Compiled by Willie Bodenstein

Dear Aero Club Member, it is the Aero Club & Member Association renewal time for the year 2020. Many thanks for your continued support for recreational aviation in South Africa. The year 2020 is a significant year being the Centenary of the Aero Club and we will take the opportunity to bring to the fore the importance that recreational aviation has for the growth of aviation in SA, particularly poignant in preserving our free flight while working with the regulator transitioning from the domain of RAASA to the CAA and the regulatory changes that it brings. We will keep you posted on the overall status & progress.

To renew your membership or join the Aero Club and its Sections, go to www.aeroclub.org.za/member-renewals-and-new-memberships, where you can use the Aeropay System, or you can pay via EFT. If you have any difficulties, please contact the Aero Club office by email or phone as given below, Sandra & Charne are ready to assist.

The Aeropay System
Visit the Aero Club website on:


Click on Memberships and then on the Aeropay link
Log in to your membership and follow the steps
Once your payment is processed you can download or print your Membership certificate and Tax invoice.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
The Aero Club of South Africa
Standard Bank
Acc: 202506231
Branch: 001155 Midrand
Reference: Your Name and Surname
Send proof of payment to: sandra@aeroclub.org.za
Tel : 011 082 1100
Fax : 086 635 3755
E-mail : office@aeroclub.org.za

25: Rand Airport Challenge Rally - Rand Airport. Contact: Frank Eckard e-mail: frank.eckard@mweb.co.za cell: 083 269 1516

25: SAPFA AGM - Time: 2 PM Rand Airport. Contact: Rob Jonkers e-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za cell: 082 804 7032

25: RC Vintage Fly-in, Vlakfontein, Benoni. Contact Juanita 083 630 8975

31 to 1 Feb: Witbank Speed Rally and 2nd Grand Prix Section - Witbank Airfield. Contact Rob Jonkers Contact chairman@sapfa.co.za Tel: 082 804 7032 or Jonty Esser at jonty@promptroofing.co.za Tel: 082 855 9435 Please enter online at www.speedrally.co.za

7 - 9: SAPFA Committee Bosberaad - Paddafontein. Contact: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell: 082 804 7032

8: EAA Chapter 322 Breakfast Fly away to Rustenburg.

29: Rally Navigation Training Course - Venue Aerosud. Contact: Mary de Klerk e-mail: maryd@expandingbranding.co.za cell: 084 880 9000

7: Brakpan Fun Rally - Brakpan Airport - Contact: Frank Eckard e-mail: frank.eckard@mweb.co.za cell: 083 269 1516

7-8: SAC KZN Regional Aerobatics. Ladysmith Airfield. Contact Annie Boone: chunge@mweb.co.za

21: Bethlehem Speed Rally - Bethlehem Airfield - Contact: Jonty Esser e-mail: jonty@promptroofing.co.za cell: 082 855 9435

21: The Airplane Factory Fly-in, Tedderfield. Contact: Shanelle 011 948 9898

21-22: Fashkosh Airshow Stellenbosch Airfield. Contact: Anton Theart at gm@stelfly.co.za or 079 873 4567

13 to 5 April: Sun 'n Fun, Lakeland Florida USA. Contact: Neil Bowden at Neil1@telkomsa.net or on 084 674 5674

Drawing on the expertise of its founders, Wagtail Aviation was established to develop a gyrocopter that can be used in the harsh African conditions.

Unique to the market, Wagtail Aviation's Gyroplane was specifically designed for the commercial, working environment while the system can be tailored to any individual client and designed to satisfy his requirement. The firm's flagship offering, the Trojan, has been used commercially for surveillance, patrolling and anti-poaching activities among others.

Alongside the provision of the planes, Wagtail also renders all additional services required. These include pilot or maintenance training, maintenance, Gyrocopter supply, financing and more. Thanks to its vast service offering, Wagtail Aviation is currently engaged with clients across the world. The firm is in discussions with a range of potential partners, including the United Nations.

For this organisation Wagtail Aviation would be able to provide relief work after the flooding in Mozambique, medical supply movement in Rwanda, patrolling and surveillance against stock theft in South Sudan, patrolling roads in the regions during busy holiday seasons as well as assisting with life guarding operations on the beaches. The Gyrocopter is a very versatile and cost-effective platform to use, as the craft can slot into many operations and can render a support service not utilised before. As such, the firm's solutions have many uses and can be offered to a variety of clients.

Seeking to build upon its current success, Wagtail Aviation is in discussions with a world leader in the Unmanned Air Vehicle market and is planning to use the Gyroplane as an expendable platform that has a useable payload for emergency relief work.

Ultimately, all these projects will pave the way for invigorating developments in the African Gyrocopter market and Wagtail Aviation is excited to be at the forefront of the industry's growth.

The Boeing MH-139A pays homage to the grey wolf, an extremely adaptable species known for its power and endurance, which contributes to its ability to roam large distances. The name falls in line with the geographical areas of the United States represented by Air Force Global Strike Command and Air Force District of Washington. As a pack animal, the Grey Wolf represents the Air Force's mission sets, which bring multiple aircraft to the fight.

The announcement was made at Duke Field near Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. General Timothy Ray, Commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, revealed the name following a ceremonial flight around the base.

"The Boeing MH-139A Grey Wolf was chosen to serve and chosen to replace the iconic Huey fleet for the Air Force. We take this responsibility very seriously" said Andy Builta, vice president, Boeing Cargo & Utility Helicopters. "This platform provides a new level of safety, security and agility for the Air Force protect our most sensitive assets."

The annual contract funds critical sustainment activities for aircraft currently in the fleet and builds enterprise capacity to support the future fleet of more than 3,000 F-35 aircraft.

"The F-35 continues to deliver exceptional capabilities to the field, and this contract ensures F-35s are mission ready to meet war fighter needs," said Greg Ulmer, Lockheed Martin vice president and general manager of the F-35 program. "The joint government and industry team continues to make significant progress improving readiness rates and reducing sustainment costs. In 2020, we will continue to optimize and advance the sustainment system. We are confident F-35 sustainment costs will be equal to or less than legacy jets."

The F-35's reliability continues to improve, and the global fleet is averaging greater than 65% mission capable rates, with operational squadrons consistently performing near 75%.

The F-35 enterprise continues to pursue 80% mission capable rates in the near term and reduce the F-35 Cost Per Flight Hour to $25,000 by 2025, which is equal to or less than the cost to sustain legacy, less capable aircraft.

The contract for the upgraded (standard 6) ATL2 combat system was awarded by the defence procurement agency DGA on October 4, 2013. The program covers a fleet of 18 aircraft. Dassault Aviation will deliver a further five upgraded ATL2s in the period 2020-2023. In parallel, the SIAé aeronautical maintenance centre will upgrade 11 aircraft.

The upgrade work is performed by Dassault Aviation and Thales (co-contractors), in association with Naval Group and in cooperation with SIAé. Architect of the combat system, Dassault Aviation is also responsible for development of the core system including LOTI[1] software designed by Naval Group. Dassault Aviation is also in charge of overall integration of all subsystems.

The standard 6 upgrade will improve the ATL2s' capability to support the Strategic Ocean Force, to deal with modern threats (future nuclear or conventional submarines, naval forces at sea, etc.) and to support air-land missions, until 2030.

"This expertise as an architect of maritime patrol solutions, both for the platform and for systems integration, is the result of experience dating back to the late 1950s and the launch of the ATL1 program, the predecessor of the ATL2. Dassault Aviation has extended this experience, from the 1970s onwards, with the maritime surveillance Falcons, the latest version of which is the Falcon 2000 MRA-based Albatros program. As we have shown once again with the standard 6, this maritime patrol/maritime surveillance expertise builds largely on the trust and the excellent working relations among our company, the DGA and the French Navy, to which I express my sincere gratitude. We will leverage this know-how to prepare together maritime patrol solutions beyond 2030", declared Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.

Configured by United Rotorcraft with a newly designed 1,000-gallon water tank attached to the belly of the aircraft; an extended landing gear to accommodate the tank; a retractable snorkel that can refill the tank in less than one minute; and a rescue hoist, the Firehawk helicopters will allow fire crews to attack wildfires, transport up to 12 ground firefighters to the fire line and rescue firefighters and civilians when in need.

CAL FIRE's newly acquired S-70i FIREHAWK helicopter is the first of nine aircraft currently on order, with an option for three more. CAL FIRE and San Diego are both first-time operators of the aerial firefighting helicopter.

LACoFD has operated three S-70A model Firehawks since 2001. During the ensuing 19 years, the county has pioneered and perfected the tactics needed to suffocate wildfires in their early stage when a fire is most vulnerable, while working in close coordination with other aircraft and with firefighting crews on the ground. The county's new S-70i FIREHAWK aircraft is the first of two - more powerful and faster than the S-70A model - that LACoFD is adding to its fleet.

United Rotorcraft contracted with KAWAK Aviation Technologies (Bend, Oregon) to design and manufacture the water tank to new specifications based on input from LACoFD. Among other equipment on each aircraft are a 600 lb. external rescue hoist, a 9,000 lb. cargo hook with load cell system, forward recognition lights and a high intensity searchlight. Avionics installations include tactical communications and navigation systems.

A Firehawk begins life at Stratford-Connecticut-based Sikorsky as an S-70i Black Hawk helicopter. United Rotorcraft then converts the twin-engine aircraft to its aerial firefighting configuration. The aircraft retains its multi-mission capability, allowing aircrew to perform search and rescue missions, medical evacuation, and carry cargo either internally or as an external load.

The Department of Défense awarded more than $1.5 billion in funding for the first 21 C-130J aircraft on the multiyear award. The overall award, worth more than $3 billion, provides Super Hercules aircraft to the U.S. Air Force (24 HC/MC-130Js), Marine Corps (20 KC-130Js) and Coast Guard (options for six HC-130Js). Aircraft purchased through the C-130J Multiyear III award will be delivered between 2021-2025 and will be built at Lockheed Martin's Marietta, Georgia, facility.

"The C-130J Multiyear III award represents a joint commitment between Lockheed Martin and the U.S. government in delivering proven capability that meets our operators' mission and affordability requirements," said Rod McLean, vice president and general manager, Air Mobility & Maritime Missions at Lockheed Martin. "Our partnership with the U.S. government provides significant savings through multiyear procurement as compared to annual buys and provides the best tactical airlifter to crews who fly and support the world's largest Super Hercules fleet."

The C-130J Super Hercules is the global standard in tactical airlift, providing a unique mix of versatility and performance to complete any mission - anytime, anywhere. The Super Hercules worldwide fleet has more than 2 million flight hours and is the airlifter of choice for 20 nations.

This contract, as Fiscal 2020 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds, was competitively procured via a request for proposal of various offers. Work will be mainly performed at Leonardo's Philadelphia facility and is expected to be completed in October 2021.

Alessandro Profumo, Chief Executive Officer Leonardo said, "On the cusp of celebrating nearly 40 years of operating in Philadelphia, Leonardo is thrilled the U.S. Navy has selected our TH-119-based offer and us as a local and long-term partner. We are proud to be a core contributor to the future of U.S. defence."

Gian Piero Cutillo, Managing Director of Leonardo Helicopters added, "Today's brilliant news is a ringing endorsement for our solutions setting new industry standards for training. We are committed to working with the U.S. Navy to ensure future pilots meet all evolving service requirements."

William Hunt, Managing Director of Leonardo Helicopters Philadelphia said, "Our plan since day one has been to offer the U.S. Navy the training capabilities they asked for, without compromise. We are honoured to deliver on that promise, build the new fleet in Philadelphia and maintain it from Milton, Florida."

Finland, Helsinki: A Finnair Airbus A320-200 had completed an uneventful flight with a safe landing at Helsinki had taxied to the gate and the passengers had disembarked when a flight attendant opened one of the aft doors and fell about 3.5 meters down onto the tarmac. The flight attendant received serious but not life-threatening injuries.

USA, Minneapolis: A Delta Airlines Boeing 737-900 with 175 passengers and 5 crew on a flight from Seattle to Minneapolis was descending on approach to Minneapolis when the aircraft encountered severe turbulence causing injuries to all cabin crew. The aircraft continued for a safe landing.

China, near Hubei, Yichang: A Diamond DA42 Twin Star operated by Yichang Aviation Academy with three on board on a training flight crashed under unknown circumstances. The pilot and two trainees died in the crash.

USA, Newark Liberty International Airport: Twenty-eight-year-old Matthew Dingley, a passenger, was arrested by Newark Liberty International Airport by Port Authority police who boarded the Aircraft after it had landed. Dingley, during the flight, stormed the airliner's cockpit door while the plane was in flight. Crashing into the door Dingley then banged on it and assaulted a female flight attendant who tried to stop him. A total of six officers were injured during the arrest and were transported to a hospital. The flight attendant was also taken to the hospital. After backup officers arrived, Dingley was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing, resisting arrest and aggravated assault.

Russia, Sheremtyevo: An Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100 with 95 passengers and 6 crew onboard was climbing out of Sheremetyevo's runway for a flight to Stavropol (Russia) when the crew stopped the climb after the left-hand engine cowl had partly separated from the engine. The aircraft entered a hold to burn off fuel and returned to Sheremtyevo for a safe landing about 50 minutes after departure.

USA, Los Angeles: The Delta pilots of a Boeing 777 who bombarded elementary school playgrounds with jet fuel before making an emergency landing at Los Angeles International Airport failed to notify air traffic control of the need to jettison fuel and did not dump it at an optimal altitude, the FAA said. The Boeing 777 had experienced engine problems moments after take-off. Scores of people on the ground, including students at multiple elementary schools, were treated for eye and skin irritation. The aircraft landed safely after a release of fuel.

The Canberra, a British first-generation jet-powered medium bomber, had its formal origins in a 1944 requirement issued by the Air Ministry for a successor to the de Havilland Mosquito. Among the performance requirements for the type was the demand for an outstanding high-altitude bombing capability and high speed.

The Canberra was introduced to service with the Royal Air Force (RAF), in May 1951.

In 1957, a Canberra established a world altitude record of 70,310 feet (21,430 m) and in February 1951, another Canberra set another world record when it became the first jet aircraft to make a non-stop transatlantic flight.

Both Rhodesia and South Africa used Canberras in their respective Bush Wars. Rhodesian B2 Canberras together with South African B12 Canberras carried out attacks on insurgents in Mozambique and Zambia as well as attacks upon multiple insurgents bases in Angola. Ethiopian Canberras were used against Eritrea and again against Somalia during the 1970s.

Midweek Update

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