Compiled by Willie Bodenstein



Status on lifting GA / RA flight restrictions

With reference to our May 2020 Communique #1 released on the 3rd May, just some progress regarding the lifting of GA / RA restrictions. The Aero Club has been part of an Industry Group convened by the CAA to deliberate proposals on how to lift flight restrictions going forward.

Since our initial proposal was submitted on the 1st of May, a more comprehensive document has been finalised which includes GA / RA which sets out the protocols of Aviation operations within the levels of lockdown from 4, 3, 2, 1, where we are recommending a return to flight under level 4 to cover specifically training operations and retaining proficiency of flight and maintenance. This is proposed as GA / RA, has a very low risk profile and operations do not take place in a congested environment, where social distance measures can be easily maintained. As 2 weeks have passed since Level 4 was implemented, we trust our industry proposals will find favour with the authorities that we can progress back to some form of normality in aviation.

Further to the maintenance related flight protocols established on the 7th May 2020 by the issuance of the CAA general notice, allowing for positioning flights to carry out Maintenance, Maintenance Test Flights and Continued Airworthiness flights, this has now been operational for just over a week, where the CAA have granted permits in all 3 categories. Some of these flights have already taken place, with the added complication that each flight requires a flight plan to be filed. The volume of applications has been very high which is starting to delay permit issuances, as well as specifically for Continued Airworthiness the documentation required for engine / systems maintenance protocols. The CAA is very aware of these issues and is working on ways to improve this in the coming week and hopefully will have some answers soon on what further can be expected.

Let's hope that all our inputs, submissions, engagements are seen to have merit and that we can get to fly meaningfully soon. We will keep you posted on further developments as it unfolds.


Dear Member

It has been just over a year since our last AGM in Vryheid and although we are restricted with lockdown regulations, we plan on going ahead with the AGM as this can be done virtually.

THE AGM will take place as follows:

DATE - Saturday 23 May 2020

TIME - 10h00 - 12h00 (last vote accepted at 10h30 on the day)

CONNECTION - This meeting will take place as a virtual meeting via Zoom. A zoom meeting invite will be emailed to you on or before 20 May 2020. Members are all encouraged to please connect and participate. The meeting is scheduled to take place on ZOOM as follows. Please test your set up to participate before the meeting. Details to join are as follows:


Sign In: Please use your name when signing in so that we know who is in attendance.
Meeting ID: 743 0032 5068
Password: 2Y7YNK
Time: 10:00 (South African Standard Time UTC +2:00)
Date: Saturday 23rd May 2020

NOMINATIONS - all nominations will be accepted until midday on 22 May 2020 via email to rsvp@eaa.org.za, or online.

Please nominate persons for the Executive Committee, check with them to ensure they will accept the nomination. Once this is done, please submit your nomination for 1 or all 4 positions. All nominations should be submitted in writing or online and will remain confidential until voting commences.

PROXY - as all will have the opportunity to participate in nominations and voting online / virtually, proxies are not required. Should you not be able to vote throughout the period of 21-23 May 2020 and you would like to submit a proxy for consideration, please email the information to rsvp@eaa.org.za.

VOTING - Please note that only paid up EAA of SA National members may vote. You may still pay your membership fees to participate before Friday 22 May 2020. Please have your membership number handy when logging on to vote. Voting will take place online.

AGM General and Proposals:
- Proposals for discussion should be submitted in writing to rsvp@eaa.org.za on or before 21 May 2020.
- A copy of the 2019 AGM Minutes will be circulated on or before 20 May 2020.
- A copy of the 2019 Financials is available for members perusal here - 2019 Financials. Audited accounts will follow once lockdown is lifted.

We look forward to your participation with Nominations, voting and joining the meeting on Saturday.
Best regards
Sean Cronin
EAA of South Africa


Firstly, I would, and I believe I speak on behalf of the GA community, say A Big Thank You to The Aero Club of South Africa with Rob Jonkers at the helm for working continuously to get GA flights going again. The hard work paid off last week when Rob managed to get the Special Flights for maintenance of our engines approved.

The Aero Club of South Africa are currently meeting with CAA and some government officials to totally lift the restrictions on GA flying and Flight Training in this week.

What is SAPFA doing?
SAPFA has been exploring a new VIRTUAL Flying Competition which looks to be very exciting and will open up the competition to any pilot or not into our competition world.

Competition Flying
SAPFA has also started a proposal for the National Rally Flying Competition to be held without a gathering of crews or officials. More on this will follow soon.... watch this space.

Pilot Insure Speed Rallies
Sadly, due to the nature of this exciting event and the gathering of huge crews and officials, we will need to wait for the correct level of lockdown or relief on the restrictions before even thinking of hosting an epic event of this nature.

Breaking News
Your Race Master is back. I would like to thank David from Pilot Insure for standing in for me while I was not available to be Your Race Master. thank you, David.

David will be assisting myself (Jonty Esser) in the future at these prestigious and exciting Speed Rallies as soon as we are back in action.

We will do everything in our power and abilities to get us back in the air again. Living up to the Aero Club of South Africa sole purpose "Preserving the Freedom of Flight."

Kind Regards,

Jonty Esser


Dear Fellow Aviator

OPERATION LIFE FLIGHT was set up and then presented to the State President on 25 March 2020.

The aim of this initiative was for the aviation community to serve our country in times of crisis. We offered to deliver urgent medical requirements (and allied aviation services) on a hub and spoke basis, to the outlying areas.

This initiative was established under the EAA banner in conjunction with the Aero Club of South Africa and the support of the CAA.

There were two other objectives: firstly, to demonstrate the important strategic nature of general aviation to the country and secondly, to show that the most important main road of any small town, is the town's runway.

Well, bar one flight done under this banner, we were not called to service.

There were many high-level discussions about this initiative and many phone conversations between us and various government committees and departments, but what we were offering was not utilized.

Although our primary objective was not achieved, namely, to give urgent assistance to the people of our country in times of crisis, we believe that the initiative was a success. We, the general aviation community, were noticed and discussed by government in a positive manner.

Karl Jensen did Yeoman service over hundreds of hours, putting together the database and procedures.

The most wonderful aspect of this project is the 230 plus pilots and many other helpers who came forward willingly to volunteer, offering their aircraft, operating bases, skills and services. We few aviators, came to the party offering whatever it would take to get the job done.

Clearly as the economy is opening, it is time for this initiative to close. Our database and procedures will be kept on ice for the future.

We salute and thank everyone most sincerely.

Brian Appleton


Due to Covid 19 aviation and current lockdown rules events advertised on Pilot's Post will most likely be cancelled or postponed. Those planning to attend or participate in any of these events are advised to contact the event organisers direct for confirmation.

23: EAA AGM at the EAA. Contact Sean Cronin E-mail: sean@glutek.co.za Cell: 083 447 9895
The AGM will be conducted online, see under notice board above.

23 to 24: SAC Eastern Cape Regionals Wings Park, East London. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

22 to 24: SAPFA President's Trophy Air Race at Ermelo airfield. Contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: chairman@sapfa.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032 Website: www.sapfa.co.za E-mail: Race@sapfa.org.za
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled but will be reviewed later in the year.

30: Botswana International Airshow at Matsieng Flying Club. Contact E-mail: hentie@dwddrilling.com Cell: +267 713 10935
Provisionally cancelled due to COVID 19. A new date may be set.

31: Fly-Mo fund raising breakfast fly-in at Springs airfield. Contact Fanie Bezuidenhout E-mail: ansan@tiscali.co.za Cell: 083 789 5507
Due to COVID-19 this event has been postponed to a date later in the year.

3: EAA Chapter 322 Monthly Meeting. Dickie Fritz Moth Hall, Edenvale
This meeting will be held online. Details to follow.

5 and 6: Newcastle Airshow. Contact Johan Pieters E-mail: Johan@champ.co.za Cell: 082 923 0078
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been re-scheduled to 3 and 4 October 2020.

3 to 7: Zim Navex Prince Charles Airport, Harare. Contact Marion Kalweit E-mail: zimairrally@gmail.com Tel +26 377 257 0009

6: SAAF Museum AFB Zwartkop Open and practice day

9 & 10: Aviation Mena 2020 Hilton Cairo Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. Contact Alison Weller E-mail: alison@accessgroup.aero Web: www.aviationmena.aero
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been re-scheduled to 18 and 19 October 2020.

13: Maputo Air Land and Sea Airshow. Contact Gavin Neil E-mail: airshow@acm.co.mz

13: SAPFA Silver Queen Air Rally AFB Zwartkops. Contact Rob Jonkers E-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

15 to 19: SAC National Championships New Tempe - Bloemfontein. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

20: SAC full day Airshow New Tempe - Bloemfontein. Contact Conrad Botha E-mail: rowco24cc@mailbox.co.za Cell: 082 465 4045

1: CAASA Symposium venue TBA. Sam Keddle E-mail: office@caasa.co.za Tel: 011 659 2345

2 to 4: AERO South Africa Wonderboom National Airport, Pretoria. Annelie Reynolds Tel +27 10 599 6150 Website: www.aerosouthafrica.com < or Amanda Dube: E-mail: Amanda.Dube@za.messefrankfurt.com
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled for 2020.

10 - 11: EAA Taildraggers at Warmbaths airfield. Richard Nicholson E-mail: flybenchmark@gmail.com Cell: 082 490 6227

12 to 17: BAFSA South African Hot Air Balloon Championships. Bill Harrop's, Skeerpoort, North West Province. South Africa. Contact Richard Bovell e-mail: chairman@bafsa.co.za

11- 12: Flying Legends United Kingdom. Website: www.flyinglegends.com . Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled

17 - 18: SAPFA Speed Rally at Thabazimbi airfield. Jonty Esser E-mail: jonty@promptroofing.co.za Cell: 082 855 9435.
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

17 to 19: Royal International Air Tattoo United Kingdom. Website: www.airtattoo.com
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

20 to 24: Farnborough Airshow United Kingdom five-day trade show - no public days
Website: www.farnboroughairshow.com
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

22 July to 1 August: SAC Advanced World Champs -
Malelane Airport, Malelane. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

21: CAASA AGM at CAASA House Lanseria International Airport
Contact Sam Keddle E-mail: office@caasa.co.za Tel: 011 659 2345

20 to 26: EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA. Camping on the airfield contact Neil Bowden E-mail: neil1@telkomsa.net
Hotels in Appleton contact Calvin Fabig E-mail: calvin@designer.co.za
Due to the COVID 19 this event has been cancelled.

23-25 Brits Rally Nationals 23 - 25 July 2020. Contact Frank Eckard E-mail: frank.eckard@mweb.co.za Cell: 083 269 1516

8 to 10: SAPFA Rally Training Camp - Brits Aerodrome. Contact Mary de Klerk e-mail: maryd@expandingbranding.co.za cell: 084 880 9000

22: ASSA - Bethlehem Airshow.
Contact Stephan Fourie at fouriesj1491@gmail.com

21-22: Bethlehem Speed Rally 21 - 22 August 2020 - replaces FAKR ANR. Contact Jonty Esser E-mail: jonty@promptroofing.co.za Cell: 082 855 9435

6: Rand Airport Airshow

11 t0 13: SAPFA Secunda Speed Rally #6.
Secunda Airfield, Secunda, Contact Rob Jonkers e-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za cell: 082 804 7032

16 to 20 AAD - Waterkloof Air Force Base

24: Great Train Race and Fly-in. Heidelberg Airfield
Contact Van Zyl SchultzE-mail: vzs@mweb.co.za Cell: 082 5602275

26: Garden Route Airshow. Contact Brett Scheuble E-mail: info@gardenrouteairshow.co.za Cell: 084 418 3836

3-4: SAC WC Regionals - Swellendam. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

3: SAPFA Witbank Fun Rally. Witbank Airport.
Contact Rob Jonkers 082 804 7032 rob@aerosud.co.za

24-25: SAC Judges Trophy - Tzaneen. Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

8 to 14: Training week WFRC 2020, Stellenbosch.
Contact Mary de Klerk, Cell 0848809000, Email maryd@expandingbranding.co.za

16 to 21: World Rally Flying Championships 2020.
Stellenbosch. Contact Mary de Klerk, Cell 0848809000, Email maryd@expandingbranding.co.za

27- 28: SAPFA Springs Speed Rally. Springs Airfield.
Contact Jonty Esser e-mail: jonty@promptroofing.co.za cell: 082 855 9435

5: AeCSA Aero Club of SA Annual Awards. Rand Airport, Main Terminal Building, Rand Airport Rd, Germiston.
Contact Sandra Strydom, email: sandra@aeroclub.org.za Tel: 011 082 1100

5-6: SAC Ace of Base - Vereeniging. Baragwanath Airfield.
Contact Annie Boon E-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

Built by Drone Champions AG, in order to promote its Drone Champions League video game, this is a full-sized, full carbon airframe with six arms extending outwards from an aerodynamically faired chassis, each with a pair of coaxial rotors mounted at the ends. A central seat can carry a passenger - not a pilot at this stage. This drone is built to be flown from the ground by trained drone racing pilots via remote control.

It's still being tested, but the team behind it have built it with the goal of actually racing it. And seeing a dozen of these racing around would certainly improve upon the excitement level that we currently associate with electric vehicle racing - the secret really could be to race EVs in the air, not on the ground.

This particular drone still has some bugs, but it's designed to take a human, be very quick and manoeuvrable and generally just be very exciting and impressive to see in action. It really succeeds in that respect.

The personal air vehicle, in development by Watfly, was conceptually modelled after the "oversized backyard quadcopters" built by aviation enthusiasts, according to Watfly co-founder Gonzalo Espinoza Graham. "We very quickly realized that autonomous, vertical take-off and landing, electric aircraft would be the next available step, so we got to work."

The Atlas will fit into a niche area of aerial mobility that not many other vehicles are designed for; Graham stated that the Atlas is designed for recreational purposes, aiming for the classification of an Ultralight Air Vehicle, meaning that it will not require a pilot's license to fly. This means that the Atlas will be restricted from flying over urban areas, including cities or towns, or through restricted airspaces. Watfly expects the Atlas to be certified by the FAA next year.

The vehicle itself is tiny compared to other air vehicles: it weighs in at 285 lb. unloaded with 250 lb. of carry weight and has a height and wingspan of 8.2 ft. and 15 ft respectively. Equipped with collision avoidance systems and an emergency parachute, the Atlas is the ideal vehicle for recreational air travel. As for the Atlas' range, the vehicle can reach up to 125 mph and can fly for approximately one hour. Similar to a Tesla, the Atlas' battery will be rechargeable at any port and can fully recharge in two hours.

The Atlas is expected to be available at a commercial price of $150,000 next year.

A total of twenty (20) Diamond DA40 XLT single engine aircraft and four Diamond DA42-L360 twin engine aircraft will be supporting the new Qantas Group Pilot Academy, operated by Flight Training Adelaide and based in Toowoomba, Australia.

FTA is a world-class training provider for the Australian aviation industry and some of the world's leading airlines. Since its founding in 1982, FTA has been focused on producing future airline captains, rather than simply training students to obtain a licence.

FTA offers a full range of services, including student selection, ab initio and advanced training courses, as well as management of accommodation facilities onsite at Toowoomba's Wellcamp Airport. FTA's highly trained and committed staff ensure that the training environment and content of the courses not only exceed student expectations but also contribute to the creation of a truly world-class pilot school.

Scott McFadzean, Chief Executive Officer of Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc, commented, "Diamond Aircraft would like to congratulate the Flight Training Adelaide team on their exciting new partnership with Qantas Group Pilot Academy. Flight Training Adelaide has been a long-standing partner of Diamond Aircraft and we look forward to continuing to support their tremendous growth and focused mission to provide world class flight training to their airlines partners, now including Qantas Group Pilot Academy."

"We have been very pleased with our fleet of Diamond Aircraft in Adelaide, so it was an easy decision to replicate this model in Wellcamp" said Pine Pienaar, Chief Executive Officer of FTA. "We look forward to continuing our partnership with Diamond Aircraft."

The new training base opened in January 2020 and was announced by Qantas on January 29th, 2020.

This opportunity is for standard experimental engines only - Thunderbolt engines are not available on this special schedule. Please reach out to Chris - his contact info is below - to see if the engine you need can be scheduled. Note that the specific engine you need and parts availability etc. will determine whether you can grab one of the fast-delivery slots. Once you have arranged things with Chris, you can place your engine or engine plus prop order with Van's and get things moving. Slots are limited, so don't delay!

Lycoming recognizes that Van's builders may have found themselves with more build time than they originally had planned. Lycoming has opened up additional build slots on their non-cert engine assembly line for builders who have found themselves ahead of schedule on their project. These slots are designated for experimental engines to be built and ready for shipment in June and July. This is your chance for a faster-than-standard delivery. This opportunity is limited to those customers interested in a standard, non-cert engine. Builds are limited.

Operating income totalled 153 million Swiss francs; incoming orders amounted to 1.1 billion Swiss francs. Pilatus staff enjoyed a share in this success with a generous bonus pay-out even in the current difficult economic climate.

2019 will go down in the company's 80-year history as another very successful twelve months overall. The figures were very similar to those reported in 2018. Total aircraft deliveries came in at 134 - 83 PC-12 NGs, 40 PC-24s and 11 PC-21s - the most extensive production programme yet.

The market rollout of the brand-new PC-24 is now complete and Pilatus has well and truly left the build-up phase. 75 PC-24s have been delivered to date and are in use on every continent. The PC-24 with the most hours in the air has already flown over 1,800 hours. The order book re-opened in May last year and demand for the world's unique Pilatus Super Versatile Jet remains as high as ever. The PC-24 has won prestigious new clients such as Volkswagen and KSA, the Swedish air ambulance service - important milestones in a programme which is still young as yet.

Pilatus launched the PC-12 NGX in autumn 2019: compared to its predecessor, this further development of the world's best-selling single-engine turboprop in class now boasts an improved engine, smarter avionics and a completely re-designed cabin with larger windows. The new PT6E-67XP engine by Pratt & Whitney Canada is particularly impressive: its electronic propeller and engine control system is a worldwide first in this market segment. After obtaining certification in 2019 and making appropriate changes to the production line, the market launch generated a large number of orders. This month saw the first customers take to the skies aboard their new NGXs.

Finalised in 2019 and signed in January 2020, the PC-21 order from Spain is a very important step in securing future operations. From 2021 onwards, Pilatus will deliver a total of 24 PC-21s to the Spanish Air Force, the Ejército del Aire. Spain is the third European air force to opt for this Next Generation Trainer. If the General Aviation Division is indeed heavily impacted by the current economic difficulties, this order will prove essential for Pilatus in terms of providing sufficient activity for the workforce and continued business success for the company. It also demonstrates the importance of the two-pillar strategy - civilian and military business - in guaranteeing future economic viability.

Pilatus delivered the last of a total of 49 PC-21s to the Royal Australian Air Force in November 2019. This delivery - the final one for the time being - brings the worldwide fleet of PC-21s up to a total of 211 aircraft. An impressive figure indeed and proof that the PC-21 is now the world's most modern, most efficient training system.

"The Gulfstream G600's advanced technology, high-speed performance and unparalleled efficiency will serve the intercontinental European business traveller well," said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. "We are excited to get this aircraft in the hands of customers throughout the continent."

At its high-speed cruise of Mach 0.90, the G600 can carry passengers 5,500 nautical miles/10,186 kilometres nonstop - enough range to travel from London to Los Angeles or from Paris to Hong Kong. At its long-range cruise speed of Mach 0.85, it can fly 6,500 nm/12,038 km. Its maximum operating speed is Mach 0.925.

The aircraft, which entered service Aug. 8, 2019, has already earned 23 city-pair speed records. Among those records was a flight of 4,057 nm/7,514 km from Savannah to Geneva that took just 7 hours and 21 minutes at Mach 0.90.

The G600 is equipped with the revolutionary Symmetry Flight Deck™, which includes active control sidesticks, a first for business aviation and 10 touchscreens. The advanced technology has earned Gulfstream several awards, including Aviation Week's 2020 Business Aviation Platform Laureate Award and 2017 Business Aviation Technology Laureate Award, Business Intelligence Group's 2019 Innovation Award and Avionics Magazine's 2015 Technology Company of the Year.

The aircraft's interior won top honours in Private Jet Design at the 2018 International Yacht & Aviation Awards. The cabin can be configured for up to three living areas and a crew compartment or four living areas and has industry-leading sound levels, a low cabin altitude and 100 percent fresh air, which reduce fatigue and increase mental awareness. The G600's 14 panoramic oval windows let in an abundance of natural light.

As Ontario's first public college, Centennial has a long history of educating aircraft and avionics technicians accredited by Transport Canada. Diamond Aircraft is a global leader in the general aviation market with its product line of modern, fuel-efficient aircraft designed for specific personal and training applications.

"As a start, work is underway in creating work co-op, placement and capstone opportunities with Diamond Aircraft for students in select Centennial programs," said Dr. Rahim Karim, Associate Vice President, Partnerships, Pathways and Internationalization at Centennial College. "We are also reviewing programming and graduate needs for Diamond to build their talent pipeline."

Collaborative activities between the two organizations may include program and curriculum development; technical training; staff, faculty and student placements; research and innovation opportunities; donations of equipment or services in kind and international engagement.

"Diamond Aircraft is excited about our collaboration with Centennial College," said Scott McFadzean, Chief Executive Officer at Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc. "We look forward to working with Centennial on several initiatives and offering co-op and employment opportunities to Centennial students and graduates."

The flights were also partly intended to show the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing complications have not impaired the Air Force's ability to carry out complicated, simultaneous missions.

Recently, a B-1B Lancer from the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota flew a long-range strategic Bomber Task Force mission to Europe. Two B1B Lancers also recently flew to the Baltic region on a mission that included training with the Danish air force.

Two B-2 Spirit bombers from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, two B-52H Stratofortresses from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota and two B-52s from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana flew to the U.S. European Command and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command geographic areas of responsibility.

The U.S. Strategic Command said in a press release that all the flights were carried out so that the U.S. Strategic Command could demonstrate the readiness and global reach of its long-range strategic bombers."

Historically, Embraer seasonally has fewer deliveries during the first quarter of the year and in 2020 in particular, the commercial aircraft deliveries in the first quarter were also negatively impacted by the conclusion of the separation of Embraer's Commercial Aviation unit in January.

During the first quarter, Embraer Executive Jets announced that the new Phenom 300E was granted its Type Certificate by ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil), EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) and the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). The new Phenom 300E is the recently enhanced version of the Phenom 300 series, which was the most delivered business jet series in the 2010s.

"We're honoured by the Navy's faith and confidence in our employees and the P-8 system," said Stu Voboril, vice president and program manager. "Our focus has been, and will be, on delivering the world's best maritime patrol aircraft, bar none."

The P-8 is a proven long-range multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft capable of broad-area, maritime and coastal operations. A military derivative of the Boeing 737 Next-Generation airplane, the P-8 combines superior performance and reliability with an advanced mission system that ensures maximum interoperability in the battle space.

This is the 94th mission-capable airplane to enter the U.S. Navy fleet, with six additional jets used as Engineering Manufacturing Development test aircraft. The 100th fully-operational delivery is scheduled for later this year. Boeing has also delivered 12 jets to the Royal Australian Air Force, two to the U.K.'s Royal Air Force and eight P-8Is to the Indian Navy. Multiple U.S. Navy squadrons have deployed with the P-8A Poseidon and the Indian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force are conducting missions with the P-8 as well.

"More allied defence forces worldwide are selecting the AH-64E Apache because they know it provides the most advanced technology and capability to keep their nations safe and secure today and well into the future," said Kathleen Jolivette, vice president of Attack Helicopter Programs. "The Apache continues to be the most proven and reliable attack helicopter on the battlefield today."

Sixteen countries currently field the Apache. AH-64 Apaches have flown 4.6 million flight hours, including more than one million flight hours in combat.

The remanufactured aircraft will be delivered in the early 2020s.

Canada: near Kamloops Airport: A Canadair CT-114 Tutor of the Canadian Armed Force - Snowbirds Formation Aerobatic Team with two on board crashed shortly after take-off on a house's garage in a residential area near Kamloops Airport (YKA/CYKA), British Columbia. The pilot ejected safely and was injured, the other crew member, the squadron's public affairs officer, ejected but was killed.

Botswana: A Cessna T206H Turbo Stationair II operated by De Vre Trans performed a forced landing on a road. The nose gear collapsed.

USA, Houston, Texas: A United Boeing 737-800 with 120 people on board was climbing out of Houston's Airport on a flight to Mexico City, Mexico when the crew stopped the climb at about 10,000 feet due to the failure of the right-hand engine. The crew's attempt to restart the engine failed and they returned to Houston for a safe landing about 30 minutes after departure.

USA, near Henry County Airport, Hampton: A Cessna 402 operated by the Aircraft Guaranty Corp Trustee with two on board impacted wooded terrain near Henry County Airport, Hampton, Georgia. The aircraft suffered substantial damage. The occupants suffered unspecified injuries.

Indonesia, Lake Sentani: A Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Quest Kodiak was damaged beyond repair when the aircraft impacted the waters of Lake Sentani following a mayday call. The airplane submerged and the sole pilot onboard received fatal injuries.

USA, Miramar, Florida: Following an unspecified mechanical issue, a Piper PA-34-200 Seneca operated by Wayman Aviation Academy attempting an emergency landing in Miramar, Florida struck powerlines and impacted terrain. The airplane was destroyed during the accident sequence and the trainee pilot received fatal injuries. The flight instructor onboard was seriously injured. A third person was injured by debris and was treated at the scene

The film was written by Byron Morgan (original story, uncredited), Louis D. Lighton and Hope Loring (screenplay), edited and produced by Lucien Hubbard, directed by William A. Wellman, with an original orchestral score by John Stepan Zamecnik, which was uncredited.

Producers Lucien Hubbard and Jesse L. Lasky hired director Wellman as he was the only director in Hollywood at the time who had World War I combat pilot experience. Actor Richard Arlen and writer John Monk Saunders had also served in World War I as military aviators. Arlen was able to do his own flying in the film and Rogers, a non-pilot, underwent flight training during the course of the production, so that, like Arlen, Rogers could also be filmed in closeup in the air.

Lucien Hubbard offered flying lessons to all and despite the number of aircraft in the air, only two incidents occurred-one involved stunt pilot Dick Grace, while the other was the fatal crash of a United States Army Air Corps pilot. Wellman was able to attract War Department support and involvement in the project and displayed considerable prowess and confidence in dealing with planes and pilots onscreen.

The film was shot on location on a budget of $2 million (equivalent to $28.88 million in 2019) at Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas between September 7, 1926 and April 7, 1927. Hundreds of extras and some 300 pilots were involved in the filming, including pilots and planes of the United States Army Air Corps which were brought in for the filming and to provide assistance and supervision. Wellman extensively rehearsed the scenes for the Battle of Saint-Mihiel over ten days with some 3500 infantrymen on a battlefield made for the production on location.

Acclaimed for its technical prowess and realism upon release, the film became the yardstick against which future aviation films were measured, mainly because of its realistic air-combat sequences. It went on to win the first Academy Award for Best Picture at the first annual Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences award ceremony in 1929, the only silent film to do so. It also won the Academy Award for Best Engineering Effects (Roy Pomeroy).

Midweek Update

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