Website: www.airtattoo.com
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

20 to 24: Farnborough Airshow United Kingdom five-day trade show - no public days
Website: www.farnboroughairshow.com
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

22 July to 1 August: SAC Advanced World Champs -
Malelane Airport, Malelane. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

21: CAASA AGM at CAASA House Lanseria International Airport
Contact Sam Keddle E-mail: office@caasa.co.za Tel: 011 659 2345

20 to 26: EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA. Camping on the airfield contact Neil Bowden E-mail: neil1@telkomsa.net
Hotels in Appleton contact Calvin Fabig E-mail: calvin@designer.co.za
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

23-25 Brits Rally Nationals 23 - 25 July 2020. Contact Frank Eckard E-mail: frank.eckard@mweb.co.za Cell: 083 269 1516

1: SAAF Museum AFB Zwartkop Open and practice day

5: EAA Chapter 322 Monthly Meeting. Dickie Fritz Moth Hall, Edenvale

8 to 10: SAPFA Rally Training Camp - Brits Aerodrome. Contact Mary de Klerk e-mail: maryd@expandingbranding.co.za cell: 084 880 9000

22: ASSA - Bethlehem Airshow.
Contact Stephan Fourie at fouriesj1491@gmail.com

21-22: Bethlehem Speed Rally 21 - 22 August 2020 - replaces FAKR ANR. Contact Jonty Esser E-mail: jonty@promptroofing.co.za Cell: 082 855 9435


by Anthony Foxcroft

CFI of Aviation Training, with 20 years' experience as an airline pilot and instructor

I often encounter the notion that the 18-month time frame in which you must complete your exams is the "recommended" time. It is actually a rather generous time and is the maximum allowed under the law, not a target.

While it is possible to download the syllabus and try and work out what you need to study, this is very time consuming and you will often find that without direction, you will waste time studying the wrong aspect or not to the required depth. This all comes at a cost.

Let us first look at the direct costs. You will most probably buy a subscription to a question and answer database and you will also need to get your hands on some type of study material. Then you will spend lots and lots of hours researching, Googling and finding videos to explain concepts.

The Aviation Training CBT has done all the work for you. Our team of experts has spent years researching and gaining experience in the industry, to compile all the information you require for the exams. There are videos, interactive images as well as our "pointer pilot" icon that gives you tips and points out areas you should emphasise. For those calculations you are struggling with, there are step by step instructions, also with handy tips and mnemonics. Understanding PPL properly will reduce the time spent on CPL, which in turn will reduce time spent studying for ATPL. There is also no need for a separate question and answer subscription because its included in the CBT.

Then the hidden costs:- what does 18 months of accommodation cost you? 18 months of living expenses? 18 months longer to earn a salary. This is a large amount of money, possibly even in 6 figures.

How much would you save if you did it in 9 months, or what we think is a realistic time frame, in 3 to 6 months. Where could that saving could be used to make yourself more competitive in finding that first job? A twin rating? Perhaps an MCC course?

It is important to remember that the road to these exams is not easy. No matter what method, you take you will need to work hard, and treat it like you did when you studied for your finals at school. However, we are there to give a helping hand and reduce the time it takes. No one made you study for Matric by giving you a syllabus and "letting you work it out for yourself".

Louise Hahn is the Head of Training at Aviation Training.

Visit their website at www.aviationtraining.biz to find out more.

According to reports, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority is investigating whether the aircraft, registered as G-ERFX, was engaged in commercial operations despite airspace closure in the country due to the pandemic.

The reports state Flairjet was granted a permit for a humanitarian flight on May 13 and, according to its flight plan, the 13-seat Legacy departed London Stansted Airport on May 17 with six passengers on board. After a stop in Spain, it landed in Nigeria with a total of seven passengers. At Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, it was determined by Nigerian officials that Flairjet actually was conducting a revenue flight with a plan to return with another seven passengers on board.

Hadi Sirika, the country's Minister of Aviation, tweeted, "Flair Aviation [sic], a UK company, was given approval for humanitarian operations, but regrettably we caught them conducting commercial flights," adding "there shall be maximum penalty."

In response to an inquiry from AIN, Flairjet responded: "We are continuing to respectfully work with the Nigerian authorities and the British consulate to resolve this situation for this flight. However, because it is an evolving situation, we cannot say anything further at this time."

This powerful and very light-weight Electric Drive unit represents a major advancement of the state-of-the art of electric powertrains for aviation and is paving the way to achieving ambitious goals for Clean Aviation towards 2050, set by the European Union with its 'Green Deal'.

Aircraft to be powered by this technological masterpiece, either in single or in modular distributed-electric propulsion powertrain architectures will enable cleaner, quieter and more sustainable airborne mobility, enabling new market segments and shorter commuting times for European citizens.

Because of its slender design, the MAHEPA Electric Drive unit may be ideally suited for use also on future larger commuter class zero-emission hybrid-electric miniliners and microfeeders.

The Cessna SkyCourier took off from the company's east campus Beech Field Airport, piloted by Corey Eckhart, senior test pilot, and Aaron Tobias, chief test pilot. During the 2-hour and 15-minute flight, the team tested the aircraft's performance, stability and control, as well as its propulsion, environmental, flight controls and avionics systems.

"We were very pleased with how the Cessna SkyCourier performed throughout its first flight," Eckhart said. "It was particularly impressive to see how stable the aircraft handled on take-off and landing. The Cessna SkyCourier already displays a high level of maturity in its flight characteristics, especially for a first flight. We were able to accomplish everything we wanted on this flight, and that's an excellent start to the flight test program."

The prototype aircraft, along with five additional flight and ground test articles, will continue to expand on performance goals, focusing on testing flight controls and aerodynamics.

The Cessna SkyCourier, featuring Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-65SC engines, will be offered in various configurations including a 6,000-pound payload capable freighter, a 19-seat passenger version or a mixed passenger/freight combination, all based on the common platform.

The Cessna SkyCourier is designed for high utilization and will deliver a combination of robust performance and lower operating costs. Cessna SkyCourier will feature the popular Garmin G1000 NXi avionics suite and offer highlights such as a maximum cruise speed of up to 200 ktas and a maximum range of 900 nm. Both freighter and passenger variants of the Cessna SkyCourier will includer single-point pressure refuelling as standard to enable faster turnarounds.

Deliveries begin immediately. Piper Aircraft, Inc. made the announcement today at the company's headquarters in Vero Beach, Florida.

"The FAA certification of Autoland is a day of celebration for the entire aviation industry as we redefine the expectations of not only the pilot, but more importantly the passenger and what should be standard equipment on general aviation aircraft," said Phil Straub, Garmin executive vice president and managing director of aviation. "Our congratulations to Piper for certifying this safety enhancing technology on the M600 and delivering one of the industry's most significant innovations to our respective customers."

The HALOTM Safety System with Garmin Autoland is standard equipment on all M600/SLS aircraft. The Safety System includes a compilation of innovative technologies unique to the M600 SLS and the Garmin G3000 avionics suite. The system includes Auto-throttle, Emergency Descent Mode, Electronic Stability and Protection, Surface Watch, Safe Taxi, Flight Stream connectivity and more. However, of greatest significance is the addition of Garmin Autoland - digital technology that safely lands the aircraft at the nearest suitable airport in the event that the pilot is incapacitated. The M600/SLS is available for purchase now through the Piper Dealer Network.

The aircraft is available immediately for on demand passenger or cargo charters. The first of its kind in the Vertis portfolio and supports the Vertis goal of deploying the right aircraft for the right mission in the right location to meet changing market trends.

Based in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, the privately owned ERJ145 has a range of some four hours and is strategically positioned to serve increasing demand from customers requiring group passenger transportation or cargo lift within Western and sub-Saharan African regions. The cabin seats up to 50 passengers or holds up to four tonnes of cargo, making the aircraft ideal for corporations moving visiting executives around the region, local industry requiring reliable and regular worker transportation, private tourism, or efficient cargo transportation. Vertis anticipates the continued growth of mining, agriculture, communications, tourism, construction and other industries and will drive demand for movements between destinations not well-served by commercial aviation.

"The African commercial network is renowned for its inability to connect major economic hubs easily and conveniently. This has driven the rise of business aviation on the continent and as economies continue to expand the need for access to aircraft that can move goods and people from point to point, rather than via convoluted routes, is imperative. The chaos being caused to the commercial airline industry by the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the limited nature of these services. We are filling a gap by providing access to an aircraft with the capabilities and reliability of the ERJ145." said Catherine Buchanan, Chief Operating Officer for Vertis.

As African economies continue to strengthen, Buchanan says the aircraft adds real value to the business and for Vertis customers. "It is the first time we have promoted a multi-mission aircraft but with our knowledge of the African aviation market and our recent experience with cargo and repatriation flights following the new coronavirus outbreak, this a natural evolution for the business. We're excited about the opportunity it presents." The largest member of the Embraer regional jet family, the ERJ145 was developed specifically for regional operations so is well suited to the changing patterns of charter needs in Africa.

The addition of the ERJ145 supplements the existing Vertis portfolio of marketed aircraft which includes a Bombardier Global 5000, a Bombardier Global 6000, a Bombardier Challenger 350 and a Dassault Falcon 900EX. Supporting owners and operators by offering exclusive outsourced charter sales management, the Vertis Charter Management Programme is ideal for individual owners, small fleet operators, or aircraft management companies looking for innovative ways of supporting owners' assets while bringing new charter opportunities to market.

The new windshields are constructed of tough, energy-absorbing polycarbonate (standard windshields are made of acrylic) and installed with distinctive retention hardware. A special hard coating provides protection from scratching and weather degradation.

Tests were conducted at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas where a 2.2 lb (1 kg) bird, the FAA's standard test weight, was used to simulate a bird strike. Tests demonstrate the R22's windshield provides protection at impact speeds up to 90 knots, while the R44 and R66 windshields provide protection at impact speeds up to 100 knots.

The 2020 upgrade prices for the new windshields are $6,600 for the R22 and $6,800 for the R44 and R66. Impact-resistant windshields increase the R22's empty weight by 1 lb and by 1.2. lb for the R44 and R66. Impact-resistant windshields increase the R22's empty weight by 1 lb and by 1.2. lb for the R44 and R66. No special maintenance or inspections are required, although a cabin cover is recommended for prolonged outdoor exposure.

Robinson believes the new windshields will be particularly beneficial to pilots flying at low altitudes or in other environments where the risk of a bird strike is greater.

The aircraft departed Vermont's Burlington International Airport, arriving 6 hours and 10 minutes later with a steep-approach landing at London City Airport. The 2,735-nautical mile/5,065-kilometer trans-Atlantic journey was completed at an average speed of Mach 0.83. Aircraft that operate at London City require steep-approach certification because of the airport's short runway and stringent noise-abatement requirements.

The G280 has amassed 75 city-pair records. Earlier this year, the aircraft set another speed record while connecting Kahului, Hawaii, with Phoenix. On Jan. 5, the G280 flew from Kahului Airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in 4 hours and 57 minutes, completing the 2,515-nm/4,658-km trip at an average cruise speed of Mach 0.83.

"The Gulfstream G280's combination of range, fuel-efficiency and performance, particularly on short runways, reinforces its place atop the super-midsize class," said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. "These latest city-pair speed records are further proof of the aircraft's superior performance capabilities bolstered by its advanced wing, robust airframe and powerful engines."

Nearly 200 G280s are in service worldwide. It is the only super-midsize aircraft certified to land using an Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS). It can easily fly nonstop from London to New York.

The G280 can fly four passengers 3,600 nm/6,667 km at Mach 0.80 or 3,000 nm/5,556 km at Mach 0.84. It is propelled by two Honeywell HTF7250G engines that help it climb from sea level to 43,000 feet/13,106 meters in approximately 20 minutes. The aircraft's cabin includes whisper-quiet sound levels, a vacuum lavatory, a 10-passenger configuration, and 19 large oval windows.

Pending approval by the U.S. National Aeronautic Association, the G280's latest records will be sent to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale in Switzerland for recognition as world feats.

The industry's nature is such that due to circumstances concerning the product and customer, further information about the customer will not be announced.

Saab 2000 Erieye AEW&C is a complete AEW&C system with multi-role and multi-mission capabilities for both military and civil needs.

It is based on the Saab 2000 aircraft equipped with Saab's airborne radar Erieye and a range of other sensors. The solution gives the user detailed situational awareness and can be used for tasks including border surveillance and search-and-rescue operations.

Saab will carry out the work in Gothenburg, Järfälla, Linköping, Luleå and Arboga, Sweden.

Survival Flight's "inadequate management of safety" led the pilot to depart in deteriorating conditions. The helicopter was heading from one hospital to another to pick up a patient in January 2019 without a thorough pre-flight weather evaluation. The Bell 407 helicopter, which wasn't supposed to operate in low-visibility conditions, made a sharp turn after encountering the second of two bands of snow showers, probably as the pilot tried to gain visibility, but failed to maintain altitude and hit trees before going down near the tiny community of Zaleski. Two other companies had opted not to accept the assignment over concerns about the weather that day, authorities said, but the pilot didn't know that and didn't know about potential bad weather along the planned route.

Pakistan, on approach to Karachi-Jinnah International Airport: A Pakistan International Airlines Airbus A320-214 according to a Pakistan CAA preliminary left scrape marks from the no.1 engine on the runway at 4500 feet (1370 m) from the threshold followed by no.2 engine scrape marks at 5500 feet (1675 m) during an aborted landing at Karachi-Jinnah International Airport. The flight afterwards radioed that they were going around and requested another ILS approach to runway 25L. Four minutes later the flight reported they had "lost engines" and subsequently declared a Mayday. The controller cleared the flight to land with both runways (25L and 25R) available. The aircraft crashed in a residential area named Model Colony, about 1360 m short of the threshold of runway 25L. The aircraft broke up and a large post-impact fire erupted. All eight crew plus 89 of the 91 passengers perished in the crash.

USA, Eglin Air Force Base in Florida: For the second time in four days a F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 58th Fighter Squadron crashed on a routine night training sortie upon landing at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. The pilot successfully ejected.

Russia, 20 km from Klin, Moscow region: A Russian Air Force Mil Mi-8
with three on board on a training flight crashed 20 kilometres from Klin, Moscow region. There were no survivors.

Canada, Gander: A Cargolux Boeing 747-8 freighter with four crew on board on a flight from Guadalajara (Mexico) to Luxembourg (Luxembourg) was over the Atlantic Ocean about 400nm southeast of Gander, (Canada) when the crew declared PAN PAN reporting one of their relief pilots had become progressively ill. The crew requested to divert to Gander, where the aircraft landed safely on about an hour later. The pilot was taken to hospital by medical services.

South Sudan, Ulang Airstrip: A Let L-410MA with two on board suffered a runway excursion during take-off from Ulang, South Sudan. The aircraft veered to the left, hit a building with its left wing then came down to a stop in the middle of the village next to the airstrip. The aircraft suffered damage to the left-hand wing tip, left-hand main gear bay, no.1 propeller tips, nose cone.

Germany, Waltrop, North Rhine-Westphalia: A Robinson R44 Raven I with two on board force landed in a farm field after smoke was observed in the cabin, reportedly caused by a burning/arcing cable. Both occupants and a dog were not injured. The helicopter was ferried to Bonn-Hangelar Airport (BNJ/EDKB) five hours after the forced landing.

Austria, near Glainach-Ferlach Airfield: A Grob G115D of the Sportfliegergruppe Kondor with an 82-year-old pilot flying crashed in a meadow near Glainach-Ferlach Airfield. The pilot had apparently confused the meadow, 1,5 NM SW of Glainach-Ferlach, with the airfield and tried to land on the open field. The pilot was not injured.

USA, Riddles Bend, Rainbow City: The pilot of a Bellanca 8KCAB Decathlon CS was apparently practicing aerobatic manoeuvres when the aircraft experienced a loss of engine power and subsequent forced landing to wooded terrain in Rainbow City south of Northeast Alabama Regional Airport (GAD/KGAD), Gadsden, Alabama. The airplane sustained unreported damage and the sole pilot onboard was not injured.

Igor Ivanovich was a Russian-American aviation pioneer born on 25 May 1889 in Russia. Sikorsky began studying at the Saint Petersburg Maritime Cadet Corps, in 1903, at the age of 14. In 1906, he determined that his future lay in engineering, so he resigned from the academy, despite his satisfactory standing and left the Russian Empire to study in Paris

His first success came with the S-2, the second aircraft of his design and construction. His fifth airplane, the S-5, won him national recognition as well as F.A.I. license number 64. His S-6-A received the highest award at the 1912 Moscow Aviation Exhibition and in the fall of that year, the aircraft won for its young designer, builder and pilot first prize in the military competition at Saint Petersburg.

After immigrating to the United States in 1919, Sikorsky founded the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in 1923 and developed the first of Pan American Airways' ocean-crossing flying boats in the 1930s.

In 1923, Sikorsky formed the Sikorsky Manufacturing Company in Roosevelt, New York. He was helped by several former Russian military officers. Among Sikorsky's chief supporters was composer Sergei Rachmaninoff.

In 1939, Sikorsky designed and flew the Vought-Sikorsky VS-300 the first viable American helicopter, which pioneered the rotor configuration used by most helicopters today. Sikorsky modified the design into the Sikorsky R-4, which became the world's first mass-produced helicopter in 1942.

In 1966, Sikorsky was inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame. Sikorsky was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and the Junior Achievement U.S. Business Hall of Fame in 1987.

In October 2011, one of the streets in Kiev was renamed after Sikorsky. In November 2012, one of the Russian supersonic heavy strategic bomber Tu-160, based at the Engels-2 Air Force Base, was named after Igor Sikorsky, which caused controversy among air base crew members. On 22 March 2018 the Kiev City Council officially renamed Kiev International Airport to "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv International Airport Zhuliany

Sikorsky passed away aged 88 on 26 October 1972.

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