Oshkosh AirVenture 2017 Day 3

By Wille Bodenstein and Juri Keyter

Video summary

Its day three at AirVenture and weather permitting, time for the first night airshow. Unfortunately, despite the best laid plans of mice and men, the afternoons show was cut short because of rain. By late afternoon the weather cleared and the evenings show started in perfect weather but was suspended halfway due to low clouds comming in.

The show paid tribute to the Doolittle Raid and featured the U.S.A.F. B-1B, Paradigm Aerobatic Team, Aero shell Aerobatic Team flying T-6 Texans, Greg Shelton and Ashley Key's wing walking display in the 450 Super Stearman, the/ Patriot Parachute Demo Team, and Matt Younkin in the Beech 18. This year the aviation community also celebrates Lindbergh 90th Anniversary - flying Spirit of St. Louis.

Photo Scott Slocum

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels arrival earlier overhead heralded the team's first ever full team performance at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh planned for the Friday show. The team's first demonstration is to be followed by another show on Saturday and a non-aerobatic performance on Sunday.

To see some real heavy metal up close one only need to walk to the Boeing Plaza. Situated close to the main gate and opposite the flight line it is the place to be if you want to tour through one of the numerous aircraft on display. On display this year where amongst others Boeings Massive B52 and diminutive weird looking YL-15 as well as Rockwell's B1B and North American's A-10.

Time flies when one is having fun and it's hard to believe that we only have four days left at the world's biggest gathering of aircraft. However, the best is still to come. The B-2 Stealth Bomber is still to arrive and the Blue Angeles's much anticipated demonstrations are sure to draw the crowds in their thousands.

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Oshkosh 2017
Events 2017

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