Henley RC Model fly in 2019
By Stefan Coetzer
As always the first weekend in march is for any RC aircraft fan the Henley fly in and as the years before it lived up to expectations. it brought together pilots from different walks of live as well as different skill levels

The fly in started with the usual run through of the rules and regulations of the day. This event was the first event that encourages the weight rule of 25KG max weight for the planes but, luckily all planes was under the maximum weight. Shortly after the pilots briefing the pilots start to line up to get a spot to fly.

We had everything from jets to something as plain as a small electric foamy. The event also had one of the best scale planes in the world owned by Devon Lambrecht. His de Haviland Vampire powered by a 14kg Tomcat turbine is always a big attracts at events like this. We also had a few youngsters flying everything from a stick to something as easy as a foamy

Also present were some of the large scale aerobatics guys showing us what to expect from them this year. This was one of the last events before Henley airfield and family event hosts the 2019 combined power nationals from the 27th of April to the 2nd of May. As always Henley's facilities was top class with them offering catering and helicopter flips.
