Ron Akana-the longest-serving flight attendant in history

In 1949 aged 21 Ron Akana responded to a newspaper advert and applied to United Airlines for a steward position. The only why he did was that if successful it meant that he would get away to the mainland. Getting away was a huge deal in those days.

At this time Akana was still a student at the University of Hawaii. After joining UA he started flying to the mainland on Boeing Stratocruiser. His time working for UA was only interrupted by a two-year conscription, where he served in the Korean War.

In August 2012, after 63 years of service he retired. His career, all with United Airlines, had spanned 63 years since he joined the airline in 1949, interrupted only by two years of military service from 1951 to 1953. He had flown about 200 million miles (322,000,000 km) and made about 10,000 trips over the Pacific Ocean.

Aviation Personalities

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