SAGPA Report 2017-18
By Yolandé Combrinck

The South African Gyroplane Associations main focus is to promote gyroplane flying and serve as the recognized voice for gyroplane aviation in South Africa. SAGPA represent the interest of our members by providing input on matters that might affect the gyroplane general aviation and commercial aviation industry, therefore it has been a very busy year for the SAGPA Committee and it is going to be as very busy, if not more, in 2018.

Photo © Letsatsi
The Committee spent many hours in meetings and workshops, together with other section ARO's (Aviation Recreational Organisations) and Aeroclub, to preserve the freedom of flight for our members due to announcement that RAASA, as administrator of Recreational Aviation, functionality is being returned to the SACAA end of March 2019.

The view on the decision made and taken by SACAA differs from individual to individual. All we can say is that the decision has been made and we have to focus on the possible positive opportunities for the ARO's together with Aeroclub and its members that have arisen from this decision.
During several industry collective meetings with SACAA, a "working together" relationship has been established between industry representatives like the section ARO's and Aeroclub with SACAA, this relationships has shown a very positive outlook. It is relationships like this that will ensure the freedom of flight is preserved in a safe environment without onerous legislation.

Photo © Letsatsi
SAGPA will always seek legislative matters to be effortless, manageable that will ensure safety at all times, and we will pursue remedies to cut down on red tape for our membership.
It is therefore important that our members consult with SAGPA regarding any applications and or requests to or from SACAA, in order for us to assist and streamline the process, feedback and turnaround times.

We as the Gyro section representative ARO deal on a daily basis with the SACAA and it is our responsibility to stay up to date with the latest legislation, requirements and developments. SAGPA should be our member's first port of call when dealing with the authority; this will ensure a healthier relationship between our members and the authority, as we can assist with a short quality and compliance check on any requests our members have with or from SACAA.
The year 2018 is dedicated to the relationships and building of bridges with the SACAA rather than breaking it down. We ask our members to assist and support us in building our relationship with our regulator SACAA, Aeroclub and our fellow ARO's.

Proposed Regulations under Project 24
RAASA proposed this new regulations Part 55 & 56 (NTCA Maintenance Organisations and Approved Persons) in the beginning of the year and submitted to CARCOM, this new proposed regulations was referred back to a ASO Sub-Committee, it was again presented "as is" in November 2017.

SAGPA sent a letter to CARCOM and Aeroclub where we expressed our view on Part 55 & 56. It is our opinion that the tabled regulations are not workable, manageable nor achievable in the current AP working environment and that we need to unpack what we already have in place in terms of regulations, policies and procedures and the AP Scheme do a GAP analysis and then present a workable and manageable solution. We do not believe in over regulation of our NTCA Industry we can still create a controlled and safe environment by keeping things simple but safe.
There will be a ASO-Subcommittee Workshop in the first quarter of 2018 to determine the status of Part 55 & 56, we will keep our members updated on the outcome.

Photo © Letsatsi
Any other proposed regulations under Project 24 that might be proposed for 2018, will be verified using the same verification criteria as SAGPA used for Part 55 & 56, we will bring in our internal industry experts to access all regulations that might affect our gyroplane industry.
One World, One Standard, One Gyroplane License
SAGPA together with SACAA has taken on a project to re-look at the entire gyroplane regulations in terms of recreational operations and commercial operations.

SAGPA has put together a team of experts within our industry to assist with this project and once we have a final draft we will present this to industry for comment and feedback.

SAGPA is looking at the UK online training syllabus, as guidance, to standardize our ground schooling, training syllabus and also possible cut down on the paper and administration for both student and instructor seeking a paperless environment where possible for our Aviation Training Organisations (ATO's)
Approved Persons
It is noticed that since 2013 there is a major decline in new approved persons for our gyroplanes.

SAGPA is looking at ways and means and working with industry to see how we can put a program and or platform together to preserve the current experience out there when it comes to the maintenance of our different aircraft types and the transfer of that training.
We are still researching in obtaining insurance that will cater for the approved person charging for his work. In the meantime SAGPA is busy with the developed of an "Admin Toolkit" for our AP's. It is not yet completed, but once completed we will arrange a AP Seminar/Workshop and work through this toolkit to equip our AP's to minimize the legal liability, until such time we have more information on the insurance in the AP commercial environment.

SAGPA is also now working with the other ARO's like MISASA that will utilize the tools in order to streamline the structures, processes and procedures within the AP environment of today.
We have decided to have a North Meet South every second year, in order for us to get the attendance numbers we anticipate. The 2019 SAGPA North meet South dates is not out yet, but we are planning for it to happen in the Northern Cape in May 2019. It will again be a Fly-in not to be missed and we ask that you please attend.

The SAGPA Awards will also take place in November 2018 at Kitty Hawk, the date of this event will be communicated to our members once finalized
You will be receiving correspondence from Helanie to assist us with the nomination for the awards.
SAGPA together with the other ARO's are working on putting together industry related information workshops and seminars that will include matters to develop tools, support, growth and strength within our AP's and Instructors.

Photo © Letsatsi
SAGPA has a solid committee with a lot of internal expertise to take our association to the new heights in 2018.
Thank you to our members for your support, as without membership we will not be able to ensure your freedom of flight with your gyroplane.
Please feel free to contact any of the Committee Members, should have any questions, queries, suggestions or just to say hallo!
Kind Regards
Yolandé Combrinck