Irene RC Club float flying-the Cat club at Bronkhorstspruit Dam
By Stefan Coetzer

On Saturday 21 March, Irene radio flyers had a float flying weekend at the Cat club at Bronkhorstspruit dam east of Pretoria. With pilots in the area as well as Johannesburg joining in for what was to be a weekend of fun and smiles.

Advice was given all-round

A section of the pits
With favourable weather, the pilots were in for sunshine and near windless conditions, it was a fun way to fly for every type of float pilot: - from a beginner to pilots with more experience. The day also offered both big and small planes in the form of the ever-popular sticks and even small-scale planes.

Dion Van Rooyen with his little Beaver

A Stick doing a touch and go
With the day starting with pilots briefing, enthusiasts wasted no time in getting their planes in the air and doing what they all enjoy doing. One pilot showed us how low his .40 size trainer could perform some low inverted passes. The day was filled with pilots and callers having a go at flying a floatplane.

A LA flyer during landing

The smallest plane of the day, a little Timber
The day saw old legends flying again after taking a 3-year break. The weekend saw pilots taking planes for their first flights and unfortunately, saw the sad end of a scanner, which according to the pilot had radio problems seconds before the plane went in. Fortunately for the pilot, a nearby boat fetched the plane so there was no need for the rowing boat to go fetch it.

The sad end of a Scanner

Steven Black showing off his skill as an amphibious pilot
With the wind picking up later, many electrical planes were stuck and had to be rescued with the boat. It was for most pilots the last chance to fly before they went into isolation

How low can you go?

The recovery crew on their way
The weekend was a huge success demonstrating to many spectators that it's easy to fly a float plane. As a yearly event, it certainly is set to grow. The next event is set for year-end with the location still to be confirmed.

A Turbo Timber

Another recovery under way

And showing the ability of a Timber

The small Timber passes

Cessna 150 landing