Fisantekraal Airfield (FAFK)
By Simon McDonnell
Fisantekraal Airfield (FAFK) is an ex SAAF airfield built around 1943. The Airfield originally served as a base for Lockheed Ventura bombers. It is located approximately 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) northeast of Durbanville and has been in private ownership since the mid-nineties.
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Fisantekraal Airfield serves as a general flying airfield, and is a favourite for flight training in the Cape Town area. Most of the local flight training schools visit Fisantekraal for circuit and emergency training, as does the Red Cross Air Mercy Services' Pilatus PC-12 from Cape Town International (FACT)
The airfiield is located on 150 ha and originally had four runways. Only two remain operational: RWY23/05 and RWY14/32. The old taxiways and other runways are no longer used, but are still visible from overhead. The airfield was transferred to the local municipality sometime in the 1960s, and it was sold to a private owner in 1993.
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Several Television Series and Movies have been shot at Fisantekraal over the years.
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I visited today as one of the Flight Training facilities was having an 'open day' but found the airfield looking somewhat delapidated, with buildings & hangars in varying degrees of disrepair. The few flight-schools who make the airfield home maintain their rented premises themselves, but the common property is in serious need of maintenance. It is quite sad that this picuresque airfield with such history should be allowed to fall into such a state.
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