Plan Your Weekend……..Forthcoming Events…….Aviation News

Worldwide Incidents and Accidents……This Week in Aviation History

5-10: Gliding Training Week. Wanted to learn to fly a glider and soar? Kranskop Gliding Club is hosting a gliding training week towards a Glider Pilots License at Brits Airfield. Details: Estimated Gliding Costs for the week: R 7 000.00 Deposit of R 5 500.00 secures a booking. Contact Bennie du Plessis for bookings and enquiries Email: bennie@geotesting.co.za

7: EAA Chapter 322 meeting. Dicky Fritz Moth Hall Edenvale. Contact: clive.king@tariff.co.za or kevinmarsden88@gmail.com

8-11: SAMJA Jet Weekend at Henley. Contact Stan stan@fincham.co.za

9-11: EAA Sun 'n Fun Brits Airfield. Contact Marie Reddy 083 259 7691

10: EAA Sun n Fun Adventure Rally - Brits. Contact Rob Jonkers e-mail: rob@aerosud.co.za Cell:082 804 7032

17: Aero Club of South Africa awards dinner 17h00 onwards. Contact E-mail:

3rd Saturday of every month. Microland. Bring and braai. Fires and bykos provided. Fires start from 09h30. Contact person: Nick Swardt 082 441 8011 or Alan Hussey 072 82 2341

24: Springs Fun Rally - Springs Airfield. Free breakfast to all that fly in on the day. Not just rally participants. Contact e-mail: chairman@sapfa.co.za cell: 082 855 9435

1: Mozambique Airshow. Maputo international airport . Contact Gavin Neil mailto:gavin@haps.co.mz

1: SAAF Museum AFB Zwartkop open practise day. Officer Commanding Museum oc@saafmuseum.org.za 012 351 2290

1 to 2: Sport Aerobatics ACE of Base Brits Contact Annie Boon E-mail:

5: EAA Chapter 322 meeting. Dicky Fritz Moth Hall Edenvale. Contact: clive.king@tariff.co.za and kevinmarsden88@gmail.com

3rd Saturday of every month. Microland. Bring and braai. Fires and bykos provided. Fires start from 09h30. Contact person: Nick Swardt 082 441 8011 or Alan Hussey 072 82 2341

8: International Civil Aviation Day at Nelspruit airfield. Contact Pappie Maja Cell: 083 451 2627 e-mail: majap@caa.co.za

8. WAA breakfast fly-in. RSVP

8: SA Landing Championships. Brits Airfield. Contact Ron Stirk melron@mweb.co.za 082 445 0373

27: St. Francis Fly In. 28 Dec as a reserve day in case of bad weather. Contact Regards Barry Culligan 083 611 3333

19 & 20: SAC Gauteng Regionals at Vereeniging airfield . Contact Annie Boon e-mail: chunge@mweb.co.za

26: SAPFA Rand Airport Challenge - Rand Airport. Contact Frank Eckard cell: 083 269 1516 e-mail:

The Aviation Radio Show; get all your questions answered in one place. To listen to a recording of the live broadcast click on the link:


Employees of The Airplane Factory (TAF) woke up before dawn on Sunday morning and to head to FNB Stadium Soweto, where they joined more than 5,000 other people at the start of the Soweto Marathon People's Race before they worked their way through the 42, 21 and 10 km run. It was the Soweto Marathon's 25th edition. In all, more than 35,000 runners participated over various distances throughout Soweto.

Backed by TAF, many of these 165 previously disadvantaged employees have seen the direct benefits of this activity within the workplace. It both motivates and unites, while for some runners, it is a first-time opportunity. Physical fitness, it would seem, is a bonus. While running at this level can be exhausting, it also sharply focuses the mind.

The Airplane Factory based in Eikenhof, Gauteng, are manufacturers of Sling Aircraft. Founded in 2006, they originally consisted of just two employees, its founders, Mike Blyth and James Pitman. Today, it is a multi-million international corporation. Although their global network includes Sling Aircraft official distributors and dealers worldwide, it is their staff count of 165 at Head Office in Johannesburg alone that they count as one of their greatest achievements.

TAF, recognising the benefits of running, are actively encouraging their staff to participate in this activity. They are regular participants in the Orlando Marathon Race Against Cancer as well as the FNB Fun Run but while fun is the name of the game, safety is their number one priority. "The single most important thing for us at TAF is to encourage our staff to participate in this activity whilst remaining injury free," explains HR Manager, Danielle Pentz. "We encourage running and if our factory staff are injured, it's game over for a while in terms of our manufacturing business. The correct gear is of utmost importance and an area we do not compromise in any aspect." All apparel and footwear are sponsored, ensuring their staff are fitted in the correct running gear at zero cost.

Andrew Pitman, Managing Director of The Airplane Factory, says he has always loved running.. "For me running is the quickest and easiest way to remain fit and healthy. I suppose what I especially like about running is that no expensive equipment is required to partake, making it an easy sport for anyone to get involved in." More South-Africans are hitting the road in their running shoes, many for reasons of health and general wellbeing.

"Running is nothing more than a series of arguments between the part of your brain that wants to stop and the part that wants to keep going. The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare and that finishing a marathon for the TAF Athletics Club confirms our high standard of commitment " Says Roland Maweja, team captain of the TAF Athletics Club.

For Sonaca Production Manager, Branko Brkljac, a run every morning means stretching himself that extra mile. A year ago, he opted to start running purely to better his health and this was a sport that needed very little by way of equipment. He would run 5 km a day until he began pushing himself to run further for longer, leading to a renewed focus in his goals. Now he concentrates on rhythm, footwork and pace during his runs. "It helps me strategize towards the immediate goal, which is the next step, and this tactic works in the factory during pressure periods," he says.

Factory worker, Daniel Ndaambi says running marathons in a group makes it that more fun while Shepard Ganu says running has improved his workplace relationships. "It helps me work as a team. We push each other to get better and faster. This has made us more efficient at work."

Even the shorter distances offer participants a sense of achievement. "I've never been a runner but when I completed the Soweto Marathon last year, I felt I'd achieved something I'd never done before," says TAF receptionist, Helen Kgomo. "It's made me more alert, I can focus better, energy levels are higher and so is mental toughness. Give me a challenge and I can overcome it. That's what running has taught me."

No matter the distance, there is one thing all participants have agreed on. There is something almost deeply meditative about the activity. Running has taught the mind to be patient as Andrew Pitman has discovered for his staff. "Endure the journey however painful or difficult it may be and always set goals! It builds perseverance and teaches you to never give up.'' With the recent establishment of the TAF Athletics Club, it seems there is no stopping these go-getters, both in the air and on the ground.


Airbus today released The Great Enabler: Aerospace in Africa - a White Paper on the role of aerospace technologies and their impact on socio-economic development in Africa. Photo © Airbus.

The extensive report looks at how different segments of the industry can address a core set of challenges on the continent by: increasing access to healthcare; enhancing food security by making African agriculture more competitive and sustainable; promoting education, training and innovation; empowering businesses with innovative products and solutions; and breaking down barriers to the movement of people and goods across Africa.

The report was officially launched at a special summit convening African government officials, policymakers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, intergovernmental bodies and multilateral development organisations in Toulouse, France.

"The aerospace industry offers solutions to many of the socio-economic challenges Africa is facing on the path to sustainable development. A paradigm shift from thinking about aerospace as an isolated industry to a key enabler of socio-economic change is necessary to realise its benefits for a prosperous future. That is what this White Paper is aiming at, by highlighting different ways in which aerospace technology can support social and economic development in Africa," said Mikail Houari, President Airbus Africa Middle East.

The white paper analyses the role of aerospace technologies in sectors with the greatest possible impact on social and economic development including manufacturing and industrialisation, civil aviation, agriculture, healthcare and humanitarian assistance:

• On manufacturing and industrialisation, many African countries are final consumers in the global aerospace value chain. Joining the ranks of producers in this value chain is challenging for many but not impossible. The examples of Africa's current leaders in aerospace - South Africa, Tunisia and Morocco - demonstrate the complexities but also the opportunities for African countries to develop aerospace manufacturing and industrialisation capacity. Key among these opportunities is Africa's potential demographic dividend, which will be achieved by investing in its youthful and increasingly techno-savvy population.

• In the aviation sector, the key question remains how to connect people to markets and goods in a faster, cheaper and more efficient way in order to maximise the sector's role as an economic engine and a vehicle for greater integration in Africa.

• Agriculture is perhaps the most consequential pillar of the continent's sustainable development. However, despite employing more than 60 percent of Africa's population, the sector contributes only about 15 percent of the continent's GDP as underlying challenges persist. Aerospace technology such as precision farming could potentially reverse this situation by enabling farmers to produce more with less.

• Access to healthcare is still a challenge for many rural populations. While building on the existing technologies in the sector - such as air ambulances - new technology will further change the dynamics of access to medical care and emergency response in terms of quantity, distance and data collection.

The report also stresses the need for clear government policies to harness the power of aerospace technology, concluding with key recommendations on human capital development, partnerships and financing.

The research was based on 30 in-depth interviews with a cross-section of stakeholders including: African Union Commission, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, African Development Bank, United Nations World Tourism Organisation, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Kenya Red Cross, International Air Transport Association

African Airlines Association, South African National Space Agency, Nigeria's National Space Research and Development Agency, Airbus Bizlab, Farmerline, Air Mauritius, Air Seychelles, Congo Airways, Fastjet, Overland Airways, Aerosud, Denel Aerostructures, Lazard, MARA Group, One2Five Advisory, Ag.Aviation Africa, ch-Aviation


Over the years, Van's Aircraft has endeavoured to expand and refine our manufacturing processes and capabilities. We do this to enhance our product line, thereby providing our customers increased value. Photo © Vans Aircraft.

In keeping with our desire to deliver the best quality at a reasonable price, Van's Aircraft is excited to announce that it is establishing its own aircraft assembly facility and team at its company headquarters in Aurora, Oregon. Future RV-12iS and RV-12-iST SLSA aircraft models will be assembled and delivered at this new facility.

Synergy Air has been Van's assembly partner since the launch of the RV-12 SLSA program and has done a tremendous job for Van's and our customers. As Synergy Air continues its expansion into and emphasis on the builder-assist arena, we are excited to continue to work together to create opportunities that will expand the RV fleet and the Van's Aircraft family.

What exactly is happening? Why?

RV-12 SLSA airplanes will now be built and delivered by Van's Aircraft at its Aurora, Oregon facility. Several years ago, Van's set out to implement a comprehensive SLSA program. Synergy and Van's partnered to build out the various components of the complete SLSA program, which incorporates design, manufacturing, a comprehensive safety program in conjunction with the FAA, support, marketing and aircraft assembly/build. Synergy worked with Van's from the onset of the program to apply their expertise related to the marketing and aircraft assembly portions of the program.

The natural evolution and success of both businesses has brought us to where we are today: Synergy has become even more focused on the business of assisting Van's Aircraft's customers in building their RV airplanes. As the SLSA program has matured, Van's has expanded its workforce and capabilities to include marketing and aircraft construction. This change represents the next logical step in both companies' successful business growth.


After the successful introduction of the PAL-V's production model earlier this year at the Geneva International Motor Show (GIMS), Kuwait will have the honour to be the first to have their entirely dedicated PAL-V premiere. The PAL-V Liberty will be shown to the public for the very first time outside Europe in November.

Combining flying and driving in one vehicle has been a dream for the past one hundred years. The question no longer is, if a flying car will cruise the skies, but when. Since the GIMS, the overall interest toward the PAL-VLiberty by customers, Investors and media, has been beyond expectations some car journalist defined the PALVLiberty as the most feasible flying car in the pipeline. It looks like the world is eagerly waiting on who will be the first to be remembered in history as the flying car pioneer.

Fact is that PAL-Vis finalizing its last steps of preproduction certification: compliance demonstration. "It takesalot of testing to prove that the PAL-VLiberty complies with the regulations": said Mike Stekelenburg, PAL-V's Chief Engineer. He continues: "We deliberately chose to design, engineer and manufacture our flying car with proven instead of immature technologies, complying with existing road and air regulations (EASA and FAA). This approach focuses on safety and enables a realistic and imminent product delivery date."

"Iam honored and proud to be invited by the Dutch Embassy in Kuwait to come and to introduce the PAL-Vfor the first time to the Middle East": says Dingemanse CEO of PAL-V. Recent years, many government institutes and private persons in the region expressed particular interest in the PALVLiberty's capabilities and advantages. It opens the door to a new form of mobility, enabling a more effective policing, border control, coast guard and first aid.

According to Dingemanse, the potential in the GCC Is exceptional. It's the perfect region to demonstrate the versatile employment of the PALVLiberty. Oncefull certification is granted in 2020 PAL-V will hand over the keys of the PAL-VLiberty to the first customers. In the meantime, PAL-V's pioneer clients are Building experience at flying schools around the Globe in preparation for deliveries. For them, door to door FlyDriving is closer than ever.


easyJet's partner, Wright Electric, progress into next phase of development of its electric aircraft as easyJet looks to a future where it could establish electric 'flyways' on key short haul routes. Photo © easyjet.

easyJet confirms progress towards its strategy to progressively reduce carbon emissions and noise from its operations Wright Electric has applied for the patent on novel motor design for an easyJet-sized aircraft London - Amsterdam, Europe's second busiest route, is seen as a strong contender for full electric flying in the future

easyJet, Europe's leading airline, today has confirmed that progress has been made towards its strategy to progressively operate even more sustainably and reduce noise from aviation operations.

Partner and US start-up company, Wright Electric, has commenced work on an electric engine that will power a nine seater aircraft. Wright Electric partner Axter Aerospace already has a two seater aircraft flying, and the larger aircraft is expected to start flying in 2019. The prototype propulsion system for the nine-seat aircraft is four times more powerful than the system installed on the two-seat aircraft. Work will commence on an easyJet-sized aircraft by aircraft designer Darold Cummings.

Wright Electric has also filed a patent for a motor that will be used in the larger aircraft. This exciting development suggests that the transition towards an all-electric commercial passenger jet capable of flying passengers across easyJet's UK and European network is in sight. London - Amsterdam is Europe's second busiest route1 with a strong demand for day return trips, potentially making it an ideal route for all electric plane flying, or what easyJet is calling an electric 'flyway'.

Pioneering has always been a core element of the airline's strategy and since 2000 easyJet has reduced its carbon emissions per passenger per kilometre by over 32%.

Johan Lundgren, CEO of easyJet, commented from Amsterdam-Schiphol:"We know it is important to our customers that we operate sustainably and with the introduction of A320neos, we can already provide a 15% reduction in carbon emissions and 50% less noise footprint, putting us amongst the best-ranking airlines in Europe.

"Looking forward, the technological advancements in electric flying are truly exciting and it is moving fast. From the two seater aircraft, which is already flying, to the nine seater which will fly next year, electric flying is becoming a reality and we can now foresee a future that is not exclusively dependent on jet fuel."

"The target range of the electric plane is around 500 kilometres which, within our current route portfolio, would mean a route like Amsterdam to London could become the first electric 'flyway'. And as it is currently Europe's second busiest route, this could in turn offer significant reductions in noise and carbon emissions, with multiple take offs and landings every day.

We think the Netherlands has an opportunity to lead the way if the Government and airports encourage airlines to operate in the most sustainable way now and in the future and incentivise them through a different and lower charging structure."

Jeffrey Engler, CEO of Wright Electric, added:"We are excited about what the next year holds. easyJet has been a fantastic partner, and we look forward to helping introduce low-emissions low-noise aviation to Europe."

easyJet carried 22 million passengers since its very first flight from Amsterdam to London in 1996, now flying up to 22 flights a day which account for 34% of the total airline's capacity out of Amsterdam and a very popular service for day return trips.

With an average of 1.8 million passengers a year and a record high load factor of 93% on the route, the airline, soon to be the largest A320neo operator in Europe, takes responsibility for reducing its environmental impact and will continue to encourage airports to promote initiatives to attract the quietest and cleanest aircraft.


São Paulo, Airbus Helicopters' Brazilian customer centre, Helibras has just delivered the world's first ACH145 Line to the Brazilian company Bodepan Empreendimentos Agropecuários e Imobiliários. This is the fourth Airbus aircraft acquired over the last 26 years by Bodepan, which has already operated several models, including the EC135. Photo © Airbus.

With more than 220 aircraft operating worldwide, the H145 has consolidated worldwide and is strongly reaching the Brazilian market with a proposal of comfort, technology and versatility. "Inquiries about the aircraft have been growing, especially after the last LABACE, when we presented the first H145 in Brazil. This helicopter is the best biturbine in its category", says Jean-Luc Alfonsi, Helibras Vice-President of Business and Services.

"We are very pleased with the acquisition of this new model in terms of performance, space and design. The ACH145 will enable us to make our journeys more comfortable and carrying more passengers. As operators since 1992, we have full confidence in the brand", states Mr. Odílio Bergamini.

The ACH145 Line, previously known as ACH Stylence, features increased ergonomic comfort, acoustic insulation and innovative design. Its sliding doors provide easy passenger access and its spacious cabin allows for a variety of internal configurations. The luxurious interior of the delivered aircraft features 9 or 10 seats in perforated leather in tonal harmony with the carpets, special painting in the cabin and state-of-the-art digitally-controlled air conditioning.

In addition to the shrouded tail rotor (Fenestron) and new engines (Arriel 2E), one of the big advances compared to the previous version of the aircraft (EC145) is the new concept of man/machine interface optimized through the Helionix™ digital avionics package,4-axis autopilot linked to the Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC), which significantly reduces the crew's workload.

Since its launch in 2017, Airbus Corporate Helicopters is setting new standards in corporate and VIP helicopter aviation focusing on quality, exclusivity and customer -experience supported by a global network of wholly-owned and approved service centres.


Thailand, The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) has taken delivery of its seventh and eighth H225M (previously known as EC725) multirole utility helicopters. Photo © Airbus/Anthony Pecchi

Since 2012, the RTAF has placed orders for a total of 12 H225Ms under its fleet modernisation programme. Belonging to a contract signed in 2016, these new additions will join the air force's existing fleet of six H225Ms for combat search and rescue, search and rescue flights and troop transport missions.

The 11-ton-catergory twin-turbine H225M is relied upon as a force multiplier by many air forces worldwide thanks to its outstanding endurance and fast cruise speed. Featuring state-of-the-art electronic instruments and the renowned 4-axis autopilot system, the multirole helicopter may be fitted with various equipment to suit any role. Close to 90 units are currently in service in six countries across the globe, surpassing the 100,000 flight hour milestone.

Hare International Airport: An admittedly intoxicated American Airlines baggage handler fell asleep on the job and ended up flying from Kansas City to Chicago in the belly of a Boeing 737. The employee, who works for American subsidiary Piedmont Airlines at Kansas City International Airport, was working on the ramp for American Flight 363 when he apparently took a nap inside the cargo hold before the flight. No one noticed him missing, and the plane took off with the worker in the forward cargo hold, airline and law enforcement officials confirmed. He told law enforcement officials he was intoxicated and fell asleep. The baggage handler was not charged with a crime and flew back to Kansas City on another American flight.

USA, Beekmantown: A Aerospatiale AS 355F2 Ecureuil operated by Catalyst Aviation crashed during a flight preparing to install a fibre optic cable alongside powerlines. The helicopter was consumed by a post-crash fire and the 4 occupants were transported to hospital with unspecified injuries. Two have reportedly died.

Argentina, Buenos Aires: A LATAM Brazil Airbus on a flight from Sao Paulo Brazil to Santiago Chile, was enroute at FL300 about 50nm south of Posadas, (Argentina) deviating around weather when the aircraft encountered turbulence and hail causing both windshields to crack and a damaged nose cone. The crew descended the aircraft to FL240 and diverted to Buenos for a safe landing.

USA: Chalk Bluff Park, Uvalde, TX: A Bell 206B made a fatal crash under unknown circumstances in the vicinity of Chalk Bluff Park off HWY 55, Uvalde County, Texas. The rotorcraft sustained unreported damage. At least one woman died. No further information was available at the time of publication.

USA, Hawaii: The pilot of HA144 aborted take-off at Lihue Airport after one of the Boeing 717 aircraft's engine malfunctioned during the take-off roll. The flight crew stopped the aircraft on the runway and passengers were notified of a "major engine malfunction." Emergency vehicles were asked to meet the plane as a precaution. Passengers and crew safely disembarked and were accommodated on other flights to Honolulu.

USA, Gander, Alaska: A Jazz de Havilland Dash 8-300with 50 people on board, was climbing out of Gander when the crew stopped the climb at 6000 feet due to an uncommanded feather of the right hand propeller. The crew shut the right hand engine down and diverted to Deer Lake,NL (Canada) due to Gander being at Weather Minimums. The aircraft landed safely in Deer Lake.

31 OCTOBER 1933

Air France is founded.

Air France was formed on 7 October 1933 from a merger of Air Orient, Air Union, Compagnie Générale Aéropostale, Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne (CIDNA), and Société Générale de Transport Aérien (SGTA).

During the Cold War, from 1950 until 1990, it was one of the three main Allied scheduled airlines operating in Germany at West Berlin's Tempelhof and Tegel airports. In 1990, it acquired the operations of French domestic carrier Air Inter and international rival UTA - Union de Transports Aériens. It served as France's primary national flag carrier for seven decades prior to its 2003 merger with KLM.

Air France operates a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing widebody jets on long-haul routes, and uses Airbus A320 family aircraft on short-haul routes. Air France introduced the A380 on 20 November 2009 with service to New York City's JFK Airport from Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport. The carrier's regional airline subsidiary, HOP!, operates the majority of its regional domestic and European scheduled services with a fleet of regional jet aircraft.

Midweek Update

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