SAMAA Nationals - 27 April to 1 May 2018
By Bennie Henning
Henley Model Airfield and Family Entertainment hosted the annual Aerial Concepts SAMAA Combined Power Nationals from 27 April to 1 May 2018 at their well-kept airfield south of Henley-on-Klip.
The main reason of a Combined Power Nationals is to create an opportunity to grow the competitive aspect of each Special Interest Group (SIG) of R/C aircraft modelling at an affordable level.

The South African Model Aircraft Association (SAMAA) and eight (8) SIG groups organised the event, comprising of MAASA (R/C pattern ship aerobatics), SAMPRA (Pylon Racing), SAMJA (Jets), NASA (Scale), LSA (Large Scale Aerobatics), F3/N-SA (Helicopters), FLY-FPV-SA (Drones) and SAMPE (Parachutes).

Aerial Concepts and owner Dean Grobbelaar sponsored the cost of the Nationals to enable SAMAA and the SIG organisers to present the Nationals with a limited budget allocated to them while keeping the entry fee the same as the year before.

The competition comprised each day of competitive flying in each category with two runways shared sequentially and alternatively by SIG's with minimum change-over time between rounds.

To ensure the validity of the competition, three entries in each class constitute a competition. Less than three entries, the participants will competebut no trophies were awarded, only certificates of participation were awarded.

Day 1, the Unlimited LSA Round 1, F3/N-SA Helicopters Round and Intermediate and Advanced LSA Round 1 events were observed. On the last day NASA Scale F4H Round 3, LSA Intermediate and Advanced Round 4 and an individual LSA Freestyle Round to end the Nationals were observed.

LSA Aerobatic Rounds consisted of a known sequence that is flown in 3 rounds and can be practiced beforehand with a maximum of 1000 points available each round. Each class also receives an unknown sequence that they can only practice on the ground on the day given by either a "stick aeroplane" or walking the sequence and then be flown for the first time in the appropriate round. These unknown sequences were given to classes sequentially over the 2nd, 3rd and 4th day of the Nationals.

Scale flying was also flown where take-off, landing and classic aerobatic manoeuvres were judged by precision and within a certain given time span. Unlimited / 3D aerobatics were also allowed 4 minutes of flight and could have been done on the sound of music, which is a big favourite among the spectators.

During the Nationals prizes and trophies were given as the different SIG's completed their rounds. The last day was no different, LSA aerobatics 3rd, 2nd and champions in their different classes were awarded certificates and trophies.

Chris Zurinskas 1st Unlimited LSA (Large Scale Aerobatics).

Roland Suhrmuller 2nd Intermediate LSA.

Joshua Bakker 1st Intermediate LSA.

Danie Potgieter 1st Advanced LSA.

Cliff Chen 2nd Unlimited LSA.

Owen Vuyk 2nd Freestyle LSA.

Joshua Twomey 1st Freestyle LSA.
Presenter: Bruce Clarke from Natal (Judge).