Handiflight- The biggest fly-in of disabled pilots

South African, Mike Lomberg from Cape Town has been chosen as one of three primary pilots to participate in the Handiflight round the world tour.

"Handiflight", a non profit association, was born in Gruyère (Switzerland) in 2007. It has since become the biggest fly-in of disabled pilots from all around the world; a unique opportunity to share experiences and enjoy flying in the beauty of Swiss Alps.

After 10 years of solid success, Handiflight is inverting its normal actions : the event will fly around the world and meet disabled aviators in their own skies, explore new horizons and look for new challenges.

The goals of Handiflight is:
#Strengthen the global network of disabled aviators all around the world in collaboration with the FAI and local flying clubs.
#Set new challenges and fly, once in a lifetime, in the most amazing and challenging areas on the planet.
#Promote "aero-therapy" and inspire new people in the countries visited.
#Contribute to change the perception of disability by "abled" people.
# Promoting ecological & economical sport aviation and values such as commitment, team spirit & fellowship

During the world tour the pilots will visit the following countries: Switzerland - Italy - Greece - Egypt - Saudi Arabia - UAE - Oman - India - Myanmar - Thailand - Indonesia - Australia - New Zealand - Norfolk Island - New Caledonia - Vanuatu - Futuna - Samoa - Cook Islands - Polynesia - Gambier Islands - Easter Island - Robinson Crusoe Island - Chile - Peru - Ecuador - Columbia - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Mexico - USA - Canada - Greenland - Iceland - Great Britain - France - Switzerland

For more information go to www. handiflight.com

Events 2017
Aero Club of South Africa

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