84 Aircraft Visit The Heidelberg Breakfast Fly-In

By Juri Keyter

Good organization by the friendly aviators at Heidelberg resulted in an impressive 84 visiting aircraft during the Heidelberg breakfast fly-in on Saturday 4 August 2012. It just shows you that when members of a flying community work together, the results are always enjoyable, exciting and most of all, A SUCCESS!! The event was scheduled to celebrate the new Heidelberg clubhouse and the runway extension with another whopping 140 meters.

From early in the morning aircraft started arriving ranging from microlights, motorised gliders, many homebuilt & factory built aircraft types and some aerobatic performers.

While everyone enjoyed a juicy breakfast, Good Year Aviation kept the wheels turning with another selfless contribution at this non-commercial event and entertained us with some exhilarating moments and precision flying by the Good Year Pitts team led by Dennis Spence.

Some serious faces when the Heidelberg flying club presented their invitation to the EAA of South Africa to host the 2013 EAA Convention at Heidelberg. Although there was no decision made, this is certainly something the EAA will consider. The facilities at Heidelberg are good with lots of parking and camping space. But one thing is for sure, we are all hungry for fly-in events and maybe it is time for us to consider a huge fly-in, something we have never seen before. Ten years ago we saw more than 400 aircraft at Margate and I am convinced that if all the flying clubs, EAA chapters and other aviation organizations combine forces and work towards such an event, it could and would be possible. Unfortunately someone has to initiate and manage this and the burden of such a huge task will probably not attract many volunteers.

The day was casual and aviation chat was what it was all about. It is always nice to see pilots from other clubs, listen to their ideas, look at their aircraft and this day was no exception.

Aircraft started to depart just before lunchtime and I am sure that the visit to Heidelberg was well worth it to every pilot who attended. I will certainly be back next year!!!

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Events 2012

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