CC Milne Pocock-Bush and Mountain Flying third Edition Revised

By Willie Bodenstein

Subtitled 'Advanced Techniques and Procedures for the Backcountry' CC's 3rd revised edition published in the USA where he is now a resident is not just for the bush pilot but can be applied to every day flying.

Even if you never intended to become a bush pilot or fly in remote mountainous areas the information contains in this book will definitely make you more knowledgeable, leading to you to become a much safer, more proficient and skilled pilot in general.

Its 271 easy to read pages covers every imaginable subject starting with which aircraft is most suitable for outback flying and ending with electrical and avionics fault diagnostics and repairs.

Chapter two, on mountain flying cover amongst others wind and turbulence, mountain waves, false horizons, point of no return canyon turns and myriad more subjects that is essential reading for all pilots.

Chapter three on emergencies has a section on returning to the runway after engine failure, emergency spin descent through cloud, recovery from a spiral dive and forced landings.

There are chapters covering survival techniques and procedures, camping, navigation and the technical aspects of both reciprocating and turbine engines as well sections on in-flight engine operating malfunctions.

CC, who for 15 years ran Advanced Bush and Mountain Flying Courses on his airport at Baberton now reside in Nevada in the USA. In May 2015 the US Federal Aviation Administration Safety Team accredited his courses and approved him and Bush Air as a training provider.

CC with a copy of his book camping as part of the Valdez AirVenture Invitational Stol Challenge during Oshkos 2018. CC finished 3rd overall in the heavy class.

More than 600 pilots consisting of Light Sport Pilots, Private Pilots, Commercial Pilots, Airline Pilots, Instructors and Examiners from all over the world have attended his Advanced Flight Training.

Bush and Mountain Flying is available directly from the author.
Simply e-mail or go to

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