Oshkosh 2019 - Walk about - a pictorial Review - Part 2
By Willie Bodenstein

This year was another record year for AirVenture, the annual convention of the EAA, held for the past fifty years at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

To thank the residents of Oshkosh, the EAA offered free access to the grounds and 8,700, 13% of the town's population, attended.

Total attendance this year was again up, with 642,000 visitors recorded. Canada was again the best represented foreign country with 561, Australia was next with 386 and South Africa third with 177.

This year, AirVenture contributed $170,000,0000 to the economy of the Oshkosh region. Not bad for an organization that 50 year ago was formed by a visionary and his wife in his garage.
Next week we will bring you images taken at the flight line.